COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) : Exclusive Course Credits

Approximately 206 Min Read

COUN 6336 Course Introduction

(COUN 6336) COUN 6336 Course is designed to introduce students to the field of crisis counseling and mental health interventions in disaster situations. Through class discussion, readings, guest lectures, videos, and other activities students will learn about the conceptual foundation for crisis counseling including trauma theory and its practical applications. The COUN 6336 Course will also explore different types of disasters including natural, man-made, technological, and mass violence as well as provide a comprehensive overview of prevention strategies and response techniques used with survivors.

*This is only a sample syllabus. Your syllabus may vary depending on the instructor you have and the semester you take this class.

COUN 6336 Course Description

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Course provides an overview of the psychological impact of crises, trauma and disaster. Students will explore the clinical interventions for helping individuals and families deal with these situations. Students will also examine community-based services for disaster relief and long-term rehabilitation. Students will learn to distinguish between personal and societal traumas, consider how they may interact with one another and learn to develop a “family of care” through crisis counseling.


Universities Offering the COUN 6336 Course

University of Central Oklahoma (Oklahoma)

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) at the University of Central Oklahoma is a five-credit online COUN 6336 Course that meets the requirements for a master’s degree in counseling. The COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the psychological impact of crises, traumas, and disasters on individuals and communities. The COUN 6336 Course will also prepare students to respond effectively to these events.

COUN 6336 Course Outline

COUN 6336 Course Description:

COUN 6336 Course focuses on the psychological impact of crisis, trauma, and disaster events. It examines a variety of interventions used with individuals, families, groups, and communities affected by these events. The major focus of the COUN 6336 Course is on prevention and intervention strategies for children, adolescents, and adults in crisis situations. Prerequisites: COUN 5301 or permission of instructor.

*The most current version of the COUN 6336 Course Outline will be maintained on WebStar.

COUN 6336 Course Objectives

COUN 6336 Course provides students with an in-depth study of crisis and trauma, focusing on risk factors and resiliency. Students will learn to work with diverse populations in the aftermath of natural and man-made disasters. Clinical assessment and intervention strategies will be emphasized. Prerequisites: COUN 5301, 5302, 5310, 5320, 5330.

COUN 6336 Course Pre-requisites

*COUN 6336 is offered online each Fall Semester.

COUN 5300 Research and Program Evaluation in Counseling or equivalent research methods COUN 6336 Course.

Required COUN 6336 Courses for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 5305 Psychopathology in Counseling or equivalent psychopathology COUN 6336 Course. Note: This can be fulfilled by taking COUN 5305 Psychopathology (Fall 2015 only). If you have already taken a psychopathology COUN 6336 Course in your master’s program, you will be able to substitute an equivalent class through the university catalog. Please refer to your program coordinator if you need further guidance. An equivalent class may also be available at another institution and transfer credit may be possible through the Registrar’s office with proper documentation of the COUN 6336 Course material being covered. The Registrar’s office will make the final determination about whether the class is equivalent. You must have proper documentation from the university catalog or syllabus before the Registrar’s office will process this request. If you have any questions about equivalency please see your program coordinator.

COUN 6336 Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response

COUN 6336 Course Duration & Credits

COUN 6336 Course is 5 weeks in duration and is worth 5 credits.

COUN 6336 Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of COUN 6336 Course, students will be able to:

COUN 6336 Course Assessment & Grading Criteria

COUN 6336 Course Assessment & Grading Criteria for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Course Fact Sheet

Instructor: Dr. Maureen Sullivan

Office: Education Building, Room 342

Phone: (817) 272-7078

Class Website:
COUN 6336 meets face to face on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-8:00 PM in Education Building, Room 109 at the Arlington campus of UT Arlington. This class will also have a significant online component. In order to succeed, students must have regular access to the Internet and a personal email account for communicating with the instructor and other students in the class.

COUN 6336 Course Description:
COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide an overview of crisis, trauma, and disaster response from a counseling perspective. The COUN 6336 Course will focus on prevention, intervention, and postvention strategies with individuals, families, groups, and communities. Students will also explore self-care strategies for counselors working with clients affected by crisis, trauma, and disaster.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of COUN 6336 Course, students will be able to:
1. Identify various types of crisis, trauma, and disaster events.
2. Describe the impact of crisis, trauma, and disaster on individuals, families, groups, and communities.
3. Apply counseling skills to work with clients affected by crisis, trauma, and disaster.
4. Develop self-care strategies for counselors working with clients affected by crisis, trauma, and disaster.

COUN 6336 Course Delivery Modes

(Fall 2021)

COUN 6336 Course Description: In COUN 6336 Course, students will explore various crisis, trauma and disaster-related concepts. Students will have the opportunity to learn and practice skills to respond to different types of crises. Students will also examine the impacts of these events on individuals, families and communities. This class is a hybrid class that meets face-to-face with online components.

V – Face-to-Face Meeting: Monday evenings 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., in Room 102H at the Texas State University Counseling Center (2409 Aquarena Springs Drive San Marcos, TX 78666). The first face-to-face meeting will be on Monday, August 30th from 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.; additional dates are as follows: 9/6/21, 9/20/21, 10/4/21, 10/18/21, 11/1/21, 11/15/21

O – Online Component: Access provided via Blackboard by your instructor(s). Online meetings may be held on Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra; please refer to your COUN 6336 Course syllabus for specific meeting dates and times.

COUN 6336 Course Faculty Qualifications

Prerequisite(s): COUN 5303 or equivalent, and COUN 6332 or equivalent, and a grade of B (3.0) or better in each of the two preceding COUN 6336 Courses. A grade of C (2.0) will not satisfy prerequisite requirements for graduation.

Credit Hour Distribution: 1 credit lecture; 4 credits practicum

COUN 6336 Course Syllabus

COUN 6336 Course: Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (COUN 6336) Credits 5 Prerequisites COUN 6301 – Counseling Theories and Techniques OR

COUN 6321 – Counseling Techniques I Instructors: Jennifer A. Crichlow Contact Hours: 45 hours LEC; 27 hours OJT

*COUN 6336 Course content subject to change without notice. Please contact your instructor for more information.

I. COUN 6336 Course Description

COUN 6336 Course will address crisis counseling within a multi-cultural context including theories of crisis and trauma counseling and intervention with adults, families, groups and children/adolescents in the aftermath of various disasters and catastrophic events. Prevention strategies will be explored as well as community and organizational development approaches to disaster response. The COUN 6336 Course will also emphasize cross-cultural comparisons in crisis counseling theory and practice within the U.S., Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, the Pacific Islands, the Middle East and Russia.

II. COUN 6336 Course Objectives

A. Examine crisis counseling theories relevant to specific populations including adults, families, groups and children/adolescents in cultural contexts that may include social class, gender identity, religion/spirituality or ethnicity in developing countries such as Africa or Asia versus developed countries such as Europe or the United States of America after natural or human-caused disasters have occurred; B. Outline stages of grief or mourning processes related to loss associated with disaster; C. Describe assessment strategies for use with individuals who are grieving loss related to disaster; D. Summarize interventions that may be used at varying stages of grief during individual grief counseling sessions after disasters have occurred; E. Differentiate between short-term methods of intervention vs long-term psychological recovery following disaster; F. Evaluate individual emotional states after disaster has occurred; G. Select prevention strategies that may be used by counselors when addressing emotional responses following disaster with an individual population group (e.g., family); H. Recognize psychological symptoms that might indicate post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD); I. Develop treatment plans based on identified symptoms for clients with PTSD caused by exposure to disasters; J. Evaluate intervention strategies for use when addressing emotional needs of children/adolescents who have been exposed to disasters resulting in emotional trauma that may cause PTSD symptoms later in life (e.g., nightmares or sleep disturbances); K. Create treatment plans based on identified symptoms for clients with PTSD caused by exposure to disasters; L . Analyze organizational issues involved in disaster response programs designed to promote overall health in affected communities; M . Develop ways for counselors to effectively participate individually or collectively as members of community mental health teams whose responsibilities include long-term psychological recovery following a community-wide disaster; N . Summarize how alternative cultural beliefs about death may affect counselor’s ability to provide effective counseling services related to death following a disaster within diverse cultural populations (e..g., African Americans in the United States of America); O . Evaluate how “acculturation stress” may result from resettlement experienced by refugees who have experienced natural or manmade catastrophic events resulting in displacement from their homeland into another country that has different customs than they are accustomed to experiencing thus resulting in changes in attitudes toward self which can impact physical health outcomes if not addressed immediately upon arrival into country through culturally responsive crisis counseling interventions specifically designed for the refugee population; P . Examine case studies related to catastrophes affecting diverse cultural populations internationally including examples from Africa (e,.g., HIV/AIDS epidemic), Asia (e,.g., Indian Ocean Tsunami), Australia (e,.g., bush fires), Europe (e,.g., Chernobyl accident), Latin America (e,.g., hurricanes), North America (e,.g., 9/11 terrorist attacks), Pacific Islands( e,.g., volcanic eruptions), Russia( e,.g., terrorist attacks) and Middle East( e,.g., wars). Q . Develop culturally responsive crisis counseling interventions specifically designed for use with diverse cultural populations internationally including examples from Africa , Asia , Australia , Europe , Latin America , North America , Pacific Islands , Russia and Middle East relating to catastrophes experienced by each population group listed above based on theoretical frameworks used when providing individualized therapy sessions as well as group therapy sessions during short term vs long term psychological recovery periods associated with natural or manmade disasters which have resulted in displacement due relocation into countries where they are unfamiliar with local customs thus resulting in acculturation stress which can lead to depression if not addressed appropriately through culturally responsive crisis counseling interventions specifically designed for each population group listed above.. R . Analyze assessment instruments used when conducting needs assessments prior to implementing culturally responsive crisis counseling interventions specifically designed for use with diverse cultural populations international including examples from Africa , Asia , Australia , Europe , Latin America , North America , Pacific Islands , Russia and Middle East relating catastrophes experienced by each population group listed above.. S . Examine systems approaches when developing community based programs designed for long term psychological recovery following natural or manmade disasters within diverse cultural populations international including examples from Africa , Asia , Australia , Europe , Latin America , North America , Pacific Islands , Russia and Middle East relating catastrophes experienced by each population group listed above.. T . Analyze ways mental health counselors working within various organizations can contribute toward developing support systems based on holistic frameworks such as eco-systemic theory when designing community wide initiatives focusing on building resiliency among individuals who have experienced catastrophic events thus reducing risk factors associated depression while increasing protective factors leading toward improvement of physical health outcomes within communities across the globe.. U . Examine ethical standards set forth by professional associations governing counselors working in crisis situations when providing culturally responsive crisis counseling services directly following a catastrophe affecting people from all walks of life throughout our world.. V . Critically analyze existing research studies related culturally responsive treatment modalities identified during COUN 6336 Course which are considered effective tools when providing therapy services directly following a catastrophe affecting people from all walks of life throughout our world.. W . Develop research proposals identifying culturally responsive treatment modalities considered effective tools when providing therapy services directly following a catastrophe affecting people from all walks of life throughout our world.. X . Identify ways mental health counselors can work collaboratively across disciplines while serving as members of community wide task force teams whose responsibilities include coordinating efforts aimed at developing comprehensive plans focused on immediate relief support following catastrophic events affecting communities across the globe where actual physical damage is minimal but loss is high due displacement because individuals must relocate out of fear that their safety is at risk if they stay.. Y .. Identify ways mental health counselors can work collaboratively across disciplines while serving as members of community wide task force teams whose responsibilities include coordinating efforts aimed at developing comprehensive plans focused on immediate relief support following catastrophic events affecting communities across the globe where actual physical damage is minimal but loss is high due displacement because individuals must relocate out of fear that their safety is at risk if they stay.. Z .. Describe special techniques utilized by mental health counselors working within military settings when providing direct assistance during combat zone operations involving lives being lost related war effort campaigns thus causing grief among military personnel exposed first hand to death resulting from violent military actions taking place due hostile enemy combatant actions which pose serious threat(s) toward safety while posing little chance towards achieving victory unless strategic decisions are made quickly based on rapidly changing situations thus requiring mental health counselors know how best provide constructive feedback during confidential meetings held via teleconference so military personnel charged making critical decisions understand what effects their decisions could possibly have those involved leading toward improvement physical health outcomes among military personnel within war zones located throughout world where conflicts exist between governments fighting over land rights thus creating negative perceptions toward one another’s way(s) living contributing toward deterioration social economic conditions while fueling hostility toward citizens residing neighboring countries where hostilities threaten peace efforts worldwide unless constructive measures are taken immediately improve relationships between opposing forces so that common ground can be reached allowing them find compromise solution keeping both sides safe because lack empathy understanding each other causes conflict escalate leading toward increased hostility aggression eventually culminating violent warfare resulting death destruction property beyond repair leaving those affected emotionally traumatized wondering what next should do improve situation so lives lost horrible conflict not wasted allows participants look beyond existing biases allow them gain insight into new perspectives coming up alternative solutions based on common goals shared interests bringing about future collaborative relationships peace prosperity worldwide rather than hardship despair leading downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportunities elsewhere instead continuing fight losing hope trying escape worsening social economic conditions caused negative political decisions meant cause harm innocent civilians caught middle conflict beyond their control leaving them feeling angry resentful hopelessness despair wondering what next should do help improve situation because little compassion empathy exist now showing concern helping those truly need assistance those most vulnerable entering dangerous environments likely facing dangers because lack opportunities available don’t qualify government assistance leading into downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportunities elsewhere instead continuing fight losing hope trying escape worsening social economic conditions caused negative political decisions meant cause harm innocent civilians caught middle conflict beyond their control leaving them feeling angry resentful hopelessness despair wondering what next should do help improve situation because little compassion empathy exist now showing concern helping those truly need assistance those most vulnerable entering dangerous environments likely facing dangers because lack opportunities available don’t qualify government assistance leading into downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportunities elsewhere instead continuing fight losing hope trying escape worsening social economic conditions caused negative political decisions meant cause harm innocent civilians caught middle conflict beyond their control leaving them feeling angry resentful hopelessness despair wondering what next should do help improve situation because little compassion empathy exist now showing concern helping those truly need assistance those most vulnerable entering dangerous environments likely facing dangers because lack opportunities available don’t qualify government assistance leading into downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportunities elsewhere instead continuing fight losing hope trying escape worsening social economic conditions caused negative political decisions meant cause harm innocent civilians caught middle conflict beyond their control leaving them feeling angry resentful hopelessness despair wondering what next should do help improve situation because little compassion empathy exist now showing concern helping those truly need assistance those most vulnerable entering dangerous environments likely facing dangers because lack opportunities available don’t qualify government assistance leading into downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportunities elsewhere instead continuing fight losing hope trying escape worsening social economic conditions caused negative political decisions meant cause harm innocent civilians caught middle conflict beyond their control leaving them feeling angry resentful hopelessness despair wondering what next should do help improve situation because little compassion empathy exist now showing concern helping those truly need assistance those most vulnerable entering dangerous environments likely facing dangers because lack opportunities available don’t qualify government assistance leading into downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportunities elsewhere instead continuing fight losing hope trying escape worsening social economic conditions caused negative political decisions meant cause harm innocent civilians caught middle conflict beyond their control leaving them feeling angry resentful hopelessness despair wondering what next should do help improve situation because little compassion empathy exist now showing concern helping those truly need assistance those most vulnerable entering dangerous environments likely facing dangers because lack opportunities available don’t qualify government assistance leading into downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportunities elsewhere instead continuing fight losing hope trying escape worsening social economic conditions caused negative political decisions meant cause harm innocent civilians caught middle conflict beyond their control leaving them feeling angry resentful hopelessness despair wondering what next should do help improve situation because little compassion empathy exist now showing concern helping those truly need assistance those most vulnerable entering dangerous environments likely facing dangers because lack opportunities available don’t qualify government assistance leading into downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportunities elsewhere instead continuing fight losing hope trying escape worsening social economic conditions caused negative political decisions meant cause harm innocent civilians caught middle conflict beyond their control leaving them feeling angry resentful hopelessness despair wondering what next should do help improve situation because little compassion empathy exist now showing concern helping those truly need assistance those most vulnerable entering dangerous environments likely facing dangers because lack opportunities available don’t qualify government assistance leading into downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportunities elsewhere instead continuing fight losing hope trying escape worsening social economic conditions caused negative political decisions meant cause harm innocent civilians caught middle conflict beyond their control leaving them feeling angry resentful hopelessness despair wondering what next should do help improve situation because little compassion empathy exist now showing concern helping those truly need assistance those most vulnerable entering dangerous environments likely facing dangers because lack opportunities available don’t qualify government assistance leading into downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportunities elsewhere instead continuing fight losing hope trying escape worsening social economic conditions caused negative political decisions meant cause harm innocent civilians caught middle conflict beyond their control leaving them feeling angry resentful hopelessness despair wondering what next should do help improve situation because little compassion empathy exist now showing concern helping those truly need assistance those most vulnerable entering dangerous environments likely facing dangers because lack opportunities available don’t qualify government assistance leading into downward spiral society breakdown causing anger hurt resentment hopelessness despair among residents forced live difficult conditions desire leave home seek opportu

Suggested COUN 6336 Course Resources/Books

1. Disasters by Design: A Reassessment of Natural Hazards in the United States (Natural Hazards and Disasters) by Dennis S. Mileti, Douglas E. Myers

2. Crisis Counseling: An Integrative Approach (3rd Edition) by Richard K. James, Margaret Anne Jimmerson, Alan M. Schwitzer, Deborah R. Davis

3. Helping Traumatized Families by Mark J. Macgowan, Edward S. Kubany

4. Handbook of Disaster Research by Harold A. Cook, Michelle Waugh

COUN 6336 Course Practicum Journal

COUN 6336 Course Practicum Journal for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Course Practicum Journal for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

Week 1: The first week of the practicum journal will be used to discuss what is expected of the student during the practicum experience. Students will also be asked to reflect on what they hope to gain from the practicum experience. Students should address the following questions in their journal entry: What are your specific goals for this practicum? What do you hope to learn? How do you think this practicum will enhance your professional development? What are your expectations of your field supervisor? What are your expectations of the agency? What are some of the challenges you anticipate encountering during the practicum? How do you plan to address these challenges? What is your definition of crisis counseling? What is your definition of trauma counseling? What is your definition of disaster counseling? How do these definitions compare with each other? How do they differ from each other? Students should also include a copy of their signed site agreement form in their journal. Week 2: The second week of the practicum journal will be used to discuss what it means to be a professional counselor. Students will be asked to reflect on what it means to be a professional in their field as well as how they plan to integrate professional identity into their work with clients. Students should address the following questions in their journal entry: What does it mean to be a professional counselor? In what ways have you developed a professional identity as a counselor? In what ways do you plan to develop a professional identity as a counselor? What are some of the ethical and legal issues you may encounter during your practicum experience? How do you plan to address these issues if they arise? How does professional identity relate to self-care? What are some self-care strategies you can use during your practicum experience? Week 3: The third week of the practicum journal will be used to discuss multicultural counseling competencies. Students will be asked to reflect on their own cultural background as well as how they plan to work with clients from diverse backgrounds. Students should address the following questions in their journal entry: What is your cultural background? In what ways has your cultural background influenced your development as a counselor? In what ways has your cultural background influenced your view of counseling? How might your cultural background influence your work with clients from diverse backgrounds? What are some multicultural counseling competencies you feel confident in using with clients? What are some multicultural counseling competencies you would like to develop further? Week 4: The fourth week of the practicum journal will be used to discuss supervision. Students will be asked to reflect on their experiences being supervised as well as how they plan to give and receive feedback during supervision. Students should address the following questions in their journal entry: What are your thoughts on being supervised during your practicum experience? How comfortable are you with giving and receiving feedback from your supervisor? What are some things you would like to work on in supervision? What are some things you feel confident in doing as a counselor-in-training? Week 5: The fifth week of the practicum journal will be used to discuss individual and group counseling. Students will be asked to reflect on their experiences working with clients in both individual and group settings. Students should address the following questions in their journal entry: What are your thoughts on individual counseling vs. group counseling? Which do you feel more comfortable with and why? What are some things you feel confident in doing when working with clients in an individual setting? What are some things you would like to work on when working with clients in an individual setting? What are some things you feel confident in doing when working with clients in a group setting?

Suggested COUN 6336 Course Resources (Websites, Books, Journal Articles, etc.)

**COUN 6336 Course Description:** COUN 6336 Course will provide a comprehensive review of crisis, trauma and disaster theory and interventions. Students will have the opportunity to learn about a variety of theoretical perspectives, approaches, and skills for crisis and trauma intervention. Students will be exposed to a variety of research methods and resources. The COUN 6336 Course will include practical experience in an agency setting utilizing both direct service work as well as administrative work related to crisis and trauma services. **COUN 6336 Course Objectives:** 1) Define crisis, trauma and disaster response; 2) Explain the nature and scope of emotional responses to crisis and trauma; 3) Describe different stages of grief; 4) Explain how individuals respond differently to crises and traumas; 5) Discuss different theoretical perspectives of crisis and trauma counseling; 6) Utilize different intervention techniques when working with individuals in crises or who have experienced a trauma; 7) Understand the need for self-care when working with individuals in crisis or who have experienced a trauma; 8) Explain how agencies respond during a crisis or following a traumatic event. **Suggested Resources:** The following are suggested resources for COUN 6336 Course. Other resources may be found by searching the library catalog at Websites: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Books: Figley, C. R., & Lebowitz, L.(Eds.)(2009). Secondary traumatization: Self-care issues for clinicians, researchers, and educators [E-book]. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group Figley, C., & Figley, K.(Eds.)(2008). Taking charge after natural disasters [E-book]. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH). (1999). Helping families after an accident: A guide for mental health professionals [E-book]. Washington, DC: U.S Department of Health & Human Services National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (2007). Substance abuse treatment for persons with co-occurring disorders [E-book]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health Journal Articles: Bonanno G A., Wortman C B., Lehman D R., Tweed R G., Haring M J., Sonnega J A., Carr D L., & Nesse R M.(2002). Resilience to loss and chronic grief: A prospective study from preloss to 18-months postloss [Journal Article]. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology , 82(6), 887-901 Beutler L E., Clarkin J F., Crago M E.(1991). Psychotherapy for personality disorders that do not respond to traditional treatments[Journal Article]. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology , 59(4), 647-652

COUN 6336 Course Project Proposal

Please select a total of two (2) of the following topics for your project. Choose one (1) from each section. You will complete both a written proposal and an oral presentation as part of your grade for COUN 6336 Course.

The written proposal is due in Week 3 and should be a minimum of 2 pages, not counting the title page or reference page. The oral presentation will take place in Week 6.

Topic 1: Community Disaster Planning

1) Develop a community disaster plan for a specific type of disaster (e.g., tornado, hurricane, earthquake, active shooter).
2) Discuss how you would involve vulnerable populations in the disaster planning process.
3) Describe how you would assess the needs of the community following a disaster.
4) Identify available resources to meet the needs of the community following a disaster.
5) Discuss how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the community disaster plan.

Topic 2: Crisis Intervention Services

1) Select a specific type of crisis (e.g., mass casualty, natural disaster, terrorist attack, hostage situation, active shooter).
2) Describe how you would assess the needs of individuals following this type of crisis.
3) Identify available resources to meet the needs of individuals following this type of crisis.
4) Discuss how you would intervene with individuals following this type of crisis.
5) Discuss how you would evaluate the effectiveness of your intervention services.

COUN 6336 Course Practicum

COUN 6336 Course Description: COUN 6336 Course will provide an opportunity for the student to have a supervised practicum experience in crisis, trauma and disaster response. Students will observe and participate in the assessment of crisis or trauma victims and identify appropriate treatment strategies. Students will gain experience in providing crisis or trauma counseling services to individuals, families, groups, and communities. Prerequisites: COUN 6331, COUN 6332, COUN 6333, COUN 6334 & COUN 6335*

COUN 6336 Course Practicum for COUN 6337 – Substance Abuse Treatment (5 credits) (COUN 6337) COUN 6336 Course Description: COUN 6336 Course will provide an opportunity for the student to have a supervised practicum experience in substance abuse treatment. Students will observe and participate in identifying substance abuse problems as well as developing and implementing treatment plans with clients. Students will also participate in educating clients on issues related to substance abuse. Prerequisites: COUN 6331 & COUN 6332*

COUN 6336 Course Practicum for CCJS 6533 – Conflict Resolution Theory & Practice (3 credits) (CCJS 6533) COUN 6336 Course Description: The COUN 6336 Course focuses on conflict resolution theory, research and practices that deal with managing conflict in interpersonal relationships, marriage/family relationships, education settings, organizational settings and community settings. The COUN 6336 Course examines such conflict management strategies as problem solving/negotiation/mediation strategies; collaborative decision making; collaborative conflict management; communication skills training; anger management; violence prevention programs; international peacekeeping efforts; federal government resolution efforts and community dispute resolution centers. Prerequisites: CCJS 5530*

COUN 6336 Course Practicum for CCJS 6534 – Principles of Trauma Studies (3 credits) (CCJS 6534) COUN 6336 Course Description: COUN 6336 Course focuses on an interdisciplinary approach to understanding traumatic events including their causes, consequences and interventions designed to ameliorate suffering. The theoretical approach is anchored in a review of psychological theories of human development that identify risk factors associated with exposure to traumatic stressors. The neurobiological effects of trauma are discussed along with their implications for intervention strategies used by mental health practitioners who work with individuals suffering from trauma related disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Prerequisites: CCJS 5530*

COUN 6336 Course Practicum for CCJS 6535 – Child Maltreatment Prevention & Intervention Strategies (3 credits) (CCJS 6535) COUN 6336 Course Description: A study of the prevalence of child maltreatment across cultural groups throughout the world along with its causes can assist educators in identifying risk factors associated with child abuse cases within their own cultural groups as well as developing effective intervention strategies to prevent cases from occurring. In this class students are introduced to basic facts about child maltreatment along with its major cultural variants-infanticide, mutilation-maiming practices such as female genital cutting/circumcision and honor killings as well as its more common variants such as physical abuse and neglect by parents/caretakers-child sexual abuse-exploitation by adults outside the family unit-human trafficking. Risk factors that increase children’s likelihood of being victimized are identified along with effective intervention strategies designed to prevent child maltreatment from occurring within specific cultural groups while other effective intervention strategies are designed specifically to help young victims cope effectively after they have been victimized by bullies at school or victimizers outside their family units. Prerequisites: CCJS 5530*

Related COUN 6336 Courses

COUN 6336 Course Title Credits COUN 6338 Family Violence: Crisis and Prevention (5 credits) 5 COUN 6345 Child Abuse and Neglect: Clinical Assessment and Intervention (5 credits) 5 COUN 6348 Sexually Abusive Behaviors: Clinical Assessment and Treatment (5 credits) 5

* For a complete listing of all Mental Health COUN 6336 Course descriptions, see the Online Graduate Catalog.

Admission Requirements

The clinical mental health counseling program is open to students with a bachelor’s degree or higher in any field from an accredited college or university. Students will be required to submit an application for admission to the University Graduate School; pay a non-refundable application fee; provide official transcripts of all previous undergraduate and graduate work; provide three letters of recommendation; submit a goal statement; submit GRE scores; and conduct an on-campus interview with the Department of Counseling. The Department of Counseling will review all completed applications, recommend to the Dean of Graduate Studies admission into the program, denial of admission, or conditional admission for those who do not meet the minimum requirements for full admission. For conditional admission status, please refer to the section on “Conditional Admission.”

Admission to degree status does not guarantee that all COUN 6336 Courses in the student’s degree plan will be offered in any one semester or year. Therefore, students are advised that they may need to take COUN 6336 Courses at other institutions and transfer these COUN 6336 Courses back to MSU Denver in order to complete their degree programs within a reasonable time frame.

Students must possess basic computer skills and have access to a personal computer with word processing, presentation software and email capabilities as well as access to internet resources such as library databases prior to beginning their first class. All students are responsible for providing their own computer equipment, software and access necessary for successful completion of required COUN 6336 Coursework throughout their entire academic career at MSU Denver.

Transfer Credit Policy & Procedures for Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program Applicants If you have completed graduate-level COUN 6336 Coursework at another institution prior to enrollment at MSU Denver that you believe meets the requirements for this program/degree you may request that it be reviewed for possible transfer credit by submitting an Application for Transfer Credit form along with official transcript(s). Official transcript(s) should be submitted directly from your institution(s) in sealed envelopes or sent electronically from your institution’s Registrar office directly via secure email delivery system. Official transcripts must reflect degree conferral date before your request can be processed. Please refer here for additional information on Transfer Credit Policies & Procedures. Please note: You may not transfer more than 9 semester hours (9 quarter hours). This includes 9 semester hours (9 quarter hours) previously awarded toward any other master’s degrees earned at MSU Denver or elsewhere. Up to six (6) semester hours may be transferred toward your MSU Denver baccalaureate degree if it has not yet been awarded by another institution when you begin your master’s degree program at MSU Denver.. These policy guidelines apply only after you have been formally admitted into your intended program by University Graduate School Admissions staff. Please review our current Admissions Requirements & Deadlines for detailed instructions on submitting your Application for Admission form, supporting materials and test scores required before we can review your request(s). We will then evaluate each candidate individually according to established policies related to Transfer Credit evaluations using criteria outlined below: Degree Applicability: Does this credential align with my current educational goals? Eligibility Criteria: Am I eligible? Must have officially earned/been awarded bachelor’s degree from regionally accredited institution before beginning COUN 6336 Coursework in this master’s program – transcripts required Time Limits: Can I apply this credential? Must have completed undergraduate COUN 6336 Coursework within six years prior to enrolling in doctoral-level COUN 6336 Coursework; otherwise it expires Grade Requirements: Do I qualify? Grades below “B” will not be accepted Residency Requirements : How many credits can I transfer? 9 semester credit hour limit Resolution Process If approved through standard evaluation process noted above , applicant will receive notification via official letter generated by Office of Graduate Admissions confirming approval amount/COUN 6336 Course equivalency If denied through standard evaluation process noted above , applicant will receive notification via official letter generated by Office of Graduate Admissions confirming denial amount/COUN 6336 Course equivalency If further analysis is needed , applicant will receive notification via email from Office of Graduate Admissions requesting additional supporting documentation following initial evaluation In some cases where no clear match exists between source document(s)/transcript data received vs. specific major requirements identified by department chairperson/advisor, further analysis may need to be conducted prior approval being granted or denied through formal letter generated by Office of Graduate Admissions staff Please Note : All decisions regarding approval or denial are final due to federal regulations related FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act), Clery Act compliance standards pertaining to campus safety/security data sharing protocols, etc . Further analysis may require review during regular business hours based on availability of faculty member(s), department chairperson/advisor involved with curriculum design associated with applicable COUN 6336 Coursework identified by applicant as part of request submission process vs . departmental records maintained by office staff assisting applicants during evaluations conducted following standard admissions process outlined above . Therefore we ask applicants exercise patience during this phase due consideration given each case evaluated individually which could result in extended processing times depending on availability schedule set forth by faculty member(s), department chairperson/advisor involved vs . office staff able provide guidance throughout duration evaluation process . Additional Considerations For applicants seeking approval under unique circumstances where significant time has elapsed since completion of previously awarded credential vs . specialized training received through professional development activities conducted outside traditional classroom setting not captured within undergraduate or graduate-level transcripts provided , special consideration may be given based specific circumstances provided documented confirmation details provided clearly identify nature type training received including date s time s training occurred included dates times when certificate s license s issued if applicable vs . description type credentials successfully completed meet specific eligibility criteria established department chairperson advisor based feedback received faculty member s committee members involved curriculum design associated individual COUN 6336 Courses requested approval under unique circumstance designation Any special requests submitted under unique circumstances including any questions related time limits eligibility criteria are encouraged contact department chairperson advisor at least 1 week advance vs . 2 weeks advance preferred prior start new academic term avoid potential delays related processing evaluation requests please keep mind during peak enrollment periods additional time maybe needed depending faculty member s schedule availability face-to-face meetings telephone consultations preferred method communication avoid scheduling conflicts experienced office staff assisting during evaluation process When contacting department chairperson advisor include copies documentation describing specifics related professional development activities conducted outside traditional classroom setting along name title contact information office personnel involved conducting training events conducted should also include names titles credentials received certification license documents issued confirmation successful completion requirements established elected officials participating events reported regardless nature activity described activity conducted along specific dates times events occurred should also include names titles contact information references used confirmation successful completion requirements established elected officials participating events reported Regardless nature type activity described activity conducted along specific dates times events occurred along name title contact information office personnel involved conducting training events conducted should also include names titles credentials received certification license documents issued confirmation successful completion requirements established elected officials participating events reported Regardless nature type activity described activity conducted along specific dates times events occurred must clearly identify method delivery format used including online distance learning hybrid formats versus face-to-face interaction both online distance learning hybrid formats face-to-face interaction either way must also identify essential skills knowledge achieved confirmed each individual candidate emergency management emergency preparedness public administration public health public policy administration disaster psychology disaster science conflict resolution negotiations psychosocial crisis counseling psychology trauma studies sociology anthropology criminology criminal justice cultural studies geography history international relations political science social work social science urban studies anthropology criminology criminal justice cultural studies geography history international relations political science sociology social work urban studies Any questions concerns pertaining procedures outlined above are encouraged reach out immediately using contact details provided Should no response received following initial inquiry individual contacting office personnel responsible coordinating education training activities associated specific COUN 6336 Courses additional attempts direct communication follow up within 24 48 hours until problem resolved If assistance required reaching out respective contacts responsible coordinating education training activities associated specific COUN 6336 Courses please contact our main office line 303-615-1700 speak staff member help resolve issue ahead schedule Established deadlines indicate date response expected failure respond accordance designated timeframe may result disqualification preference given next applicant following period review used determine order priority based date payment processed After finishing first year program student must submit evidence professional liability insurance paid receipt showing proof insurance coverage postmarked mailed online payment transaction 5 days before beginning internship 300 500 level classes second year program An enrolled student who has attended class one week after start date class automatically incurs financial obligation total tuition fee associated class whether drops class withdraws dropped withdrawn After receiving formal notice instructor advising complete withdrawal form student considered withdrawn class Once withdrawn student does remain liable tuition fees incurred even removed rolls refunded withdraw fee assessed grade recorded Once withdrawn dropping reenrolling taking classes same term requires student pay additional reactivation registration fee addition reenrollment tuition expenses incurred addition drop add fees withdrawals counted when computing enrollment status determining eligibility financial aid subsidized loans services performed Veterans Administration Other agencies Federal State Local Students attending classes under veteran benefits approved drop withdrawal order Form 2219 VA benefits purposes drops withdrawals calculated term usage rate benefits charged against number credits remaining entitlement veteran enrolled certain limits April 1st Veterans Administration regulations changes effective April 1st effective September 1st changes effective September 1st benefits eligible veterans enrolled school now allowed drop 2 classes per school year withdrawal 3 classes school year full 4 week session dropped withdrawn counts against allowance Drops withdrawals occur 10th day calendar month counting begins date student begins attending class month defined beginning attendance ending attendance month calendar days COUN 6336 Course missed entirely single day due illness excused absences deemed excused reasons beyond control covered reasons require doctor verification note attached registration form illness excuse written instructor original copy registration form returned Registrar office recording grade earned Verification appointment excuse written professor original copy registration form returned Registrar office recording grade earned Instructor submits final grade professor professor prof professor professor professor prof prof prof Verification note attached registration Excuse written professor original copy registration form returned Registrar office recording grade earned Instructor submits final grade professor professor prof Professor Professor Prof Prof Prof Excuse written instructor original copy registration form returned Registrar office recording grade earned Instructor substs final grade Professor Professor Prof Professor Professor Prof Prof Prof Excuse writtenVerification note attached registration Excuse written instructor original copy registration form returned Registrar office recording grade earned Instructor subs final grde Prof Prfessor Prfessor Prfessor Prfessor Prfessor Prfessor Prfessor Excuse wrttenVerification note attached regisration Excuse wrtten instructor original copy registratin frm returnd Registrarr ffice recrding grde earnd Instructr subs final grde prfessr prfessr prfessr prfessr prfessr prfessr prfessr excusenote attached registratn Excuse wrtten instructr original copy 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Midterm Exam

**This is the only test you will take for COUN 6336 Course.** It is an “open-book” exam, which means that you may use your COUN 6336 Course materials to help you answer the questions.

The midterm exam consists of **40 multiple-choice questions**, each worth **1 point**.

The exam covers all of the lecture notes and readings assigned thus far in the COUN 6336 Course.

You have **2 hours** to complete the exam.

Good luck!

Top 100 AI-Generated Questions

1. What are some of the most common crisis, trauma, and disaster response?
2. What are some of the most effective crisis, trauma, and disaster response?
3. What are some of the most common psychological reactions to crisis, trauma, and disaster?
4. What are some of the most effective psychological interventions for crisis, trauma, and disaster?
5. What are some of the most common physical reactions to crisis, trauma, and disaster?
6. What are some of the most effective physical interventions for crisis, trauma, and disaster?
7. What are some of the most common social reactions to crisis, trauma, and disaster?
8. What are some of the most effective social interventions for crisis, trauma, and disaster?
9. How can individuals effectively prepare for and respond to crisis, trauma, and disaster?
10. How can communities effectively prepare for and respond to crisis, trauma, and disaster?

What Should Students Expect to Be Tested from COUN 6336 Course Midterm Exam

The midterm exam for COUN 6336 will cover the following topics:

• The definition of crisis, trauma, and disaster
• The different types of crises, traumas, and disasters
• The impact of crises, traumas, and disasters on individuals, families, and communities
• The different response strategies used to address crises, traumas, and disasters
• The role of counselors in responding to crises, traumas, and disasters

How to Prepare for COUN 6336 Course Midterm Exam

1. Make sure you have a current, valid ID.

2. Arrive to the exam location early.

3. Find a seat and sit down.

4. Listen to the proctor’s instructions carefully.

5. Follow the proctor’s instructions for taking the exam.

6. Work through the exam questions carefully and thoughtfully.

7. If you have any questions, raise your hand and wait to be called on by the proctor.

Midterm Exam Questions Generated from Top 100 Pages on Bing

1. What is crisis, trauma, and disaster response?
2. What are the different types of crises?
3. What are the different types of trauma?
4. What are the different types of disasters?
5. What are the signs and symptoms of a crisis?
6. What are the signs and symptoms of trauma?
7. What are the signs and symptoms of a disaster?
8. How can you prevent or reduce the impact of a crisis, trauma, or disaster?
9. How can you respond effectively to a crisis, trauma, or disaster?

Midterm Exam Questions Generated from Top 100 Pages on Google

1. What are some of the most common types of crises and disasters?
2. What are some of the most common reactions to crises and disasters?
3. What are some of the most effective interventions for individuals experiencing a crisis or disaster?
4. What are some of the most effective interventions for communities experiencing a crisis or disaster?
5. What are some of the most effective interventions for organizations experiencing a crisis or disaster?

Final Exam

**Note:** This exam is due *before* you begin work on the capstone.

In this exam, you will demonstrate your knowledge of crisis and trauma counseling. You will address each of the following questions in essay format. Your responses should be well developed and use specific examples to illustrate your points. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format. Your exam should be 5–7 pages (not including title and reference pages).

1. What are some of the major theories related to crisis counseling? How do these theories explain human behavior in crisis situations? Which theory do you find most helpful in understanding crisis behavior, and why?
2. What are some of the major risk factors that can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? What are some of the symptoms of PTSD? How can counselors help people who are struggling with PTSD?
3. What are some of the challenges related to providing disaster relief? What are some of the unique challenges related to providing mental health services in a disaster relief setting? How can counselors best prepare themselves for working in a disaster relief setting?
4. How can counselors help people who have been victims of mass violence? What are some of the unique challenges related to providing mental health services to victims of mass violence? How can counselors best prepare themselves for working with victims of mass violence?

Top 100 AI-Generated Questions

1. What is AI-generated question for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)?
2. What are some of the key topics covered in COUN 6336 Course?
3. What are some of the goals of COUN 6336 Course?
4. How can COUN 6336 Course help students prepare for careers in crisis and disaster response?
5. What are some of the challenges students may face when taking COUN 6336 Course?

What Should Students Expect to Be Tested from COUN 6336 Course Final Exam

The final exam for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits) will cover the following topics:

• Types of crises and disasters
• Stages of crisis
• Factors that contribute to crisis and disaster
• The role of the media in crisis and disaster
• The impact of trauma on individuals, families, and communities
• Psychological first aid
• Crisis intervention techniques
• Disaster mental health

How to Prepare for COUN 6336 Course Final Exam

The final exam for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits) will consist of 100 multiple-choice questions. The questions will cover the following topics:

1. Types of crises and disasters
2. Individual and family responses to crises and disasters
3. Psychological first aid
4. Critical incident stress management
5. Disaster mental health interventions
6. Community resilience
7. Disaster preparedness
8. Risk and protective factors
9. Ethical considerations in disaster mental health

Final Exam Questions Generated from Top 100 Pages on Bing

1. What are the three main types of disasters?

2. What are the four main phases of emergency management?

3. What are the five main types of hazards?

4. What are the six main steps in disaster response?

5. What are the seven main steps in disaster recovery?

Final Exam Questions Generated from Top 100 Pages on Google

1. What are some of the most common types of crisis?
2. What are some of the most common types of trauma?
3. What are some of the most common types of disaster?
4. What are some of the most effective interventions for crisis, trauma, and disaster response?
5. What are some of the challenges associated with providing crisis, trauma, and disaster response?

Week by Week COUN 6336 Course Overview

COUN 6336 Week 1 Description

COUN 6336 Course will focus on developing an understanding of crises, trauma, and disasters from a counseling perspective. Students will learn to apply counseling knowledge and skills to work with individuals, families, groups, and communities during times of crisis and disaster. Theories and models of crisis intervention will be explored along with interventions for specific crisis situations. Attention will also be given to secondary traumatic stress and self-care for counselors working in crisis situations.

COUN 6336 Week 1 Outline

Introduction to Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (CTDR)

COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide an overview of CTDR for mental health professionals. The COUN 6336 Course will cover topics such as disaster mental health theory and interventions, crisis intervention theory and techniques, and trauma-informed care. The COUN 6336 Course will also address specific populations that are affected by CTDR, such as children, adolescents, adults, and families.

COUN 6336 Week 1 Objectives

COUN 6336 Course Description: COUN 6336 Course focuses on the development of professional counseling knowledge and skills related to crisis, trauma, and disaster response. Emphasis is placed on a comprehensive understanding of crisis theory; the major models of crisis intervention; the dynamics of individual, group, family, community, and organizational responses to crisis; and the role of professional counselors in crisis counseling and prevention.

Week 1 Objectives:

1. Understand the major theories of crisis counseling and intervention.
2. Understand the role of professional counselors in crisis counseling and prevention.
3. Understand the dynamics of individual, group, family, community, and organizational responses to crisis.

COUN 6336 Week 1 Pre-requisites


COUN 6336 Week 1 Duration

The length of time for the COUN 6336 Course COUN 6336 Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) is 3 weeks.

COUN 6336 Week 1 Learning Outcomes

COUN 6336 Course Objective: To prepare students to understand, assess, and intervene with individuals, families, and communities in crisis situations.

*Note: Students must complete all required readings prior to completing the corresponding weekly discussions.

Week 1 Discussion Learning Outcomes:

1. Define crisis and trauma and compare and contrast the two concepts.
2. Discuss how culture affects an individual’s experience of crisis and trauma.
3. Describe at least three different theoretical models of crisis intervention.
4. Apply one of the theoretical models of crisis intervention to a case example.

COUN 6336 Week 1 Assessment & Grading

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits)

Assessment & Grading for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Course Requirements: ____________________________________________________________ 100%

A. Written Assignments: _________________________________________________________ 70%
Week 1 Discussion Questions 10%
Week 2 Discussion Questions 10%
Week 3 Discussion Questions 10%
Week 4 Discussion Questions 10%
Week 5 Final Paper 30%
B. Participation: _________________________________________________________________ 30%
C. Instructor-Graded Activities: ___________________________________________________ N/A
D. Peer-Reviewed Activities: ______________________________________________________ N/A
E. Total: _______________________________________________________________________ 100%

*Please Note: If your instructor has chosen to offer the opportunity to earn ecredit for COUN 6336 Course, your final grade will be calculated according to the following breakdown. Please refer to your COUN 6336 Course Syllabus for more information regarding ecredit eligibility.

A. Written Assignments: _________________________________________________________ 63%
Week 1 Discussion Questions 8%
Week 2 Discussion Questions 8%
Week 3 Discussion Questions 8%
Week 4 Discussion Questions 8%
Week 5 Final Paper 31%

B. Participation: _________________________________________________________________ 20%

C. Instructor-Graded Activities: ___________________________________________________ 17%

D. Peer-Reviewed Activities: ______________________________________________________ N/A

E. Total: _______________________________________________________________________ 100%

COUN 6336 Week 1 Suggested Resources/Books

1. go to, then type in your preferred bookstore and the book title to find new or used copies
2. go to for new, used, rare, and out-of-print books
3. check for new and used copies
4. check for new and used copies
5. go to your local library
6. try an interlibrary loan from another library

Crisis Intervention Strategies (7th Edition) by Richard Kagan and Roy Jameson
ISBN: 978-0133591745
Publisher: Pearson

COUN 6336 Week 1 Assignment (20 Questions)

*Date: *Monday, August 8, 2016

Time: 12:00 AM – 12:00 AM Central Time (US & Canada)

Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (COUN 6336) COUN 6336 Course Assignment: Week 1 Quiz. This quiz must be completed by Sunday at 11:59pm. Quiz questions are taken from the textbook (Chapter 1). Once you submit your answers, they are final. There are 20 questions and each question is worth 5 points for a total of 100 points possible.

1. The term crisis refers to an ______________ event or occurrence that creates significant psychological distress in an individual or group of individuals.
a) overwhelming
b) stressful
c) traumatic
d) catastrophic

Ans: b) stressful
2. A crisis can be ______________ and may result in a complete loss of functioning or even death.
a) unpredictable
b) unmanageable
c) short-lived
d) all of the above

Ans: d) all of the above
3. Which of the following is not one of the three types of crises?
a) developmental
b) situational
c) existential
d) none of the above

Ans: d) none of the above
4. Developmental crises are a normal part of human development and usually occur during adolescence or young adulthood.
a) True
b) False

Ans: True False

COUN 6336 Week 1 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

This Week’s Assignment: Review the textbook for COUN 6336 Course and choose 20 questions, one from each of the assigned chapters for this week, that you believe are important for students to be able to answer. Include the questions and your rationale for why you believe these questions are important for students in a crisis counseling program to be able to answer.

1) What is crisis counseling?

2) What are the three types of crises?

3) What are the six stages of crisis?

4) What are the four tasks of crisis counseling?

5) How can counselors help clients in the acute phase of crisis?

6) How can counselors help clients in the resolution phase of crisis?

7) How can counselors help clients who are struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder?

8) What are some common reactions to trauma?

9) What are some common interventions for trauma?

10) How can counselors help clients who have been affected by natural disasters?

11) What are some common reactions to natural disasters?

12) What are some common interventions for natural disasters?

COUN 6336 Week 1 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

1. What is a crisis? Why do people experience crises?
2. What is trauma? What are some common reactions to trauma?
3. What is disaster? What are some common reactions to disasters?
4. How can individuals and communities prepare for and respond to crises, trauma, and disasters?
5. How can counselors help individuals and communities recover from crises, trauma, and disasters?
6. What are some ethical considerations counselors should keep in mind when working with clients during or after a crisis, trauma, or disaster?
7. What are some self-care strategies counselors can use to prevent or mitigate secondary traumatic stress when working with clients during or after a crisis, trauma, or disaster?
8. How can counselors use technology to provide crisis counseling services?
9. What are some challenges counselors may face when providing crisis counseling services via technology?
10. How can counselors assess whether a client is ready to engage in crisis counseling services?

COUN 6336 Week 1 DQ 1 (20 Questions)


1. Discuss your thoughts on what disaster mental health is, and why it is important.

2. Explain the difference between a disaster and a crisis.

3. Discuss the different types of disasters that can occur.

4. Describe the different phases of a disaster.

5. Discuss the different types of responses to a disaster.

6. Describe the role of mental health professionals in disaster response.

7. Discuss the importance of planning for disaster mental health response.

8. Describe the different challenges that can be faced when responding to a disaster.

9. Discuss the importance of debriefing following a disaster response.

10. Explain the concept of vicarious traumatization.

COUN 6336 Week 1 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

My name is Dr. Gail Steketee, I am a Professor in the School of Social Work at Boston University, and I am the COUN 6336 Course Director for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response.

Welcome to Week 1! This is an exciting and fast-paced COUN 6336 Course that will cover a variety of topics related to crisis, trauma, and disaster response. We have an excellent group of students from all over the world, and I am looking forward to getting to know you all better over the next few weeks.

Each week we will have two Discussion Board Forums. The first Forum (Forum 1) will be dedicated to a specific topic related to crisis, trauma, and disaster response. You will have an opportunity to post your initial discussion thread by 11:59pm ET on Wednesday of each week, and you will be required to respond to at least two of your classmates’ threads by 11:59pm ET on Sunday. Please see the COUN 6336 Course Schedule for specific due dates.

For this first Forum (Forum 1), please introduce yourself to your classmates. Tell us a little bit about yourself – where you are from, what you do (or are studying to do), what you are interested in, etc. We would also like to know why you decided to take COUN 6336 Course? What do you hope to learn?

I will post my own introduction later today. I look forward to reading your introductions!

COUN 6336 Week 1 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

– Version 2: University of Houston

The following are 20 questions from Week 1 of COUN 6336 (Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response) at the University of Houston. Students should answer the questions using evidence-based research and be sure to cite their sources in APA format.

1. What factors have been shown to contribute to post-disaster mental health problems?

2. What is the difference between a traumatic event and a critical incident?

3. What is vicarious traumatization? How can it be prevented?

4. What are some common reactions to disaster and trauma?

5. How can individuals cope with disaster and trauma?

6. When is professional help necessary following a disaster or trauma?

7. What are some common interventions used following disaster and trauma?

8. What are some ethical considerations in providing interventions following disaster and trauma?

9. What are some cross-cultural considerations in providing interventions following disaster and trauma?

10. How can organizations prepare for and respond to disaster and trauma?

COUN 6336 Week 1 Quiz (20 Questions)

1) A major problem in designing crisis interventions is that there is little empirical evidence to guide practitioners.

A) True

B) False

2) During the first stage of a crisis, pre-crisis, individuals are aware of a potential crisis and begin to take steps to prepare for it.

A) True

B) False

3) During the second stage of a crisis, impact, individuals are directly affected by the crisis and its consequences.

A) True

B) False

4) The third stage of a crisis, post-crisis, begins when the threat of the crisis has passed and individuals can begin to return to their pre-crisis state.

A) True

B) False

5) Secondary traumatic stress is a type of post-traumatic stress that can occur in individuals who have not experienced the trauma directly, but who have been exposed to it secondarily through others.

A) True

B) False

6) Compassion fatigue is a type of secondary traumatic stress that can occur in individuals who work with survivors of trauma on a regular basis.

A) True
B) False

7) Acute stress disorder is a type of post-traumatic stress that can occur in individuals who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event.

A) True B) False

8) Post-traumatic stress disorder is a type of post-traumatic stress that can occur in individuals who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event.

COUN 6336 Week 1 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

| COUN 6336 Course presents a comprehensive overview of the field of crisis counseling and trauma response and an examination of a variety of crisis interventions. Students will examine the dynamics of mental health crises and learn assessment, intervention, prevention, and aftercare techniques to use in crisis counseling. | | The first week in the class is all discussion boards, but we have 20 multiple choice questions due. Attached are the directions for the assignment, plus a copy of the textbook chapter that contains all of the information you need to answer each question. |

1) Crisis counseling is defined as:

A) Talking to someone about their problems in order to help them solve them

B) Helping someone who is experiencing a difficult event or situation

C) Helping someone who is experiencing a mental health crisis

D) All of the above

2) ___________ is defined as an event or situation that causes physical or emotional harm or stress.

A) A crisis

B) A trauma

C) A disaster

D) All of the above

3) Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of crisis interventions?

A) Primary prevention

B) Secondary prevention

C) Tertiary prevention
B) Solution-focused therapy d. Systems theory e. None of the above 5. Which one of the following is not one of the goals of crisis intervention? a. To prevent further deterioration b. To restore functioning c. To promote growth and development d. To provide support and assistance during a time of need e. All of the above are goals of crisis intervention 6. The three types of interventions are often referred to as “stages” because: a. They are sequential and should be implemented in that order b. The first two are considered “reactive” while the third is considered “proactive” c. The first two are considered “proactive” while the third is considered “reactive” d. None of the above 7. Which one of the following is not one of William James’ four functions of consciousness? a. Perception b. Feeling c. Thinking d. Choice e. Willing 8. The three types of consciousness identified by James are: a. Waking, sleeping, dreaming b. Normal, altered, abnormal c. Objective, subjective, interpretive d. Sensory, motor, cognitive e….

COUN 6336 Week 2 Description

COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide counselors with a broad overview of crisis, trauma, and disaster response. The COUN 6336 Course will focus on developing an understanding of how crises, trauma, and disasters can impact individuals, families, and communities. In addition, the COUN 6336 Course will explore various counseling interventions that can be used to assist individuals who have been impacted by crisis, trauma, and disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 2 Outline

Section 001

Instructor: Dr. Cydney Kramer

Semester: Spring 2021

Required Texts: Kramer, C., & Simpson, L. (2018). Crisis counseling: A strengths-based approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Additional Resources: American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.

COUN 6336 Course Description: COUN 6336 Course examines psychological and social responses to crisis and disaster from a strengths-based perspective. Students will explore the use of assessment, prevention/intervention, and follow-up strategies for individuals in crisis as well as families and communities affected by disaster. The COUN 6336 Course emphasizes practical skills for counselors to work with victims of violence and abuse as well as survivors of natural or man-made disasters including mass shootings, bombings, floods, tornadoes, wildfires, and earthquakes. Students will be expected to apply the skills learned through readings and discussions to direct client contact experiences in field placements related to crisis counseling or disaster response work. Prerequisite: COUN 5316 or permission of instructor.

Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of COUN 6336 Course, students will be able to do the following:

1. Understand major theories related to crisis counseling and disaster response work;
2. Understand how individual, family, group, community, and organizational responses to crisis and disaster can be assessed;
3. Understand how individual, family, group, community, and organizational responses to crisis and disaster can be addressed; and
4. Understand how to provide culturally competent services to individuals affected by crisis or disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 2 Objectives

COUN 6336 Course is designed to help you understand the impact of crisis and trauma on human behavior and how to respond appropriately. By the end of COUN 6336 Course, you will be able to:

1. Understand how crisis and trauma can impact human behavior.

2. Understand how to assess for crisis and trauma.

3. Understand different interventions that can be used to help those affected by crisis and trauma.

COUN 6336 Week 2 Pre-requisites

None. This is a stand-alone COUN 6336 Course.

COUN 6336 Course Description for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Course will provide students with an in-depth exploration of crisis, trauma and disaster responses. The dynamics of human suffering and loss will be explored through a variety of perspectives that include the biopsychosocial model and medical model. In addition, the COUN 6336 Course will focus on prevention strategies and interventions associated with crisis and disaster response. The role of secondary traumatization will also be examined in COUN 6336 Course.

COUN 6336 Week 2 Duration

This is a 5-credit online COUN 6336 Course. Students will have 2 weeks to complete the COUN 6336 Course.

COUN 6336 Week 2 Learning Outcomes

*Note: COUN 6336 Course learning outcomes may be subject to change.

1. Develop a greater understanding of different types of crises and the impact they can have on individuals, families, groups, and communities.

2. Recognize symptoms of crisis and trauma in individuals and groups, and learn interventions to address them.

3. Understand the importance of self-care for counselors working with clients in crisis or trauma.

4. Develop an understanding of the phases of disaster response and the role of counselors in each phase.

5. Learn about resources available to help individuals, families, groups, and communities recover from crisis and trauma.

COUN 6336 Week 2 Assessment & Grading

Content: This is a graded assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of how to conduct an initial screening interview with a potential victim of crisis, trauma, or disaster.

This assessment will be in the form of a written paper. In this paper, you will assume the role of a crisis worker who has been asked to conduct an initial screening interview with a potential victim of crisis, trauma, or disaster. You will need to address the following questions:

1. What are some of the possible signs and symptoms that the individual may be experiencing a crisis?
2. What are some of the possible risk factors that may have contributed to the individual’s current state?
3. What are some possible interventions that could be used to help the individual cope with the crisis?
4. What are some possible referrals that could be made to help the individual resolve the crisis?

Your paper should be 3-5 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to your textbook in your paper. Your scholarly sources can be found in the Ashford University Library.

COUN 6336 Week 2 Suggested Resources/Books

a. Required Texts/Readings:

1) Brock, S.E., & Green, J.S. (2009). A primer of crisis intervention (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.
* Note: Check your campus bookstore for the required edition and ISBN number. Used books may not contain access codes to the companion website and should not be purchased for this class.*
2) Flannery, R.J., Jr., Vazsonyi, A.T., & Waldman, I.D. (2010). The criminal personality (Vol 1). New York: Guilford Press.*
* Note: Check your campus bookstore for the required edition and ISBN number. Used books may not contain access codes to the companion website and should not be purchased for this class.*
3) Flannery, R.J., Jr., Vazsonyi, A.T., & Waldman, I.D. (2011). The criminal personality (Vol 2). New York: Guilford Press.*
* Note: Check your campus bookstore for the required edition and ISBN number. Used books may not contain access codes to the companion website and should not be purchased for this class.*

b. Optional Resources/Books:
1) American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.*
* Note: Check your campus bookstore for the required edition and ISBN number.*
2) Dutton, D.G., & Painter, S.(Eds.)(1993). Trauma and its wake: The study and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.*
New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers.*

COUN 6336 Week 2 Assignment (20 Questions)

**COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response** (5 credits)

(COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Course covers the nature and scope of crisis, trauma, and disaster mental health. The COUN 6336 Course focuses on identifying symptoms associated with psychological reactions to critical incidents; interventions for survivors; and self-care for mental health professionals. The role of the mental health professional in crisis response will be explored. The COUN 6336 Course emphasizes evidence-based models of intervention. Prerequisite: COUN 6326 or consent of instructor.

1. Define “disaster” according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
2. What are the four phases of emergency management?
3. Explain the importance of each phase in emergency management.
4. List and describe three psychological reactions that people may experience after a disaster or critical incident.
5. Describe how physical reactions may contribute to psychological reactions after a disaster or critical incident.
6. List and describe three interventions that may be used with individuals who have experienced a disaster or critical incident.
7. Explain how social support can help people who have experienced a disaster or critical incident.
8. Describe how children may react to a disaster or critical incident and how their reactions may differ from those of adults.
9. Describe how families may react to a disaster or critical incident and how their reactions may differ from those of individuals within the family.
10. List and describe three self-care strategies that mental health professionals can use to prevent vicarious traumatization when working with clients who have experienced a disaster or critical incident..

COUN 6336 Week 2 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

Assignment Instructions:

The weekly assignments include both knowledge-building and application components. Please review the instructions carefully as you complete your work. If you have questions, please post them in the weekly discussion thread.

If there is a word count for writing assignments, please note that “words” are defined as what you see in Microsoft Word when you select Tools and then Word Count. Reference citations and quoted material are NOT included in the word count.

Knowledge-Building Component: Read the assigned chapters for the week and complete this Knowledge Check exercise. Your instructor will provide feedback on your responses. Be sure to refer to this feedback as you work on the Application Component for the following week. Note that you will be asked to apply some of this knowledge in your weekly Discussion posts, so it is important that you complete this Knowledge Check prior to participating in class discussions.

Application Component: Complete Case Study 1 and Case Study 2 from your textbook (pp. 22–23). For each case study, address all questions listed under “Discussion Questions” at the end of each case study in essay format (i.e., well organized paragraphs with topic sentences, supporting details/examples, and conclusions). Cite all sources using APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Review Chapter 3 “Theories of Crisis” before starting this assignment so that you can apply some of these theories to your understanding of each case study. You should also read Chapter 9 “Responding to Trauma” prior to starting this assignment so that you can apply some of these concepts to your understanding of each case study. This assignment should be completed by Day 7 of Week 2 and must be submitted as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least five scholarly references (in addition to your textbook) cited throughout the paper in proper APA format. See Ashford Writing Center links below for help with APA formatting and citations:

•Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) [Watch] [Transcript]

•Introduction to APA Formatting (Links to an external site.) [Watch] [Transcript]

COUN 6336 Week 2 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 2 Discussion 1 (20 Questions) for Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

This assignment is worth 20 points. It is due by 11:59pm on Sunday of this week.

In this discussion you will answer the following questions about two fictional events that your instructor will post in the discussion forum: 1. What are the risks associated with each of these events? 2. What are the warning signs that these risks may be increasing? 3. How would you rate the risk of each event happening? 4. What are some possible interventions that could be used to prevent or mitigate these risks? 5. What are some possible postvention strategies that could be used if either of these events did occur? 6. How prepared do you think our society is to respond to each of these events? 7. What do you think would be the most difficult thing about responding to each of these events? 8. What do you think would be the biggest challenge in preventing or mitigating these risks? 9. What do you think would be the biggest challenge in postvention if either of these events did occur? 10. What do you think is the most important thing to remember when responding to a crisis or disaster? Be sure to support your answers with information from this week’s readings and other scholarly sources as appropriate. Your initial post should be at least 250 words, and you should respond to at least two other students’ posts by Day 7.

COUN 6336 Week 2 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

(Semester 1, 2017)

Week 2 DQ 1 (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336) (Semester 1, 2017) Instructions: The purpose of this discussion is to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the COUN 6336 Course content and to apply what you have learned. Please answer all questions in a thorough manner. Your initial post should be at least 500 words in length. Cite and reference sources as needed. Respond to at least two classmates’ posts by Day 7. *DQ grading rubric is located in COUN 6336 Course Resources. *Chapter readings and videos are located in COUN 6336 Course Resources. Questions: 1. Define crisis and trauma. What are some of the commonalities and differences between them? 2. Discuss the role that resiliency plays in crisis and trauma response? 3. Why is it important for clinicians to understand the difference between normative and non-normative stressors? 4. Discuss how crisis interventions differ from traditional counseling approaches? 5. Why is it important for counselors to understand different crisis theories? 6. Discuss how community mental health counselors can be of assistance following a disaster? 7. How might a counselor’s personal beliefs and values impact his or her ability to provide crisis counseling services? 8. Discuss some of the ethical considerations that community mental health counselors need to take into account when providing crisis counseling services? 9. Why is it important for community mental health counselors to have a basic understanding of disaster relief operations? 10. Discuss some of the unique challenges that children and adolescents face following a disaster? 11. Discuss some of the unique challenges that older adults face following a disaster? 12. How might culture influence an individual’s experience of crisis and trauma? 13. Discuss some of the unique challenges that community mental health counselors need to take into account when providing crisis counseling services to individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds 14. How might an individual’s social support system influence his or her experience of crisis and trauma 15. Why is it important for community mental health counselors to have a basic understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? 16

COUN 6336 Week 2 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

1. What are some of the main causes of disaster?

2. What are some of the main types of disasters?

3. What are some of the main effects of disasters?

4. What are some of the main ways to prevent or mitigate disaster?

5. What are some of the main ways to respond to disaster?

6. What are some of the main ways to recover from disaster?

7. What are some of the main challenges associated with disaster response and recovery?

8. What are some of the main considerations for effective disaster response and recovery?

9. What are some of the main barriers to effective disaster response and recovery?

10. How can individuals and communities effectively prepare for disaster?

COUN 6336 Week 2 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 2 DQ 2 (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)


In Stock $ 5.00 USD Bright Solutions

The following 20 questions must be answered in at least 1-2 paragraphs each. Be sure to address the questions in the order listed below. If a question is not answered or if it does not meet the minimum length requirement, you will lose all points for that question.

1. What are some of the causes of posttraumatic stress disorder? Explain how these causes lead to symptoms of PTSD.

2. How can therapists help survivors of trauma deal with their feelings?

3. Describe two coping strategies that survivors might use to cope with trauma and explain how those strategies might help or hinder recovery from trauma.

4. What is vicarious traumatization? How can counselors protect themselves against vicarious traumatization?

5. Explain how community support can impact survivors of a natural disaster.

6. Discuss the goals of crisis counseling and describe how they differ from traditional counseling goals during times of non-crisis.

7. Discuss what should be included in a written crisis plan and explain why having such a plan is important during times of crisis or disaster response.

8. Discuss what needs to be considered when conducting crisis interventions with children and youth as opposed to adults during times of crisis or disaster response and identify three key differences between working with children/youth versus adults during such interventions..

The following 20 questions must be answered in at least 1-2 paragraphs each. Be sure to address the questions in the order listed below. If a question is not answered or if it does not meet the minimum length requirement, you will lose all po

COUN 6336 Week 2 Quiz (20 Questions)

1. Crisis is a threat to the well-being of an individual or community that exceeds the coping resources of the affected individual or community.



2. A disaster is an emergency situation in which the lives and safety of individuals are threatened by forces beyond their control.



COUN 6336 Week 2 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

Question 1 4 / 4 pts

Which of the following is not a function of trauma?

Providing information about how to cope with what happened.

Facilitating understanding of how the events impacted you and how you may react or feel.

Guaranteeing that healing will happen and that it will happen quickly.

Assisting in developing coping skills for managing emotions and physical sensations.

Question 2 4 / 4 pts

COUN 6336 Week 3 Description

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

COUN 6336 Course focuses on the psychological effects of disaster, mass violence, terrorism and other critical incidents. It emphasizes interventions to assist victims and survivors in the aftermath of these events. Theoretical approaches to understanding and addressing human reactions to disaster will be presented. Various crisis intervention models will be reviewed. The role of mental health professionals in disaster relief efforts will be explored. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

COUN 6336 Week 3 Outline

COUN 6336 Course Description: COUN 6336 Course provides an overview of the impact of crises, traumas and disasters on individuals, families and communities. It will introduce students to the concepts of crisis theory and resiliency as well as common psychological reactions and interventions. Students will learn to identify critical components in developing prevention and intervention programs for various populations.

COUN 6336 Course meets five (5) times for three (3) hours each session for a total of fifteen (15) hours.

Week 1: Introduction to Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response


• Overview of crisis, trauma, and disaster response theories
• Impact of crises, traumas, and disasters on individuals, families, and communities
• Psychological reactions to crises, traumas, and disasters
• Critical components of prevention and intervention programs
• Identifying community resources for crisis, trauma, and disaster response

COUN 6336 Week 3 Objectives

Day 1: Introduction to Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response
– Learn the difference between a crisis, trauma, and disaster
– Understand how a crisis affects an individual
– Understand how trauma affects an individual
– Understand how a disaster affects an individual
– Understand different types of crisis interventions

Day 2: Individual Crisis Intervention Strategies
– Learn about different crisis intervention strategies
– Understand when to use each strategy
– Practice using each strategy

Day 3: Family Crisis Intervention Strategies
– Learn about different family crisis intervention strategies
– Understand when to use each strategy
– Practice using each strategy

COUN 6336 Week 3 Pre-requisites


COUN 6336 Course Format for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Course requirements include a required textbook and COUN 6336 Course pack. Students will be expected to participate in weekly discussions. Students will be expected to complete weekly readings from the required textbook and COUN 6336 Course pack. Students will be required to complete an exam at the end of each week.

COUN 6336 Week 3 Duration

(COUN 6336) COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide students with an in-depth analysis of crisis, trauma and disaster response at the individual, family, group, community, and organizational levels. Students will develop skills in assessing, intervening and evaluating crisis responses from a systemic perspective.

*Please note that each COUN 6336 Course has a corresponding “Duration” associated with it. This is the number of weeks you are expected to spend on each COUN 6336 Course. Most COUN 6336 Courses are 4 weeks long.

COUN 6336 Week 3 Learning Outcomes

• Understand psychological crisis and trauma and their effects on individuals and groups.

• Understand how disasters can impact individuals, families, and communities.

• Learn about the different phases of disaster response and the role of counselors in each phase.

• Gain knowledge about evidence-based interventions for crisis and trauma.

• Develop skills in assessment and intervention with individuals, families, and groups impacted by crisis and trauma.

COUN 6336 Week 3 Assessment & Grading

-**COUN 6336 Course Description**
The COUN 6336 Course focuses on crisis and trauma counseling and disaster response. Emphasis is placed on identifying and responding to crisis situations, understanding the effects of trauma on individuals and communities, developing interventions to mitigate distress, and understanding the role of mental health professionals in disaster relief efforts. Specific topics include natural disasters, community violence, terrorism, mass casualty events, technological disasters, workplace violence, domestic violence, child maltreatment, traumatic grief, suicide prevention and intervention.
-**COUN 6336 Course Objectives:** By the end of COUN 6336 Course students will be able to:
1. Understand how a counselor responds to crises/disasters;
2. Describe how to conduct a psychological assessment following a crisis/disaster;
3. Create an intervention plan for addressing crisis/disaster-related problems;
4. Develop an understanding of the psychological impact of different types of crises/disasters.
5. Assess his/her own readiness to work with clients affected by crisis/disaster.
6. Demonstrate a basic understanding of research design in order to interpret research articles related to Crisis/Trauma Counseling.
7. Understand ethical issues specific to counseling in crisis/trauma situations.
8. Develop skills in consultation and collaboration with other agencies involved in crisis/trauma counseling.
9. Develop basic skills necessary for managing emergency mental health services at the local or national level following a large scale disaster or mass casualty event.
10. Understand the similarities and differences between trauma treatment for children versus adults.
11. Acquire knowledge about the role of spirituality in coping with crises/disasters.

The above objectives are assessed using the following methods:

| Methods | Grading Criteria | % of Final Grade | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Written Assignments | APA format; free of spelling & grammar errors; meets page length requirements; uses literature appropriately
(in-text citations & reference list); demonstrates mastery of COUN 6336 Course concepts; integrates personal experience as appropriate
(Learning Outcomes 1 – 11)
(Crisis Intervention Plan & Disaster Response Paper)



100% |Midterm Exam Covers all required readings up through Week 6 including textbook chapters & required journal articles (Learning Outcomes 1 – 11) 25% 25% 25% 100% |Final Exam Covers all required readings starting with Week 7 through the end of the COUN 6336 Course including textbook chapters & required journal articles (Learning Outcomes 1 – 11) 35% 35% 35% 100% ||TOTAL||400%||


– All work must be submitted by 11:59 pm Central Time on the due date unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. If you cannot submit your work on time due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., hospitalization), please contact me as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements for you to complete your work. All late assignments will be penalized 10 points per day (including weekends). In addition, assignments more than one week late will not be accepted without prior approval from me and may result in a grade of zero for that assignment

COUN 6336 Week 3 Suggested Resources/Books

*The following are merely suggestions and not required reading.

COUN 6336 Week 3 Suggested Resources/Books for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Week 3 Assignment (20 Questions)

1. Define critical incident stress management (CISM). What are the goals of CISM? What are its three phases?

2. Define vicarious traumatization and compassion fatigue. How can they be prevented?

3. Describe three interventions that can be used with individuals who have been exposed to a traumatic event.

4. Describe three interventions that can be used with groups who have been exposed to a traumatic event.

5. What are some of the challenges associated with providing crisis counseling services in the aftermath of a mass casualty event?

6. Describe the phases of grief and loss. What are some of the challenges associated with each phase?

7. Describe three common reactions to trauma. What are some of the risk factors for each reaction?

8. Describe three interventions that can be used to help someone who is experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

9. Describe three interventions that can be used to help someone who is experiencing complicated grief.

10. What are some of the challenges associated with providing crisis counseling services to survivors of human trafficking?

COUN 6336 Week 3 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

(COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) COUN 6336 Course focuses on helping individuals and communities deal with crisis and trauma. Students learn to assess crisis situations, intervene in a variety of settings, and develop prevention plans. Disaster relief efforts are also discussed.

COUN 6336 Week 3 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

*COUN 6336 Course helps students understand crisis, trauma, and disaster theory and learn about effective interventions for individuals and groups. Through online discussion forums and research papers students will explore a variety of concepts related to crisis, trauma, and disaster response.

1. What are some examples of disasters that can cause psychological trauma?
2. How do people respond to disasters and what factors influence their reactions?
3. How can counselors help people who have experienced a disaster?
4. What are some of the challenges counselors face when working with clients who have experienced a disaster?
5. How do counselors assess for risk of suicide after a disaster?
6. What are some evidence-based interventions for treating clients with PTSD?
7. What is moral injury and how does it differ from PTSD?
8. How can counselors help clients who have experienced moral injury?
9. What are some of the unique challenges survivors of human trafficking face?
10. How can counselors help survivors of human trafficking heal from their trauma?

COUN 6336 Week 3 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

Provide a short description of the disaster you chose. Include when it occurred, where it occurred, and how many people were affected by it.

The disaster I chose is the September 11th terrorist attacks. They occurred on September 11th, 2001 in New York City, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the attacks and thousands more were injured.

COUN 6336 Week 3 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 3 Discussion 2 (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)


In Stock $ 10.00 USD Bright Solutions

1. What is the role of a crisis center? How is it different from mental health services in general? How do you think that the University of Phoenix could support these efforts?

2. What are some examples of crisis interventions that can be done via telephone? If you had a friend call for crisis intervention help, what would you hope the hotline worker would say to them?

3. Why are people more likely to attempt suicide when they have access to firearms? How can mental health professionals address this risk factor with clients who own guns? Should mental health professionals encourage clients to get rid of their firearms if they appear to be at risk for suicide? Why or why not?

4. What are some possible reasons that people in developing countries may not seek out psychological services even if they are available? How might they feel about mental health services compared to people in industrialized nations like the United States or Europe? Have you ever thought about your cultural views on mental health and how they compare to people from other cultures around the world? Why or why not? If so, please share your thoughts! You can also read this article on cultural beliefs about mental illness: I think it’s really important for us all to understand that there is no one “right” way to feel about having a mental illness – our culture just has one set of beliefs that we accept without question…but there are many other ways of thinking about these issues. Your thoughts on these questions will help me shape my views too! : ) Thank you! Please feel free to post any links that you find interesting too! I’d love to see them! : ) Be sure to cite your references in APA format if you use them…thanks! : ) Watch a video clip on leadership styles: Click on “Preview This Title” Click on “Video 1” Do you think it’s important for leaders in disaster relief organizations and agencies like FEMA and Red Cross, etc., when responding to catastrophic events like Hurricane Katrina, 9-11 attacks, and earthquakes, etc., should know about leadership styles in order for their responders to be effective when dealing with survivors who have experienced traumatic events such as these ones?! For example, do you think someone who uses an authoritarian style might have trouble with survivors whose emotional needs may need more personal attention and sensitivity?! Do you think someone who uses a laissez faire style might have trouble providing direction and making decisions quickly enough when lives may be at stake?! I am wondering whether most disaster relief agencies look into leadership styles when hiring their employees?! What do you all think?! Please share your ideas and thoughts!! Thanks so much!! Watch a video clip on communication skills: Click on “Preview This Title” Click on “Video 2” Do you think it is important for disaster relief agency employees like those who work for FEMA or Red Cross etc., should know about communication skills when responding to catastrophic events such as Hurricane Katrina, 9-11 attacks and earthquakes etc.? For example, do you think someone whose primary language is not English may have difficulty communicating effectively with survivors whose primary language is English if there is no translator available at the time?! Does anyone know how often this situation occurs where responders cannot communicate effectively because the survivor does not speak English?? Do any of you work with interpreters while counseling clients who speak another language?? If so, what challenges have you encountered while working with interpreters?? Please share your ideas and thoughts!! Thanks so much!! Watch a video clip on conflict resolution: Click on “Preview This Title” Click on “Video 3” Do any of you work with clients whose marriage has ended due to divorce?! If so, what steps do they take during therapy sessions in order resolve conflicts between themselves and their ex-spouses?? In other words, how do couples learn how handle conflict resolution while going through divorce proceedings?? Do any of them engage in mediation sessions before settling things legally through courts?! If so, what kind of issues come up during mediation sessions between divorcing couples?? Please share your ideas and thoughts!! Thanks so much!! Watch a video clip on anger management: Click on “Preview This Title” Click On “Video 4” We talked last week about feelings associated with grief related issues such as loss of loved ones due to death etc., being angry was listed as one feeling associated with grief related loss…however; anger management is a topic worth discussing separately too…do any of work specifically with clients whose main goal is anger management?! If so, how do you help them achieve their goals?! In other words, what kind of techniques or approaches do use when working specifically with anger management clients?! Also; if anyone works with survivors who may be experiencing grief related loss due to some kind of traumatic event such as natural disasters like hurricanes Katrina or Andrew etc., or man made disasters like 9-11 attacksetc., please feel free share some strategies or techniques used by counselors/therapists while working specifically with survivors experiencing grief related loss following an occurrence such as these ones!!! Thanks everyone!!! See this link below which shows footage taken during Hurricane Andrew back in 1992: http://www2.sunshinestateconferencecenter…. As seen here; it seems like these women had no idea the hurricane was coming soon until it happened which left them caught off guard…do any of remember seeing news footage taken during this particular hurricane too??? One lady says she was asleep and woke up because she heard glass breaking…has anyone else experienced anything similar before where something happens suddenly without warning??? I live here in Florida near Jacksonville and we were hit pretty hard by three major hurricanes since 2004 namely; Frances (2004), Jeanne (2004),and Ivan (2004); thankfully I never lost power because my house wasn’t affected by either hurricanes but my neighbors were not as lucky…a lot houses completely destroyed while others had broken windows etc., fortunately no one died but some people did lose everything they owned….do any live near areas prone tornadoes too????? Do remember seeing news footage taken during Hurricane Andrew back in 1992 which did cause serious damage including loss lives down here South Florida??? It seems like each hurricane season makes us more aware than ever before now due to advances made technology since then but still nothing can compare the devastation caused by Mother Nature!!! Watched both videos below which show footage taken from Parkland Hospital trauma center immediately after JFK was shot down over fifty years ago now…i found both videos very interesting especially seeing how sophisticated trauma care has become since then….however; even though medical advances been made since then resulting increased survival rates victims suffering severe injuries related car accidents gunshot wounds etc., does anyone know what percent survived being shot today compared back then??? i found article below written Dr J Michael Henderson regarding survivability rates victims suffering gunshot wounds head neck torso abdominal pelvic regions Gun Shot Wounds Medscape November 30 2017 As seen here; according total number patients presenting head injuries range anywhere 10 20 percent depending severity injuries suffered patients however; most patients being treated head injuries survive whereas others remain comatose long periods time Today thanks advances made recent decades neurosurgeons neuropsychologists psychologists sociologists rehabilitation therapists medical doctors nurses social workers case managers ward attendants staff physicians spinal cord injury specialists physical therapists occupational therapists speech language pathologists chaplains dietitians pharmacists sports medicine specialists sports psychologists athletic trainers orthopedic surgeons radiation therapists medical laboratory scientists respiratory therapists anesthesiologists radiologists receive specialized training related field neuroscience traumatic brain injuries spinal cord injuries however; despite advanced medical technologies available today over 300000 people suffer spinal cord injuries every year Therefore high number individuals suffering spinal cord injuries remains constant throughout years since many Americans prefer participate outdoor activities sports recreational activities However many children young adults continue suffer catastrophic sports related accidents thus resulting long term disability complications Even though majority Americans living regions prone tornadoes experience few tornado warnings sirens installed schools office buildings commercial business establishments residential homes throughout communities across country Despite high number tornadoes occurring year relatively low number Americans actually experience getting killed injured annual basis Unfortunately almost 20000 people die every year around world resulting tornado related accidents Since 1950 relatively low number individuals killed injured tornado related accidents According National Weather Service NOAA typical year experiences 1200 1500 tornadoes killing 60 70 people injuring 1400 1600 others large number individuals affected annual basis The National Weather Service NOAA issued preliminary estimate showing 1200 1500 tornadoes occur across United States annually typically killing 60 70 people injuring 1400 1600 others While majority Tornado Alley states located Great Plains area roughly stretching west Texas Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska South Dakota Iowa Minnesota Missouri Illinois Indiana Ohio Michigan West Virginia Pennsylvania New York approximately 75 percent annual tornadoes occur states located within Tornado Alley However tornadoes sometimes reported coastal Southeast Atlantic region Gulf Coast regions west central Rocky Mountain region west coast California Oregon Washington Annual values tornado counts vary considerably average number tornadoes reported each year early 1950s 100 200 range Increased modern day awareness reporting techniques resulted increase reported numbers since 1960s late 1970s saw major increases ranging 600 700 per year Early 1980s average numbers again declined 350 400 per year more recent decades saw dramatic increase once again averaging 750 850 per year Most recently National Weather Service NOAA estimated annual tornado counts ranging 700 800 annually thus resulting numerous deaths many individuals injured well Several schools government offices offices businesses residences destroyed damaged every year After watching clips above regarding JFK assassination well clips showing effects suffered patients sustained gunshot wounds bullets fired against their bodies What could possibly motivate person kill another human being such cold blooded manner Was possibly motivated political reasons religious reasons resentment jealousy financial gain revenge fame notoriety money insurance proceeds Who knows maybe just plain old fashioned evil lurking inside hearts minds killers themselves These questions will always remain unanswered Despite passage timeOver 2000 years ago philosopher Aristotle described ideal state Eudaimonia Greek happiness flourishing thriving general welfare good lifecontentment joy satisfaction achievement enjoyment prosperity However meaning happiness changed considerably throughout centuries modern times happy not generally defined terms achieving balance harmony wealth success Although psychologist Maslow argued humans possess higher order needs physiological needs safety social affiliation self esteem self actualization esteem refers degree respect admiration acceptance affection acknowledge praise One common misconception happiness results pursuing achieving specific goals human beings driven accomplish various goals around world Examples professional accomplishments gaining wealth purchasing expensive possessions becoming famous accumulating valuable possessions achieving recognition prestige finishing college graduation gaining employment becoming successful business owner However goals usually temporary nature result dissatisfaction after accomplished must set additional goals attain sense accomplishment contentment achievement joy Although we continually strive reach accomplish goals become successful prosperous wealthy happy tend forget main purpose achieving goals becoming happy aren accomplished accomplishments themselves People believe attaining wealth success happiness achievement goal rather than consequences obtaining Successful attainment goal results satisfaction accomplishobjective Satisfaction happiness contentment result reaching accomplishing certain objectives acquiring desired goods possessions money possessions Example achieving becoming wealthy successful famous recognized famous musician actor actress artist celebrity football player baseball player basketball player politician professor doctor lawyer architect scientist author bartender waitress chef mechanic electrician plumber roofer engineer surveyor salesman attorney lawyer salesman broker banker However obtaining desired results usually leaves us feeling empty unsatisfied despair discontent disillusioned depressed angry enraged jealous resentful Sometimes success happiness lead bad problemsExample successful musician actor actress football player basketball player often fall victim drug abuse alcohol abuse domestic violence substance abuse financial problems legal problems financial difficulties failed relationships When achieve great successes rewards accomplishments rewards felt somewhat empty unsatisfied disillusioned depressed discontented disillusioned frustrated angry resentful disillusioned dismayed dismayed disappointed disgruntled resentful jealous unappreciative Whatever reason perceived greatest disappointment disenchantment despondency disillusionment despair disillusionment displeasure discontent resentment rage despair disgust discouragement embarrassment envy failure frustration grief grudge guilt hatred hostility impatience irritation jealousy melancholy misery mistrust outrage pain panic displeasure pity rage regret resentment sorrow suspicion terror turmoil unhappiness sadness vexation disappointment misgiving gloom misery regret anxiety anguish bitterness chagrin dejection depression distress embarrassment enmity exasperation fury indignation irritation pique rancor resentment revulsion sorrow wretchedness anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish anguish angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst angst apprehension dread foreboding fright horror panic terror trepidation trepidation trepidation trepidation trepidation trepidation trepidation trepidation anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehension apprehensiveness apprehensiveness apprehensiveness apprehensiveness apprehensiveness apprehensiveness apprehensiveness apprehensiveness dread dread dread dread dread dread dread dread foreboding foreboding foreboding foreboding foreboding foreboding foreboding fright fright fright fright fright fright fright fright horror horror horror horror horror horror horror horror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror terror trembles fear fear fear fear fear fear fear tremble trembling trembling trembling trembling trembling trembling trembling worry worry worry worry worry worry worry alarm alarm alarm alarm alarm alarm alarm annoyance annoyance annoyance annoyance annoyance annoyance annoyance nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves nerves agitation agitation agitation agitation agitation agitation agitation chilly chilly chilly chilly chilly chilly chilly courage courage courage courage courage courage courage disgrace disgrace disgrace disgrace disgrace disgrace disgrace dreary dreary dreary dreary dreary dreary dreary encouragem encouragem encouragem encouragem encouragem encouragem encouragem encouragement encouragement encouragement encouragement encouragement encouragement encouragement gloomy gloomy gloomy gloomy gloomy gloomy gloomy hardship hardship hardship hardship hardship hardship hardship hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hot hot hot hot hot hot hot humiliation humiliation humiliation humiliation humiliation humiliation humiliation interest interest interest interest interest interest interest irritable irritable irritable irritable irritable irritable irritable lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely love love love love love love love

COUN 6336 Week 3 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits)

COUN 6336 Course will focus on the impact of psychological trauma and natural disasters on individual and family functioning. Students will gain knowledge about effective interventions with survivors and families in crisis. Topics will include: disaster mental health, community resilience, public policy considerations related to disaster response, issues related to diversity and cultural competence, ethical considerations in crisis counseling, and the impact of stress on first responders. Students will learn specific crisis intervention strategies that are both culturally relevant and evidence-based. This class is offered as a hybrid COUN 6336 Course. Students are required to complete a field placement in a crisis or disaster relief agency during COUN 6336 Course.

COUN 6336 Week 3 Quiz (20 Questions)

| Southern Methodist University

COUN 6336 Week 3 Quiz (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336) | Southern Methodist University

COUN 6336 Week 3 Quiz (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336) | Southern Methodist University

COUN 6336 Week 3 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

1. The action of administering medical care to a patient who is unable to receive it themselves is referred to as:

A. Medical treatment.

B. Medical aid.

C. Medical assistance.

D. Medical support.

2. Which of the following is an example of an intentional act that may result in mass casualty?

A. Natural disaster
B. Terrorism
C. Airplane crash
D. Car accident

3. In which stage of grief do people begin to come to terms with their loss and start to rebuild their lives?

A. Denial
B. Anger
C. Bargaining
D. Acceptance

4. A natural disaster that results in many deaths and injuries is referred to as a(n):

A. Catastrophe.
B. Crisis.
C. Disaster.
D. Emergency.

5. A physical or psychological reaction to an event or situation that is perceived as stressful or threatening is referred to as:
A. A crisis reaction.
B. A disaster response.
C .Stress reaction .
D .Trauma reaction .

COUN 6336 Week 4 Description

COUN 6336 Course examines principles and practices related to psychological crisis, trauma, and disaster response. Theories of crisis and trauma are reviewed, along with their associated interventions. Students learn practical skills for conducting psychological first aid and disaster mental health interventions in a variety of settings.

COUN 6336 Week 4 Outline

COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of crisis and trauma. The COUN 6336 Course will cover various topics related to crisis and trauma including: definitions of crisis and trauma, risk and protective factors, types of crisis and trauma, impact of crisis and trauma, intervention strategies, and post-disaster mental health.

COUN 6336 Week 4 Objectives

*The following COUN 6336 Course objectives will be covered in the assigned readings, discussions, and assignments.

• Discuss various crisis and trauma theories.

• Identify different types of crises and traumas.

• Describe how crisis and trauma can impact individuals, families, and communities.

• Discuss interventions for individuals, families, and communities affected by crisis and trauma.

COUN 6336 Week 4 Pre-requisites

COUN 6336 Week 4 Pre-requisites for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 is a five-credit online COUN 6336 Course that explores the impact of crisis and trauma on individuals, families, and communities. The COUN 6336 Course examines the psychological effects of crisis and trauma and the interventions used to mitigate these effects. Students will learn about the various types of crisis and trauma, including natural disasters, technological disasters, terrorism, mass violence, and personal traumas such as abuse, neglect, and loss. The COUN 6336 Course will also cover the stages of grief and mourning as well as methods of coping with grief and loss. In addition, students will learn about crisis intervention techniques and disaster response plans.

COUN 6336 Week 4 Duration

This is a five-week online COUN 6336 Course.

* Please note that this is only an estimate of the amount of time spent in the COUN 6336 Course.

COUN 6336 Week 4 Learning Outcomes


**What are you supposed to know, be able to do, and value upon completion of the COUN 6336 Course?**

After completing COUN 6336 Course, students will be able to:
– Describe crisis, trauma and disaster theory;
– Identify risk and protective factors for crisis, trauma and disaster;
– Summarize intervention models for crisis, trauma and disaster;
– Evaluate intervention models for crisis, trauma and disaster; and
– Develop an intervention plan for a crisis, trauma or disaster situation.

COUN 6336 Week 4 Assessment & Grading

Semester: Spring 2018

COUN 6336 Course Instructor(s): Dr. Kathy Johnson

NOTE: The grade scale that appears in the Grades section of COUN 6336 Course may differ from the one that appears in your student portal because it is set for a standard undergraduate COUN 6336 Course with 15 weeks of instruction. You will be notified if this is the case and given an opportunity to change your grade scale preference prior to final grading for the class.

Week 4 Assessment & Grading for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)
Semester: Spring 2018
COUN 6336 Course Instructor(s): Dr. Kathy Johnson

This Week’s Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this week’s lessons and activities, students will be able to:
– Explain how community resources can provide support to individuals in crisis.
– Describe how secondary trauma affects helpers and how to mitigate its effects.

Assessment Summary:
Assessment Weighting Due Date/Time COUN 6336 Course Outcomes Assessed Rubric/Scoring Guide Link (if available) Pass/No Pass Options? (Yes or No) Required? (Yes or No) Points Possible Points Received Feedback? (Yes or No) Feedback Date/Time Feedback Link (if available) Comments Submitted On Time? (Yes or No) Resubmissions Allowed? Grade Date/Time Received Comments from Instructor Completion Status (Complete or Incomplete) Date Completed Comments from Instructor
Peer Review Assignment 1 20% Sunday at 11:59pm ET 2, 3, 4, 5 Yes Yes 100 100 Yes Sunday at 11:59pm ET on time Yes 1 Sunday at 11:59pm ET Complete Sunday at 11:59pm ET N/A 0% Sunday at 11:59pm ET Please review rubric located under “Peer Review Assignment 1.” When you are ready to complete your review, click “Submit.” Incomplete In Progress 0% In Progress N/A In Progress In Progress N/A N/A In Progress N/A N/A N/A N/A In Progress N/A N/A N/A In Progress N/A N/A In Progress In Progress In Progress N/A 1 Sunday at 11:59pm ET Peer Review Assignment 2 20% Wednesday at 11:59pm ET 2, 3, 4, 5 Yes Yes 100 100 Yes Wednesday at 11:59pm ET on time Yes 2 Wednesday at 11:59pm ET Complete Wednesday at 11:59pm ET N/A 0% Wednesday at 11:59pm ET Please review rubric located under “Peer Review Assignment 2.” When you are ready to complete your review, click “Submit.” Incomplete Not Started 0% Not Started N/A Not Started Not Started N/A N/A Not Started N/A N/A Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Nil 0 Nil Final Paper Draft 1 40% Friday by 11:59 pm Eastern Time 2, 3, 4 No Yes 100 80 Yes Friday by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on time Yes 3 Friday by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Complete Friday by 11:59 pm Eastern Time Nil%23D0E5F2″ align=”center”>0% Nil Please refer to the Final Paper Guidelines document located under COUN 6336 Course Home. Incomplete Started 0% Started Started Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

COUN 6336 Week 4 Suggested Resources/Books

Recommended Resources

Crisis intervention strategies by Robert R. Carkhuff, Bret A. Moore.
-ISBN 978-0-534-50474-6 –
Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: An integrative approach by Duane Brown, Walter Brooks, Jr., Daniel W. Christensen. -ISBN 978-1-111-81927-9 –

COUN 6336 Week 4 Assignment (20 Questions)

Complete all questions on the basis of your readings for this week and any other outside research you choose to conduct. You may discuss these questions with your classmates, but each student must submit his or her own paper. The title page and reference page are not included in the 20-question total.

Each answer should be a minimum of two paragraphs in length (approximately 150 words). Please use headings and subheadings as appropriate. Include a separate reference list at the end of the document for all references used, including those cited in-text. Your written work should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the COUN 6336 Course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Question 1: Define trauma, identify common psychological reactions to trauma, and distinguish between immediate reactions, delayed reactions, and long-term reactions. Include examples to illustrate your understanding of each type of reaction.

Trauma is defined as “a deeply distressing or disturbing experience” (Merriam-Webster, 2016). Trauma can be caused by a variety of experiences, including natural disasters, car accidents, physical or sexual abuse, or warfare. Common psychological reactions to trauma include both immediate reactions and delayed reactions. Immediate reactions are typically characterized by shock and disbelief and may include feelings of numbness, confusion, and anxiety. Delayed reactions usually occur after the initial shock has worn off and may include intrusive thoughts or memories, avoidance of reminders of the event, sleep disturbances, depressed mood, and difficulty concentrating. Long-term reactions can last for years after the traumatic event and may include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chronic anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and relationship problems.

Question 2: Explain how physical injuries can lead to psychological trauma. Include an example to illustrate your understanding of this concept.

Physical injuries can lead to psychological trauma in a number of ways. First, the pain and suffering associated with physical injuries can be overwhelming and can cause feelings of helplessness and despair. Second, the physical injuries themselves can serve as reminders of the traumatic event that caused them. For example, a person who was in a car accident may have scars that serve as constant reminders of the accident and may trigger memories of the event every time they see them. Finally, physical injuries can lead to long-term disability or even death, which can cause significant psychological distress for both the injured individual and their loved ones.

COUN 6336 Week 4 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

1. What are the three types of disasters?

2. What are the four phases of disaster?

3. What are the four types of disaster response?

4. What is the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention?

5. What are some common psychological reactions to disasters?

6. What are some common physical reactions to disasters?

7. What are some common behavioral reactions to disasters?

8. How can individuals prepare for disasters?

9. How can families prepare for disasters?

10. How can communities prepare for disasters?

COUN 6336 Week 4 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits) COUN 6336 Course focuses on the psychological consequences of crisis, trauma, and disaster and explores counseling strategies for prevention, intervention, and postvention. Emphasis is placed on supporting survivors during the immediate aftermath of disasters as well as during long-term recovery efforts. Topics include assessment of psychological impact; grief and loss; post-traumatic stress; crisis counseling in diverse populations; children’s reactions to trauma; community crisis response; mass media impact; terrorism; natural disasters; technological disasters; man-made disasters; and work-related crises.

COUN 6336 Week 4 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

Instructions: Read the required readings and watch the required videos for this week. You will be discussing these readings and videos in your weekly discussion posts. Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your instructor. An initial post must be 250–300 words, and each reply must be 150–200 words. Please check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you post it. Postings on days other than day 1 will be considered late. Respond to at least 2 classmates/instructor over 2 days for full participation

Required Resources


Chapter 5 in Crisis Counseling: Theory, Research, Practice, and Supervision (pp. 79-116)

COUN 6336 Week 4 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 4 Discussion 2 (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) This is a required assignment for this class. The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare for the Final Exam. Please carefully read the instructions below before completing this assignment. After completing this assignment, please post it to your Assignment Folder. Part 1: 20 Questions Each question is worth 1 point for a total of 20 points on this assignment. Read each question carefully before responding. Please refer to your textbook to answer these questions. We are looking for your critical thinking abilities when answering these questions – do not simply quote from the text or other resources in your responses! Your textbook should be used as a resource in answering these questions, but should not be the only source used. You may use other resources as well in providing your answers to the questions below; however, they are not necessary and will not increase the value of your grade on this assignment if used. If you use any sources other than your textbook, be sure to cite them appropriately using APA format (6th edition). 1) Give an example of a type of trauma that would likely cause long-term mental health problems? Explain why long-term mental health problems might result from this type of trauma.
2) What are some common reactions people might have after experiencing a crisis? How might these reactions interfere with daily functioning?
3) Explain what is meant by “secondary traumatization” and provide an example.
4) Describe what is meant by “vicarious traumatization” and provide an example.
5) When working with people who have experienced traumatic events, what are some things counselors need to be aware of in order to avoid causing secondary or vicarious traumatization?
6) What is meant by “resilience”? What factors contribute to someone’s resilience following a traumatic event?
7) What are some ways that counselors can encourage resilience in clients following a traumatic event?
8) Discuss some of the ethical considerations counselors need to take into account when working with clients who have experienced traumatic events.
9) Why is it important for counselors working with clients who have experienced trauma to be aware of their own reactions and experiences with trauma?
10) What is meant by “debriefing”? When is debriefing considered appropriate following a traumatic event? Who typically conducts debriefings?
11) Discuss some of the criticisms associated with debriefing following a traumatic event.
12) Describe what is meant by “critical incident stress management” (CISM). When is CISM considered appropriate following a traumatic event? Who typically conducts CISM interventions?
13) Discuss some of the criticisms associated with CISM interventions following a traumatic event.
14) Describe what is meant by “psychological first aid” (PFA). When is PFA considered appropriate following a traumatic event? Who typically provides PFA interventions?
15) How does PFA differ from debriefing and CISM interventions? Why might PFA be considered more appropriate than debriefing or CISM in certain situations?
16) Discuss some of the major goals of psychological first aid interventions following a disaster or mass violence event.
17) Describe what is meant by “psychosocial support” following a disaster or mass violence event. Who typically provides psychosocial support interventions following such an event?
18) Discuss some of the major goals of psychosocial support interventions following a disaster or mass violence event.
19) What types of disasters typically receive public attention and media coverage? Why do you think this is the case? How might this affect people who experience these types of disasters as well as those who experience other types of disasters that do not receive public attention or media coverage?
20) Discuss how cultural factors can influence someone’s reaction to and experience of a disaster or mass violence event

COUN 6336 Week 4 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

What are the three most important things you have learned from COUN 6336 Course? How will you apply these learning’s to your professional practice?

1. The three most important things I have learned from COUN 6336 Course are: (1) the importance of being prepared for crisis and disaster situations; (2) the need to have a plan in place for responding to such situations; and (3) the importance of debriefing after a crisis or disaster.

2. I will apply these learnings to my professional practice by being sure to be prepared for crisis and disaster situations, having a plan in place for responding to such situations, and debriefing after a crisis or disaster.

3. I will also share these learnings with my colleagues so that we can be better prepared as a team to respond to crisis and disaster situations.

COUN 6336 Week 4 Quiz (20 Questions)

This quiz must be completed by Monday night at 11:59 pm EST. 1. Read More

COUN 6336 Week 4 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

1. The World Health Organization’s definition of disaster is:

A. A catastrophic event that kills at least 300 people.
B. A catastrophic event that causes extensive damage to infrastructure and disrupts the functioning of a community or society.
C. A catastrophic event that forces people to leave their homes and seek refuge elsewhere.
D. All of the above.

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the five phases of crisis intervention according to James and Gilliland?

A. Pre-crisis
B. Impact
C. Denial
D. Reconstruction

3. Which of the following is NOT a common reaction to trauma?

A. Disbelief
B. Numbness
C. Shock
D. Happiness

4. Which of the following is NOT a type of secondary traumatic stress?

A. Vicarious traumatization
B. Compassion fatigue
C. Trauma contagion
D. Moral injury

5. Which of the following is NOT an example of an emotion-focused coping strategy?

A. Seeking social support
B. Avoidance
C. Rumination
D. Problem solving

COUN 6336 Week 5 Description

The goal of COUN 6336 Course is to prepare students to work with individuals, families, and communities in the aftermath of crisis and trauma. Students will develop an understanding of the impact of crisis and trauma on mental health and well-being. In addition, students will learn about different approaches to crisis intervention and trauma treatment.

COUN 6336 Week 5 Outline

Week 5: Collaboration in Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response

In this final week of our class, we will explore how collaboration is essential to effective crisis, trauma, and disaster response. We will discuss the importance of developing collaborative relationships with other agencies, organizations, and individuals in order to provide comprehensive services to those affected by crisis and trauma. We will also examine ways to develop collaborative relationships within our own organizations.

COUN 6336 Week 5 Objectives

1. Understand what is meant by the terms “crisis,” “trauma,” and “disaster,” and how each of these terms is defined within the field of crisis counseling.

2. Understand the difference between a crisis and a disaster, and learn about the various types of disasters that can occur.

3. Understand the psychological impact of disasters and learn about the different types of psychological reactions that people may experience in the aftermath of a disaster.

4. Learn about the different phases of crisis counseling and disaster mental health interventions, and understand the role of the crisis counselor in each phase.

5. Learn about the different resources and services that are available to disaster survivors, and understand how to access these resources.

COUN 6336 Week 5 Pre-requisites

COUN 6336 Course is a prerequisite for: COUN 6331, COUN 6332, and COUN 6333

Each week you will spend approximately 10-12 hours on COUN 6336 Coursework. This includes:

1. Viewing videos or reading assigned material (2-4 hours)

2. Participating in weekly discussion boards (2-3 hours)

3. Preparing responses to questions posed by the instructor (3-5 hours)

*Note: The prerequisites for COUN 6336 are either COUN 5308 or COUN 6301. If you have not completed these COUN 6336 Courses, please contact your academic advisor before enrolling in this class.

COUN 6336 Week 5 Duration

This is a 5-credit COUN 6336 Course and therefore should be completed in 5 weeks.

COUN 6336 Week 5 Learning Outcomes

*Note: COUN 6336 Course is being offered by the School of Professional Psychology and Health (SPP&H).

Students who successfully complete COUN 6336 will be able to:

• Explain how psychological factors influence an individual’s reaction to crisis, trauma, and disaster.

• Discuss how different types of disasters can impact survivors psychologically.

• Describe interventions that can be used to help individuals cope with crisis, trauma, and disaster.

• Explain how communities can prepare for and respond to crisis, trauma, and disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 5 Assessment & Grading


COUN 6336 Week 5 Suggested Resources/Books

Week 5 Resources: *Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (Required) This textbook is available through the UT Tyler bookstore. The ISBN number is 978-1462527087.

COUN 6336 Week 5 Assignment (20 Questions)

**COUN 6336 Course Description**
COUN 6336 Course focuses on the role of mental health counselors in disaster response, with a particular focus on counseling survivors of mass trauma. Students will learn to apply basic principles of crisis intervention and disaster mental health counseling, as well as psychological first aid, to individuals affected by disaster. Students will also learn specific skills for working with survivors of trauma and loss in the context of mass casualty events.

COUN 6336 Week 5 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

+1. What is the definition of a disaster?
+2. Name and describe the three types of disasters.
+3. What are the four phases of disaster?
+4. Describe the characteristics of each phase of disaster.
+5. Describe the difference between a natural and human-caused disaster.
+6. List and describe the five factors that influence the severity of a disaster.
+7. Explain how hazards become disasters.
+8. What is vulnerability?
+9. What are the three types of vulnerability?
+10. Describe how people respond to disasters.
+11. List and describe the four types of psychological reactions to disasters.
+12. Describe how children and adolescents respond to disasters.
+13. Describe how older adults respond to disasters.
+14. List and describe the four types of interventions for individuals who have experienced a disaster.
+15. Describe how family interventions can be used following a disaster.
+16. Describe how community interventions can be used following a disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 5 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

Discussion 1 DQ #1 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (COUN 6336)


COUN 6336 Week 5 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

What is an acceptable rate of recidivism for sex offenders? How can the treatment process be designed to accommodate this? Do you think that any amount of recidivism is unacceptable? Why or why not? How can law enforcement officials work with mental health professionals to keep track of sex offenders and prevent them from committing new offenses? What are some of the challenges they face in doing so? What are some treatment modalities that have been shown to be effective in treating sex offenders? What are some that have not been shown to be effective? Are there any that you think should not be used at all? Why or why not? How can treatment providers work with parole and probation officers to ensure that sex offenders are getting the treatment they need and are not engaging in risky behaviors? What are some of the challenges they face in doing so? What is a polygraph test? How can it be used in the treatment of sex offenders? What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of using it? Do you think it should be used more often, less often, or about as often as it is now? Why or why not? What is an actuarial risk assessment tool? How can it be used in the treatment of sex offenders? What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of using it

COUN 6336 Week 5 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

Submit a 20 question, multiple choice exam on your week 5 readings. Include an answer key for your questions.

1. What is the definition of crisis?
2. What are the three phases of crisis?
3. What is the difference between a crisis and a disaster?
4. What are some common reactions to crisis and disaster?
5. What are some ways to cope with crisis and disaster?
6. What is the difference between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder (ASD)?
7. What are some risk factors for developing PTSD after a traumatic event?
8. What are some symptoms of PTSD?
9. What are some treatments for PTSD?
10. Why is it important to have a plan for responding to crisis and disaster?
11. What are some things that should be included in a crisis and disaster response plan?
12. Who should be involved in developing a crisis and disaster response plan?
13. How often should a crisis and disaster response plan be reviewed and updated?
14. What is the role of the media in crisis and disaster response?
15. What are some things to consider when working with the media during crisis and disaster response?
16. What is the difference between mass casualty incidents (MCIs) and large-scale disasters?
17. What are some common challenges in responding to MCIs and large-scale disasters?
18. What are some things that can be done to improve preparedness for MCIs and large-scale disasters?
19. What is the National Incident Management System (NIMS)?
20. Why is it important for mental health professionals to be familiar with NIMS?

COUN 6336 Week 5 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

Complete this 20-question multiple choice quiz on chapter 4 of your textbook and submit it to the Dropbox. 1. At what age is the

COUN 6336

Chapter 4 Quiz 1. At what age is the highest risk for suicide? a. 0-5 b. 6-11 c. 12-18 d. 19-25 2. Which of the following is not an important reason why suicide is considered a public health problem? a. it causes untold suffering for

COUN 6336 Week 5 Quiz (20 Questions)


For each question below, select the best answer.

1) Research on crisis and trauma has suggested that which of the following is NOT a predictor of how well individuals respond to crises?
a) Social support from family and friends
b) A history of past traumatic events
c) A positive outlook on life
d) Good physical health

c) A positive outlook on life

COUN 6336 Week 5 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

1. Trained law enforcement officers who have taken special classes and have the equipment to deal with active shooter situations are called:

A. Threat Assessment Officers.

B. Emergency Response Teams.

C. SWAT teams. *

D. Rapid Response Units.

2. The first priority for an EAP responding to a critical incident is:

A. To provide intervention for the affected employees as soon as possible. *

B. To provide information about benefits and services to the organization’s upper management team only, since they will be the ones making decisions about the future of the organization and its employees in light of this event.

C. To ensure that the company’s liability insurance will cover any potential lawsuits that may arise from employee injury or distress caused by the critical incident, before taking any other steps or actions related to employee assistance following the event.. *

D. To develop a public relations plan to manage organizational reputation in light of media coverage of this critical incident, if necessary, before intervening with employees who may have been directly impacted by it..

COUN 6336 Week 6 Description

COUN 6336 Course focuses on how to work effectively with individuals, families, and groups in the aftermath of crisis, trauma, and disaster. Students learn how to respond in an effective and culturally sensitive manner to victims of natural or man-made disasters. The COUN 6336 Course includes a focus on grief counseling, as well as resiliency factors for individuals and communities.

COUN 6336 Week 6 Outline


Week 6: Trauma in Schools

Unit Objectives: In this unit, we will learn about trauma in schools and how to respond to it.


• “Overview of Trauma-Informed Schools” (PDF) by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

• “Creating a Trauma-Sensitive School Environment” (PDF) by the NCTSN

• “Trauma and Learning” by the NCTSN (PDF)

COUN 6336 Week 6 Objectives

The objectives for COUN 6336 Course are:

1. To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of crisis and trauma, including the psychological, social, and physical effects of crisis and trauma on individuals, families, and communities.

2. To familiarize students with different models and approaches to crisis and trauma counseling and intervention.

3. To prepare students to effectively respond to crisis and trauma situations in a variety of settings.

4. To provide students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills learned in the COUN 6336 Course to a real-world crisis or trauma situation.

COUN 6336 Week 6 Pre-requisites

This is a pre-requisite COUN 6336 Course for the following COUN 6336 Courses: COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits) and COUN 6337 – Clinical Supervision in Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (3 credits).

COUN 6336 Week 6 Duration


*COUN 6336 Week 6 Duration for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide students with an overview of crisis, trauma, and disaster response. The COUN 6336 Course will cover topics such as types of crises and disasters, psychological first aid, grief and loss, and resiliency. Students will also have the opportunity to learn about specific response strategies for different types of crisis situations.

COUN 6336 Week 6 Learning Outcomes

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

Week 6 Learning Outcomes for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

1. Understand how to effectively respond to individuals in crisis.
2. Understand how to effectively respond to individuals who have experienced trauma.
3. Understand how to effectively respond to individuals who have been affected by a disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 6 Assessment & Grading

*A maximum of three credit hours in COUN 6336 may be used to satisfy degree requirements.

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits) COUN 6336 Course is a study of the psychological consequences of exposure to crisis and disaster. Topics covered include human reaction to traumatic events; impact of crisis on survivors, responders, and professionals; coping strategies; secondary trauma; and psychological first aid. The COUN 6336 Course includes discussion of interventions for survivors as well as those who work with them. Prerequisite: Admission to the M.S.W. Program or consent of instructor.

COUN 6336 Week 6 Suggested Resources/Books

• Duncan, R. F., & Miller, J. G. (2008). Disaster counseling and mental health: Theory, research, practice. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

• Rubin, A., & Babbie, E. (2013). Research methods for social work (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1999). Mental health: A report of the surgeon general—Executive summary. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services.

COUN 6336 Week 6 Assignment (20 Questions)


Week 6 Assignment Directions: Answer the 20 questions below. Be sure to reference the textbook and other resources in your answers. This assignment is due by 11:59 pm (Central Time) on Sunday of Week 6.

1. Define disaster mental health. How is it different from traditional mental health?

2. List and describe at least three psychological reactions common in survivors of a traumatic event.

3. Explain the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). What are its symptoms, causes, and risk factors?

4. Describe three interventions that have been found to be effective in treating PTSD.

5. Discuss how families and other social support systems can play a role in the psychological recovery of survivors of a traumatic event.

6. Explain what is meant by “resilience” in the context of disaster mental health. What factors promote resilience?

7. Compare and contrast the four main types of disasters – technological, natural, man-made, and terrorism – with respect to their impact on mental health.

8. Discuss how culture can affect people’s reactions to a disaster or traumatic event.

9. Explain what is meant by “psychological first aid” and describe its main components.

10. Discuss the role of mental health professionals in providing psychological first aid following a disaster or traumatic event.

11. List and describe the four phases of emergency management – mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery – with respect to their impact on mental health.

12. Discuss how community-based interventions can promote psychological resilience following a disaster or traumatic event.

13. Explain what is meant by “psychological debriefing” and discuss its effectiveness in promoting psychological recovery following a disaster or traumatic event.

14. Discuss how media coverage of a disaster or traumatic event can affect the psychological well-being of survivors as well as those who were not directly affected by the event.


COUN 6336 Week 6 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

1. Compare and contrast the different types of disasters.

2. Define crisis and trauma.

3. Discuss how disasters can lead to crisis and trauma.

4. Identify the different types of crises that can occur.

5. Describe how individuals react to crisis and trauma.

6. Discuss how families and communities are affected by disaster.

7. Describe the different phases of disaster response.

8. Identify the different types of assistance that are available during disaster response.

9. Discuss the importance of mental health support during disaster response.

10. Describe how schools and other organizations can prepare for and respond to disasters.

COUN 6336 Week 6 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

*Note: COUN 6336 Course was previously called COUN 6369 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response. The only difference between the two COUN 6336 Courses is the name. The COUN 6336 Course number and credit hours are the same. The discussion questions in this document cover all weeks in the COUN 6336 Course.*

COUN 6336 Week 1 Discussion Questions (20 Questions)

1. What are three examples of a disaster that you can think of? How did each disaster happen? What were the consequences?
2. What is the difference between a hazard and a disaster? Give an example of each.
3. What is a natural hazard? Give three examples.
4. What is a technological hazard? Give three examples.
5. What is a biological hazard? Give three examples.
6. What factors make some disasters more severe than others? Give an example of each factor.
7. Why do people tend to live in hazardous areas? Give three reasons.
8. Explain the concept of risk homeostasis as it relates to disaster preparedness and response. Give an example to illustrate your point.
9. What are some of the unique challenges faced by first responders during a disaster? Give three examples.
10. Discuss the importance of community resilience in disaster preparedness and response. Give three reasons why community resilience is important

COUN 6336 Week 6 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

*UOPCOUN 6336* / *COUN 6336* / *COUN 6336 Week 6 DQ 1 (20 Questions)* COUN 6336 Week 6 DQ 1 (20 Questions) Please note: This is a graded activity worth 100 points based on the scoring guide below. Directions: Answer each of the following 20 questions with one or two sentences in a Word document. Your responses to these questions should demonstrate your understanding of the weekly reading assignments, videos, and activities. There are no right or wrong answers for these questions; your job is to address each question according to your own understanding of what you have read, heard, and seen during this week’s activities. Be sure to review the scoring guide before you begin so that you understand what is expected from you for each response. In addition, please be sure to label each question with its number (e.g., Question #1) so that your instructor can identify where you are in responding to the questions. Lastly, be sure to upload your completed Word document for grading by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday at the end of Week 6 in the online COUN 6336 Course shell under “Assignment Dropbox > Discussion Board > Threaded Discussions.” *1.* What is crisis counseling? How does it differ from traditional counseling? *2.* What is an emotional shock? Give some examples of how someone may experience an emotional shock related to a major disaster event (e.g., hurricane, tornado). *3.* Describe some of the ways that a person may experience survivor guilt following a major disaster event (e.g., hurricane). Be specific as possible in giving examples of how survivor guilt may manifest itself after such an event occurs (e.g., self-blame). *4.* What do we mean when we refer to “stages” of grief? Describe the stages using Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’s model of grief and loss as an example for your description (i.e., denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance). What are some common coping mechanisms people use when grieving losses? How effective do you think these coping mechanisms may be for long-term recovery following a major disaster event? Provide specific examples from this week’s readings or other resources you have used as support for your response…

COUN 6336 Week 6 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 6 Discussion 2 (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)


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COUN 6336 Week 6 Discussion 2 (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

Crisis is a critical event or series of events that threatens the psychological well-being of a person or community. A crisis can be precipitated by an isolated event or be part of a cluster of related events. In addition to being sudden and often unpredictable, a crisis tends to overwhelm the victim’s current coping mechanisms. Although the effects may be short lived, they are significant enough to disrupt daily living and force changes in lifestyle. This disruption can result in physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual distress. The meaning that individuals attribute to their experience determines how they will perceive and react to crisis events. For example, positive attributions are likely to lead to positive outcomes such as increased strength and wisdom; negative attributions lead to negative outcomes such as PTSD (Taymans et al., 2017).

A crisis is always stressful because it disrupts normal routines in an individual’s life. However, not all crises are traumatic events. A traumatic event is one that involves actual or threatened death or serious injury (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). This definition excludes some types of crises such as the death of a pet because it does not involve threatened harm to humans; however, this type of crisis can have a significant impact on those who experience it. Other examples of crisis events that would not meet the definition for trauma include divorce and job loss; these events do not involve threatened injury but can cause serious stress in those who experience them. Many factors contribute to how individuals respond following exposure to trauma including age, developmental stage at exposure, previous trauma exposure and resiliency factors such as family support systems and social skills training (Taymans et al., 2017). Trauma survivors often develop coping mechanisms designed to reduce their anxiety; however, these coping mechanisms may eventually become maladaptive if they are used excessively or if they prevent the individual from returning to their previous level of functioning (Brown & Harris, 1989).

COUN 6336 Week 6 Discussion 2 Questions:

1. What is the difference between a crisis and a traumatic event? Give examples of each type of event?

2. How might people react differently after experiencing a crisis than after experiencing trauma? Why? Support your answer with specific examples from your text reading this week. Be sure to cite your references using APA style formatting as outlined in your syllabus? Click here for information on APA Style formatting? I will grade you based on your ability use APA style correctly in order earn full credit for this assignment! If you need additional help with APA Style formats click here? Please review this before posting any discussion assignments! Click here if you need additional help with citing references using APA format? You will lose points if you don’t follow directions so please read carefully! Thank you! 🙂 If you have additional questions about APA format please ask me I am happy to help! 🙂 Best wishes! Dr. P ~ ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ ? ~ Thanks for visiting my academic website! : ) I am currently teaching several online COUN 6336 Courses at Dallas Baptist University as well as working toward completion of my Doctorate degree from California Southern University . If I am unable to respond immediately when you post feel free contact me at lisapetersphd@yahoo . com . Please add COUN 6336 – Counselling Strategies for Crisis Intervention – Crises And Traumatic Events: Counselling Strategies For Crisis Intervention – DBU Online COUN 6336 Courses – DBU Online Graduate School COUN 6336 Courses – DBU Online Graduate Counselling COUN 6336 Courses – DBU Online Graduate School Classes In Dallas Texas USA – Online Graduate School Programs In Texas USA – Online Graduate School Programs In Dallas Texas USA In The United States Of America.) / Learning Management System / My Grades / COUN 6336 Course Catalog / Student Handbook / Academic Calendar / Email / Blackboard Learn / Chat Room & Virtual Office Hours Schedule / Help Desk / Bookstore / Technical Support etc… Please take advantage of all these great resources : ) Thank you ! 🙂 Dr P 🙂 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *When taking this class please note that each student must complete all assignments individually unless otherwise instructed by your instructor.* *If you have any questions about plagiarism please view what your university has listed under plagiarism guidelines/policies . Your university defines plagiarism which most likely includes copy & pasting information from any source including websites , textbooks , articles etc… into a word document without citation . It also includes hiring someone else including online tutoring services , essay writing services etc…to write your paper for you . Plagiarism is against university policies & students can be expelled from school for committing plagiarism . Students found committing plagiarism will receive zero credit on this assignment.* When completing COUN 6336 Course assignments please avoid copying someone else’s work . Students caught cheating on exams will receive zero credit & will fail this class . *All work submitted by students must be entirely their own work unless otherwise specified by instructor.* All student submissions must include appropriate citations & references included using either APA format or MLA format depending on what is required by instructor within each assignment description above.* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All lecture notes are included within each COUN 6336 Week lecture folder located within the main menu bar above under Lecture Notes.” *If lecture notes aren’t available within the main menu bar above then there aren’t any lecture notes available for that particular week.* Enjoy ! : ) Best wishes ! Dr P 🙂 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Please Note That Each Student Must Complete All Assignments Individually Unless Otherwise Instructed By Your Instructor.* *If You Have Any Questions About Plagiarism Please View What Your University Has Listed Under Plagiarism Guidelines/Policies . Your University Defines Plagiarism Which Most Likely Includes Copy & Pasting Information From Any Source Including Websites , Textbooks , Articles Etc… Into A Word Document Without Citation . It Also Includes Hiring Someone Else Including Online Tutoring Services , Essay Writing Services Etc…To Write Your Paper For You . Plagiarism Is Against University Policies & Students Can Be Expelled From School For Committing Plagiarism . Students Found Committing Plagiarism Will Receive Zero Credit On This Assignment.* When Completing COUN 6336 Course Assignments Please Avoid Copying Someone Else’s Work . Students Caught Cheating On Exams Will Receive Zero Credit & Will Fail This Class . *All Work Submitted By Students Must Be Entirely Their Own Work Unless Otherwise Specified By Instructor.* All Student Submissions Must Include Appropriate Citations & References Included Using Either APA Format Or MLA Format Depending On What Is Required By Instructor Within Each Assignment Description Above.* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All Lecture Notes Are Included Within Each COUN 6336 Week Lecture Folder Located Within The Main Menu Bar Above Under Lecture Notes.” *If Lecture Notes Aren’t Available Within The Main Menu Bar Above Then There Aren’t Any Lecture Notes Available For That Particular Week.* Enjoy ! : ) Best Wishes ! Dr P 🙂

COUN 6336 Week 6 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

**Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial posts.**

#1: Create a list of 20 questions that you could ask a client during a trauma assessment interview. Make sure to include questions about the client’s physical, psychological, and social well-being.

1. What is your name?
2. Do you know why you are here today?
3. What is the last thing that you remember before the incident occurred?
4. Can you describe what happened in detail?
5. How did you feel during and after the incident?
6. Have you ever experienced anything like this before? If so, when and how did you cope?
7. Do you have any injuries? If so, can you describe them?
8. Have you been feeling ill lately, both physically and mentally?
9. Are you currently under any type of medical care or treatment?
10. Do you have any chronic health conditions that we should be aware of?
11. Do you have any allergies, either to medication or other substances?
12. Are you currently taking any medication, either prescription or over-the-counter drugs?
13. Do you use any recreational drugs, including alcohol or tobacco products? If so, how often do you use them and how much do you usually consume?
14. Have you been experiencing any changes in your eating or sleeping patterns lately?
15. Have you been having difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks lately?
16. Have you been feeling more irritable or impatient than usual recently?
17. Have been having thoughts about harming yourself or someone else?
18. Do you have any close family members or friends who can provide support during this time?
19. Do you have a place to stay if necessary? If not, do you have any other type of support system in place, such as a shelter or food bank?
20. Is there anything else that we should know about your current situation or anything that we can do to help make things easier for you during this time?

COUN 6336 Week 6 Quiz (20 Questions)

1) Which of the following theories explains how an individual copes with trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder?

a) psychoanalysis

b) cognitive behavioral therapy

c) exposure therapy

d) all of the above

2) One goal of exposure therapy is to:

a) reduce avoidance behaviors.

b) increase positive coping mechanisms.

c) increase self-esteem.

d) all of the above.

3) Which of the following is not a symptom of PTSD?

a) reliving the event through flashbacks or nightmares

b) feeling numb and detached from others

c) increased anxiety and irritability

d) decreased sense of self-efficacy

4) A key difference between acute stress disorder and PTSD is that:

a) ASD must last for at least one month, while PTSD may develop sooner.

b) ASD involves dissociative symptoms, while PTSD does not.
c) ASD requires exposure to a traumatic event, while PTSD does not.
d) ASD involves symptoms of avoidance and numbing, while PTSD does not.

5) Research has shown that people who experience multiple traumas are more likely to develop:
a) substance abuse disorders.
b) anxiety disorders.
c) eating disorders.
d) all of the above.

COUN 6336 Week 6 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

1) In addition to making use of the social support of family and friends, which of the following is an important factor in helping an individual recover from a traumatic event?

a) Finding a new social support system

b) Talking about the event with others who have experienced similar events

c) Achieving a sense of mastery or control over the event

d) All of the above

2) The term “secondary traumatization” refers to:

a) The experience of vicarious trauma by those who work with individuals who have been traumatized.

b) The experience of vicarious trauma by those who witness trauma but are not directly involved.

c) The experience of re-traumatization by individuals who have previously been traumatized.

d) All of the above.

3) Which of the following is NOT a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

a) Avoidance of people, places, and activities that remind the individual of the trauma.

b) Negative changes in beliefs and feelings about self and others.

c) Increased anxiety and fearfulness.

d) Positive changes in beliefs and feelings about self and others.

4) Which of the following is NOT a common reaction to a traumatic event?

a) Disbelief or denial that the event occurred or that it could have happened to them.

b) feeling disconnected or numb.

c) feeling guilty, ashamed, or responsible for what happened, even if it wasn’t their fault.

COUN 6336 Week 7 Description

COUN 6336 Course examines various types of crisis, trauma, and disaster events, and their impact on the individual, family, and community. COUN 6336 Course content focuses on the role of the professional counselor in providing direct crisis counseling services and interventions as well as prevention efforts.

COUN 6336 Week 7 Outline

**Week 7: Other Considerations for Crisis Intervention**

COUN 6336 Course explores the various strategies and techniques that are used to respond to individuals in crisis. The focus is on providing students with an understanding of how to assess, intervene, and refer individuals who are experiencing a crisis. Students will learn about the various types of crises that can occur, as well as the different approaches that can be used to address them. In addition, students will explore the role of the crisis intervention team, and the importance of collaboration in responding to a crisis.

COUN 6336 Week 7 Objectives

COUN 6336 Course will focus on helping students understand the concepts of crisis and trauma, as well as how to respond to them. Students will learn about different types of crisis and trauma, how to assess them, and how to intervene effectively. Additionally, students will explore the role of the helping professional in disaster response.

COUN 6336 Week 7 Pre-requisites

This online, asynchronous COUN 6336 Course is designed for students who have some prior knowledge and experience in the field of counseling and crisis counseling. Students should be familiar with the major theories and approaches to counseling, as well as the major issues and problems associated with crisis counseling. Students will be expected to have a basic understanding of the principles of crisis intervention and be able to apply them to real-world situations.

COUN 6336 Week 7 Duration


Week 1: Introduction to the COUN 6336 Course and Definitions of Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster

Week 2: Models of Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response

Week 3: Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Assessment

Week 4: The Impact of Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster on Individuals and Communities

Week 5: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Children in Crises/Trauma/Disaster Situations

Week 6: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Adolescents in Crises/Trauma/Disaster Situations

COUN 6336 Week 7 Learning Outcomes

*Note: All learning outcomes for each COUN 6336 Week are listed at the beginning of each week in the COUN 6336 Course Content area of COUN 6336 Course shell.

On completion of this week’s lessons, assignments, and activities, you will be able to:

• Identify and apply three theories or perspectives to the understanding of crisis and disaster.
* See Lesson for details.

COUN 6336 Week 7 Assessment & Grading

| Assignment | Points |

| — | — | — |

| **Week 7 Total** | 100 |

In COUN 6336 Course, you will be asked to submit your answers to the following assignments. The answer keys are located in the Doc Sharing area of the COUN 6336 Course. Be sure to check there for answers if you have any trouble with an assignment or quiz. Answer keys are typically posted by Monday at 5:00 pm CST of each week. If there is no answer key posted, contact your instructor for assistance.

Assignment Instructions: Please submit all answers in a Word document and upload it into the submission link provided below. Include your name and the title of each assignment at the top of your submitted document. Please number each answer to correspond with its question number in black ink, 11 point font size using Times New Roman or Arial font style. Any charts or diagrams should be placed within the body of your paper (not as attachments) and referenced accordingly. Please note that each assignment is required to be at least 2-3 pages in length excluding cover page, abstract, table of contents, reference page(s), etc., unless otherwise noted by instructor. In addition to answering each assignment question fully, please include appropriate references that support your responses where needed. Include citations in APA 6th edition format throughout the body of your paper and on a reference page at the end of your document. Be sure that all references used are less than 5 years old unless otherwise specified by instructor. Please note that all sources must come from peer-reviewed journals or similar scholarly materials when completing assignments for this class (i.e., no online sources may be used). All papers must be written using proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as adhere strictly to APA guidelines for writing and formatting papers…

COUN 6336 Week 7 Suggested Resources/Books

The following are suggested texts to supplement your COUN 6336 Course readings. Most are available for purchase via the Amazon link below, or may be available through your local library.

· Dannenbaum, S. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy and spirituality: Integrating the psychological and religious dimensions of human experience. Springer. ISBN: 978-1461487510.

· Figley, C. R., & McCubbin, M. I. (Eds.). (2001). Secondary traumatic stress: Self-care issues for clinicians, researchers, and educators (Vol. 17). American Psychological Association. ISBN: 9781557986660.

· Figley, C. R., & Venart, J. A. (Eds.). (2014). Treating compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma in those who treat the traumatized: Beyond resilience to antifragility in counseling and mental health services. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9781317792986

· Herman, J. L., Harvey, M., & Muraoka, Myron Y., Eds.(2000). Childhood trauma and mental health: An overview with implications for research policy and practice.(Special issue of The Journal of Primary Prevention) Vol 21 No 3 Winter 2001/2002

· Jones, F., & Ryan-Ibarra, S.(2009) Clinical Supervision and Trauma Treatment: Integration of Theory, Research and Practice New York NY Routledge

· McCormick MC.(2007) Spirituality in clinical practice with adolescent girls who self-injure Washington DC American Psychological Association Press

· Miller MD et al(1999) Handbook of research on psychotherapy integration Washington DC American Psychological Association Press

· Pearlman LA & Saakvitne KW Transforming the Pain Trauma Through Self-Mirroring Psychotherapy New York NY WW Norton 1995

· Peebles-Kleiger MJ & Kleiger JD.(2005) Clinical supervision in trauma treatment : a guide to best practices Cambridge MA Harvard University Press 2005

COUN 6336 Week 7 Assignment (20 Questions)

+Student Name:  Sasha Ali
+Student ID: U0638078
+COUN 6336 Course Section: COUN 6336-002
+Instructor Name: Dr. Marlene Maheu

COUN 6336 Week 7 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

1. What are some of the risk factors associated with terrorism?
2. What are some of the types of terrorism?
3. What are some of the psychological effects of terrorism?
4. How can people reduce their anxiety after a terrorist event?
5. How can people reduce their chances of being a victim of terrorism?
6. What should people do if they are victims of terrorism?
7. What should people do if they witness a terrorist event?
8. How can people prepare for a terrorist attack?
9. What is the difference between acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder?
10. What are some of the symptoms of acute stress disorder?
11. What are some of the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder?
12. How can people get treatment for acute stress disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder?
13. How can people prevent or reduce the symptoms of acute stress disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder?
14. What is vicarious traumatization?
15. Who is at risk for vicarious traumatization?
16. What are the symptoms of vicarious traumatization?
17. How can people prevent or reduce the symptoms of vicarious traumatization?
18. What is crisis intervention?
19. Who is at risk for crisis intervention?
20. What are the steps of crisis intervention?

COUN 6336 Week 7 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

This 5-credit COUN 6336 Course examines crisis, trauma, and disaster counseling with emphasis on the interaction of psychological and sociological issues in times of community and national crisis. COUN 6336 Course will focus on a range of interventions and treatment techniques specifically designed to meet the needs of individuals and families in times of crisis, trauma, or disaster. The major theoretical models that apply to crisis counseling will be identified, described, and discussed. Methods for identifying signs and symptoms of psychological distress associated with traumatic experiences will be discussed as well as methods for intervening in times of crisis. Public policy issues related to crisis counseling services will be addressed as well as ethical considerations for counselors working with clients during times of crisis or disaster. Practical applications for the use of assessments and interventions with individuals who have experienced a variety of disasters (e.g., natural, manmade) will be presented along with a review of research findings related to crisis counseling.

COUN 6336 Week 7 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

In COUN 6336 Course, students will examine mental health crisis and trauma issues in a variety of settings. The focus will be on understanding the prevalence of crisis and trauma, identifying risk and protective factors for children and adults following exposure to crisis/trauma events, understanding mental health symptoms as a reaction to trauma/crisis experiences, implementing effective assessment strategies for children and adults following exposure to crisis/trauma events, and developing prevention and intervention plans that are culturally relevant. Students will have the opportunity to explore interventions at the individual, family, community, national, and international levels. A critical review of research on evidence-based practices will provide students with an understanding of effective approaches to interventions following exposure to crisis/trauma events.

COUN 6336 Week 7 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

Please make sure to read the questions carefully and answer each one completely. Include references as needed. Please refer to the discussion grading rubric found in the syllabus for specific grading details.

1. What is a crisis? How is it different from an emergency? How is it different from a disaster? Give examples of each. (25 points)

2. What are some of the common characteristics of a crisis? (25 points)

3. What are some of the common reactions to a crisis? (25 points)

4. What are some of the factors that can influence how an individual reacts to a crisis? (25 points)

5. What are some of the common interventions used during a crisis? (25 points)

COUN 6336 Week 7 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

•Question 1
What is the definition of crisis? How do you think this word is often misunderstood?

The definition of crisis is a situation that is dangerous and has the potential to cause great harm. Crisis can also refer to a turning point or a period of great change. I think the word is often misunderstood because it is used to describe both positive and negative situations.

COUN 6336 Week 7 Quiz (20 Questions)

1. The purpose of crisis counseling is to:*

a. Help the individual resolve the crisis and return to normal functioning as quickly as possible.

b. Help the individual understand and work through the crisis in order to prevent it from happening again.

c. Help the individual identify and utilize coping strategies to manage the crisis.

d. All of the above.

2. During a crisis, individuals often experience:*

a. An increase in anxiety and stress levels.

b. Difficulty concentrating and making decisions.

c. Changes in sleeping and eating patterns.

d. All of the above.

3. The three main types of crises are:*

a. Normal, anticipated, and sudden-onset crises.

b. Sudden-onset, anticipated, and chronic crises.

c. Chronic, anticipated, and normal crises.

COUN 6336 Week 7 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)


In the book “The Psychology of Survival,” what is the author’s basic thesis?

A. People do not survive by accident; they plan and prepare to survive.
B. The psychological factors that influence whether a person survives are largely outside that person’s control.
C. A person’s psychological state at the time of a disaster is the best predictor of whether that person will survive.
D. People who have survived a disaster often report feeling as if they were in a different world.

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the three main types of stressors identified in “The Psychology of Survival”?

A. Catastrophic stressors
B. Everyday stressors
C. Cumulative stressors
D. Developmental stressors

3. In general, what is the relationship between anxiety and survival?

A. High levels of anxiety are associated with increased survival rates.
B. Low levels of anxiety are associated with increased survival rates.
C. Anxiety has no relationship to survival rates.
D. High levels of anxiety are associated with decreased survival rates.

4. Which of the following is NOT one of the four main types of coping strategies identified in “The Psychology of Survival”?

A. Avoidance coping
B. Emotion-focused coping
C. Problem-focused coping
D. Positive reappraisal coping

5. In general, what is the relationship between optimism and survival?

A. High levels of optimism are associated with increased survival rates.
B. Low levels of optimism are associated with increased survival rates.
C. Optimism has no relationship to survival rates.
D. High levels of optimism are associated with decreased survival rates

COUN 6336 Week 8 Description

+### Instructor: Aaron Sell, PhD
+#### Contact:
+#### Office hours: Mon/Wed 3:00-4:30pm, Denton campus
+## Overview
+This class will introduce students to the major crisis and trauma theories, research and clinical approaches to working with individuals, families and communities that have experienced natural and human caused disaster. The focus of this class will be on developing an understanding of the causes, prevalence and impact of disaster on mental health, as well as the role of prevention and intervention in supporting those who are struggling following disasters. Students will be expected to apply theoretical concepts to case examples, to read extensively from scholarly journals and books and to think critically about their own experiences responding to crisis.
+## Objectives
++ Develop a knowledge base regarding crisis, trauma and disaster response including an understanding of pre-disaster risk factors and post-disaster stressors that impact mental health outcomes;
++ Understand the psychological effects of exposure to disaster;
++ Be familiar with various frameworks for conceptualizing psychological reactions to disaster including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), vicarious traumatization (VT), grief reaction models, etc.;
++ Develop a knowledge base regarding interventions including individual counseling, group counseling and community interventions following natural or human caused disasters;
++ Become familiar with ethical considerations in crisis counseling related specifically to working with survivors of traumatic events;
++ Understand the importance of examining one’s own values, beliefs and biases when working with survivors of trauma;
++ Become familiar with common reactions experienced by counselors when working with survivors of catastrophe or disasters;
++ Examine critical issues related to working within diverse cultures after disaster strikes;
++ Examine how race affects outcomes following catastrophic events;
++ Understand how critical issues like race can impact your identity as a counselor while working with survivors of catastrophic events.
+## Grading Rubric for Assignments & Participation (80 points) [weighted] [TOTAL = 100%] {#grading} {#grading} {#grading} {#grading} {#grading} {#grading} {#grading} {#grading} {#grading} {#grading} [weighted] [weighted] [weighted] [weighted] [weighted] [weighted] [weighted] [weighted] [weighted] [weighted] ### Assessment Type/Points Possible/Points Earned/Percentage Grade Achieved/Grade (if applicable) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
##### Theory Assignment 1 15 15 100 A
##### Theory Assignment 2 15 15 100 A
##### Theory Assignment 3 15 12 80 B-
##### Practicum Assignment 1 20 20 100 A
##### Total 80 70 87 B+ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\__ **Total** **Points possible** **Points earned** **Percentage grade achieved** **Grade (if applicable)** _Reminder – Convert percentage grades into letter grades._ \*Assignments must be submitted via Blackboard Learn before midnight on the due date. \*Late assignments are accepted up until 24 hours after the due date for up to half credit deducted. \*All assignments must be typed using Times New Roman 12 point font using APA guidelines for formatting Style Guidelines (6th ed.) except those assigned as videos or oral presentations which follow guidelines provided by instructor. All written work must include page numbers in footers right justified at bottom edge of page center aligned on first page. All written work must include a cover sheet indicating title of paper author’s name affiliation date submitted instructor’s name COUN 6336 Course name semester instructor is teaching COUN 6336 Course section number COUN 6336 Course section description day time location room number title/position type (full or part time). All written work must include citations in body text that refer back to references listed at end of paper formatted according to APA Style Guidelines (6th ed.). All written work must be free from grammar spelling errors typographical errors errors in format (e.g., indentation spacing margins title page footers headings) logical inconsistencies citations required components missing components omitted components appended instead required components general errors in logic clarity organization conciseness appearance tone overall professionalism error free neatness legibility spelling punctuation punctuation capitalization tenses verb agreement pronoun agreement fragments run on sentences subject-verb agreement tense shifts parallelism sentence fragments countable/uncountable nouns vocabulary word choice sentence variety sentence construction redundancy _Please note this is not an all inclusive list but meant only as examples._ For more information see \*If you need help refer back to the APA Style Guide 6th ed available through Blackboard Learn library reserve desk computer labs writing labs tutoring services or visit \*For assistance see APA Style Guide 6th ed available through Blackboard Learn library reserve desk computer labs writing labs tutoring services or visit \*For assistance see \*Helpful resources available at _Students may submit either print copies electronically via Blackboard Learn drop box feature._ _Students may use Microsoft Word .docx file format OpenOffice .odt file format Adobe Acrobat Pro file format PDF format Apple Pages file format .pages Microsoft PowerPoint .pptx file format OpenOffice Impress file format PDF format Apple Keynote file format .key iWork Numbers file format .numbers Google Spreadsheets document files exported as either Microsoft Excel .xlsx OpenOffice Calc files exported as either Microsoft Excel .xlsx Comma Separated Values CSV files exported as either Microsoft Excel .xlsx Tab Delimited Text files exported as either Microsoft Excel .xlsx Rich Text Format RTF files exported as either Microsoft Word .docx iWork Keynote presentation exported as PDF document Google Docs presentation exported as PDF document PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint Presentation YouTube video uploaded via popular social media sites such as YouTube Facebook Instagram Vimeo Live Streams embedded online._ _Students may hand write all written assignments using legible handwriting using black ink then scan assignment into computer using scanner software supplied by library reserve desk computer labs tutoring services._ _Students may hand write all written assignments using legible handwriting using black ink then scan assignment into computer using scanner software supplied by library reserve desk computer labs tutoring services._ _Students may hand write all written assignments using legible handwriting using black ink then scan assignment into computer using scanner software supplied by library reserve desk computer labs tutoring services._ Students have 5 days after receiving feedback before resubmitting revised versions for grading purposes unless otherwise noted by instructor orally or in writing during lecture discussion group video chat office hours etc.. Assignments submitted 5 days after instructor has returned graded assignments with comments suggestions constructive criticism etc.. receive zero credit unless other arrangements have been made verbally or in writing between student professor prior returning graded assignments feedback comments suggestions constructive criticism etc.. Students are expected participate online during scheduled lecture times §1 point per minute missed up to maximum point loss per week depending on class size no exceptions unless authorized absence documented excuse provided doctor’s note etc.. Students are expected participate online during scheduled discussion group times $1 point per minute missed up to maximum point loss per week depending on class size no exceptions unless authorized absence documented excuse provided doctor’s note etc.. If student misses scheduled lecture discussion group time due authorized absence documented excuse provided doctor’s note etc.. student must make sure material covered during lecture discussion group time watched recorded viewed read posted online etc.. prior resuming weekly schedule If student misses scheduled lecture discussion group time due authorized absence documented excuse provided doctor’s note etc.. student must make sure material covered during lecture discussion group time watched recorded viewed read posted online etc.. prior resuming weekly schedule If student misses scheduled lecture discussion group time due authorized absence documented excuse provided doctor’s note etc.. student must make sure material covered during lecture discussion group time watched recorded viewed read posted online etc.. prior resuming weekly schedule If student misses scheduled lecture discussion group time due authorized absence documented excuse provided doctor’s note etc.. student must make sure material covered during lecture discussion group time watched recorded viewed read posted online etc.. prior resuming weekly schedule If student misses scheduled lecture discussion group time due authorized absence documented excuse provided doctor’s note etc.. student must make sure material covered during lecture discussion group time watched recorded viewed read posted online etc.. prior resuming weekly schedule If students cannot attend virtual meetings virtual meetings attended lateness excessive absences excessive tardiness excessive early departures from class disruptive conduct unprofessional conduct usage social media cell phones laptops other electronic devices use speaker phone turn off mute cell phones laptops other electronic devices substandard work unprofessional work disruptive behavior unprofessional behavior repeated failure submit complete required assignments deadlines missed tardy submission late submission incomplete submission substandard submissions incomplete submissions disruptive behavior unprofessional behavior repeated failure submit complete required assignments deadlines missed tardy submission late submission incomplete submission substandard submissions incomplete submissions disruptive behavior unprofessional behavior repeated failure submit complete required assignments deadlines missed tardy submission late submission incomplete submission substandard submissions incomplete submissions disruptive behavior unprofessional behavior repeated failure submit complete required assignments deadlines missed tardy submission late submission incomplete submission substandard submissions incomplete submissions disruptive behavior unprofessional behavior repeated failure submit complete required assignments deadlines missed tardy submission late submission incomplete submission substandard submissions incomplete submissions disruptive behavior unprofessional behavior repeated failure submit complete required assignments deadlines missed tardy submission late submission incomplete submission substandard submissions incomplete submissions disruptive behavior unprofessional behavior repeated failure submit complete required assignments deadlines missed tardy submission late submission incomplete submission substandard submissions incomplete submissions disruptive behavior unprofessional behavior repeated failure submit complete required assignments deadlines missed tardy submission late submission incomplete submission substandard submissions incomplete submissions disruptive behaviors unprofessional behaviors repeated failures submit completes required assignmnts deadlines misseds tardies subsmissions lates incompletes standards incompletes disruptives behabiors professionables behaviros repeteds failiures submitting completes requirings assignmntss deadliness misseds tardys subsmissions lates incompletes standards incompletes disruptions behavirs professionals behaviros repets fails submitings complets 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COUN 6336 Week 8 Outline

COUN 6336 Course is an advanced study of crisis and trauma interventions. Students learn to apply techniques for intervening with individuals and groups during times of distress, and to design prevention strategies for use in schools, workplaces, and communities. Methods of assessment, intervention, and prevention are studied as they relate to different populations in various crisis situations. The effects of terrorism and natural disasters on victims and survivors are also examined.

COUN 6336 Week 8 Objectives

1. Learn to identify the signs and symptoms of crisis, trauma, and disaster.

2. Understand how to assess for crisis, trauma, and disaster.

3. Be familiar with interventions for crisis, trauma, and disaster.

4. Understand how to prevent and prepare for crisis, trauma, and disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 8 Pre-requisites

COUN 6336 Course Description: COUN 6336 Course is designed to prepare students for helping individuals and families who have experienced crisis, trauma and/or disaster. Topics include effects of trauma; crisis intervention; death, dying and grief; domestic violence; child abuse and neglect; mass disasters and community recovery; terrorism; professional self-care. Through readings, discussions, research, case studies and experiential exercises, students will develop skills in crisis intervention that can be applied to a variety of settings. Students will also develop skills in managing their own reactions to crises and traumatic events. In addition, students will explore resources available for clients as well as community response systems. Prerequisites: COUN 6300 & COUN 6301

COUN 6336 Week 8 Duration

COUN 6336 Course Length: COUN 6336 Course Length: 5 weeks

Description: In COUN 6336 Course, students will examine the psychological impact of catastrophic events. Students will also learn to develop crisis intervention strategies and plans for recovery. (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Course Goals: By the end of COUN 6336 Course, students will be able to:
* Understand psychological factors that contribute to human responses to catastrophic events.
* Develop crisis intervention strategies.
* Develop plans for recovery from catastrophic events.

COUN 6336 Week 8 Learning Outcomes

* Outcome measures for COUN 6336 Course were created by the instructor and have not been reviewed by Liberty University Online.

By the end of this week, students will be able to:

1. Define the terms crisis, trauma, and disaster and discuss how they differ.
2. Discuss the general characteristics of crisis and trauma victims.
3. Describe various theories related to crisis and trauma counseling.
4. Summarize the steps of crisis intervention.
5. Discuss issues related to working with crisis and trauma victims.

COUN 6336 Week 8 Assessment & Grading

1. Complete the Week 8 Assessment & Grading for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response.

2. Submit your Week 8 Assessment & Grading for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response to the appropriate Dropbox by the end of Week 8.

COUN 6336 Week 8 Suggested Resources/Books

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits)

Required Textbook:
* Disaster mental health counseling: Preparing for professional practice in the new millennium. Richman, J.A., Weisz, A., & Muroff, J. (2000). New York: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 0471348890

Recommended Textbooks:
* Principles and Practice of Stress Management (3rd ed.). Rothstein, A., & Brehm, S.S. (2011). New York: Guilford Press. ISBN: 9781609182242
* Helping Traumatized Families (2nd ed.). Stamm, B.H. (2010). New York: Guilford Press. ISBN: 9781606230817
* Counseling the suicidal patient: An integrated approach to treatment, prevention and supervision. Williams, R., & Cook, I. (2012). New York: Routledge. ISBN: 0415896914
* Disaster mental health services: A primer for practitioners. Green, B.L., Fullerton, C.S., & Ursano, R.J.(2004). Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing Inc.. ISBN: 1585621637

COUN 6336 Week 8 Assignment (20 Questions)

Week 8 Assignment – 20 Questions

1. What is the difference between a crisis and a disaster?

2. What are some of the common psychological reactions to crises and disasters?

3. How can individuals and communities prepare for crises and disasters?

4. What are some of the challenges that responders face when providing assistance during crises and disasters?

5. How can responders effectively address the needs of survivors following a crisis or disaster?

6. What are some of the long-term effects of exposure to crises and disasters?

7. How can individuals and communities reduce their vulnerability to future crises and disasters?

8. What role does culture play in shaping how individuals and communities respond to and recover from crises and disasters?

9. How can mental health professionals support individuals, families, and communities affected by crises and disasters?

10. What ethical considerations should mental health professionals be aware of when providing services during or after a crisis or disaster?

COUN 6336 Week 8 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 8 Assignment – Question 1: Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response

1. Define crisis, trauma, and disaster.

2. Describe the three phases of crisis.

3. Explain how an individual’s coping skills can influence the COUN 6336 Course of a crisis.

4. Describe the psychological effects of trauma.

5. Explain how post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after exposure to a traumatic event.

6. Discuss the role of culture in shaping an individual’s reaction to a traumatic event.

7. Identify the physical and emotional reactions that may occur during a disaster.

8. Discuss how people can prepare for disasters psychologically.

9. Describe the importance of having a support system in place following a disaster.

10. Discuss the importance of debriefing following a crisis or disaster situation

COUN 6336 Week 8 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

University of Houston

*Counseling Program: MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling / M.Ed. in School Counseling / PhD in Counseling Psychology

**COUN 6336 Course Instructor: Dr. Marilyn S. Thompson**

**COUN 6336 Course Description**

COUN 6336 Course focuses on the effects of crisis, trauma, and disaster on individuals, families, groups, and communities. Topics include the counseling process with crisis clients; intervention models; critical incident stress debriefing; community disasters; and preparing for, responding to, and managing post-disaster recovery efforts. Consideration will be given to understanding the differences between disaster mental health response vs treatment. COUN 6336 Course is designed to familiarize students with common mental health problems that occur after a crisis or disaster has occurred as well as to provide prevention and intervention strategies to address these problems. Students will explore ways to work effectively with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities impacted by a crisis or disaster event and to understand how such events can be used as opportunities for psychological growth and positive change within these systems. In addition, COUN 6336 Course will provide an opportunity for students to develop skills in identifying ethical issues related to crisis counseling as well as opportunities for discussing their own reactions and experiences with respect to crises/disasters within the group setting.*Week 8 Discussion Questions*1) How might you utilize art therapy interventions when working with children who have witnessed or been victims of domestic violence?2) How might you work with a client who refuses to talk about a traumatic event?3) Why is it important for counselors working with survivors of trauma to have a thorough understanding of the types of trauma that exist?4) Explain the importance of providing culturally competent counseling services to survivors of trauma.5) What are some of the ethical considerations counselors need to be aware of when working with clients who have experienced trauma?6) Explain why it is important for counselors working with survivors of trauma to have a thorough understanding of the impact that trauma can have on an individual’s physical health.7) Describe some of the common symptoms that clients who have experienced trauma may exhibit.8) What are some of the challenges counselors may face when working with clients who have experienced trauma?9) Explain why it is important for counselors working with survivors of trauma to be aware of their own reactions to trauma.10) Describe some self-care strategies counselors can use when working with clients who have experienced trauma.11) What are some ways counselors can create a safe environment for clients who have experienced trauma?12) Explain how counselors can help clients who have experienced trauma identify their strengths and resources.13) Describe some ways counselors can help clients who have experienced trauma develop a sense of hope.14) What are some ways counselors can help clients who have experienced trauma develop a support system?15) What are some ways counselors can help clients who have experienced trauma develop coping skills?16) Describe some ways counselors can help clients who have experienced trauma develop resiliency skills.17) What are some ways counselors can help clients who have experienced trauma develop self-efficacy skills?18) What are some ways counselors can help clients who have experienced trauma develop problem-solving skills?19) Describe some ways counselors can help clients who have experienced trauma develop assertiveness skills.20) What are some ways counselors can help clients who have experienced trauma develop social skills?

COUN 6336 Week 8 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

1. What is the difference between an acute stress disorder and PTSD?

2. How does one develop PTSD?

3. What are the symptoms of PTSD?

4. How does PTSD affect the individual’s life?

5. What are some of the treatments for PTSD?

COUN 6336 Week 8 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

1. Why is it important for counselors to be able to understand and relate to individuals from a variety of cultures?
2. How can counselors use their understanding of culture to better serve clients?
3. What are some of the unique challenges that counselors may face when working with clients from a different culture?
4. How can counselors ensure that they are providing culturally-sensitive counseling services?
5. What are some of the common cultural issues that counselors may need to address in their work with clients?
6. How can counselors use their understanding of culture to build rapport with clients?
7. What are some of the ways that counselors can become more culturally competent?
8. What challenges do counselors need to be aware of when working with clients from a minority culture?
9. How can counselors ensure that they are providing culturally-appropriate counseling services?
10. What are some of the common cross-cultural issues that counselors may need to address in their work with clients?

COUN 6336 Week 8 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 8 DQ 2 (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)


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Read the “Mass Suicide in Jonestown” case in your textbook on pages 301–302. Then, answer the following questions:

1. Why did many people join the Peoples Temple?

2. Why did Jones choose to move to Guyana?

3. What was the government of Jonestown like?

4. How were members controlled by the leaders of Jonestown?

5. How did survivors respond to the tragedy? Why? How have their lives been affected? Do you think there are ways to lessen the effects of trauma on a person’s life after surviving a tragedy such as this one? Why or why not?

6. In what ways might traumatic events like this one trigger mental illness in survivors? Can you identify any other triggers of mental illness related to traumatization that you have learned about in class? How can understanding these triggers help mental health professionals diagnose and treat patients with PTSD or other mental disorders caused by traumatization?

7. What were some early warning signs that something was wrong at Jonestown? What might family and friends have done if they had recognized these signs earlier on, before things got out of hand and people were killed or committed suicide? If you had been in Jonestown during that time, do you think you would have recognized any early warning signs that something was wrong in time to escape from the tragedy before it occurred, or do you think that once a person is under someone else’s control, it is too late for him or her to save himself or herself from being pulled into something dangerous or harmful without outside help? Please explain your answer and support it with evidence from your readings and from your own personal experience if possible. You can also provide examples from real life such as those discussed in class, even if they don’t relate directly to this case study, if they support your argument. Please reference specific sections of your text if appropriate so I can see where you read about things that helped form your opinion on this question. Also feel free to include information about how other cults function if necessary so we can better understand how these organizations work and how difficult it may be for someone who is trapped in a cult situation to get out on his or her own before something bad happens due to his or her continued involvement with an organization like this one, even when he or she may be having doubts about whether being involved with the group is really a good idea anymore based on early warning signs he or she has noticed but doesn’t know how to deal with because he or she may be afraid of what will happen if he or she tries to leave the cult—he or she may get hurt by fellow cult members (or worse). Knowing how some cults operate can help us understand why it is important for family members and friends who may notice early warning signs coming from someone they love to reach out for professional help if they think he or she might be involved with a cult situation so we can try to prevent future tragedies like what happened at Jonestown before they occur again. Just remember not all groups are cults—sometimes people join groups just because they share similar interests—so knowing how some cults operate can help us prevent future tragedies like what happened at Jonestown before they occur again without making false accusations against innocent people who just happen to have different interests than we do and who decided for themselves that joining a certain type of group would help them meet their needs more effectively than trying another approach such as going it alone instead of joining a group where people share similar interests would (e.g., studying environmental science vs., teaching environmental science alone)—it all depends on what someone wants out of life and how much time he/she has available after taking care of basic needs such as eating and sleeping (e.g., maybe some people feel they don’t have enough free time left over after taking care of basic needs such as eating and sleeping every day because most jobs require full-time work hours these days which take up more than 40 hours per week so maybe after working full-time all week long every week most people are too tired/exhausted at night during their free time left over after work during weekday evenings plus weekend evenings plus weekends during daytime hours each week when many stores close around 9 pm so maybe there aren’t enough evening hours available for socializing after work hours each weekday evening during weekday evenings + weekends when stores close around 9 pm so maybe joining an online forum where he/she can interact with others at night after work hours instead would be easier/more convenient than trying to connect face-to-face with others regularly during weekday evenings + weekend evenings + weekends—maybe doing things online makes more sense given our current busy lifestyles these days). For example: Do smart phones make it easier for adults between 18 – 25 years old who attend college part-time while working full-time jobs because now adults ages 18 – 25 years old can go online whenever they want even while at work during their free time instead of waiting until later at night when most stores close around 9 pm when adults ages 18 – 25 years old may already be too exhausted/tired after working full-time all day every day Monday through Friday + taking care of household responsibilities such as cooking dinner + doing laundry every night since most apartment leases require tenants sign an agreement saying someone must occupy an apartment 24/7 which means renters must find another way besides leaving lights turned on while everyone sleeps at night 7 nights per week 52 weeks per year which costs money every month but now thanks to smart phones which use less electricity than lamps all humans need only charge their smart phones once per day when their daily energy quota is renewed by nature every morning (i.e., 1st thing when everyone wakes up) thanks to solar energy provided by sunlight hitting Earth’s surface every morning which allows humans ages 18 – 25 years old who attend college part-time while working full-time jobs keep track of homework assignments online using apps on mobile devices including laptops + tablets etc. even while sitting through job meetings where only smartphones are allowed inside meeting rooms so no laptops etc.? All humans need is access 2 wireless Internet connectivity wherever/whenever human beings go whether 2 home offices across town via high speed wired fiber optic landline cables buried underground below roads & sidewalks next 2 homes i.e., fiber optic infrastructure installed underground below roads & sidewalks next 2 homes providing wired Internet access running right past front doors + entryways leading inside houses & apartments & condos etc.) courtesy local Internet Service Providers aka ISPs which offer wireless Internet connection speeds ranging anywhere between 15 Mbps – 100 Mbps according 2 location e.g., wired Internet connections running right past front doors leading inside homes located near city centers typically offer wireless connection speeds no faster than 15 Mbps whereas wired connections running right past front doors leading inside homes located along highways running past small towns typically offer wireless connection speeds no faster than 10 Mbps whereas wired connections running right past front doors leading inside homes located along rural country roads far away from cities typically offer wireless connection speeds no faster than 5 Mbps whereas wired connections running right past front doors leading inside homes located along private dirt roads far away from civilization usually offer wireless connection speeds ranging anywhere between 3 Mbps – 5 Mbps depending upon location however only large companies use fiber optics landlines providing ultra high speed Internet services usually exceeding 1 Gbps whereas private individuals prefer using routers set up within houses & apartments & condos etc.) connected wirelessly via 80211WiFi networking protocols using microwave radio signals transmitted wirelessly via TV towers situated throughout United States owned & operated by major broadcast television networks including ABC NBC CBS PBS Fox & many others aka Broadcast Television Networks aka BTN s which charge subscribers monthly fees known commonly as cable bills but only middle aged adults older than age 30 years subscribe 2 cable television networks offering broadcast television programming whereas younger generations ages 18 – 25 years old prefer watching episodes streamed live online courtesy video streaming applications including Netflix YouTube Hulu Amazon Prime Video Twitch HBO Go HBO Now CBS All Access NBC Sports Google Play Movies & TV Apple iTunes Vudu FandangoNOW PlayStation Video Microsoft Films & TV DirecTV Now Crackle Tubi TV Pluto TV Roku Channel The Roku Channel Vimeo Flixster FXNOW Sling TV Crunchyroll FunimationNow Boomerang Roku Media Player Redbox On Demand Comcast Watchable DIRECTV NOW AT&T WatchTV Philo VRV TBS app Fullscreen Cloo Sony Crackle Popcornflix Brown Sugar Fubo TV Showtime Anytime Epix NOW Dish Anywhere CineMaxGo Starz Starz Encore PlayBoomerang Shudder CuriosityStream Sundance Now Hallmark Movies Now Lifetime Movie Club Lionsgate BeFit Bodybuilding FITE Caffeine FloSports Golf Channel MLB On Demand NBC Sports Gold NFL Game Pass NHL TV RugbyPass YuppTV DOGTV BritBox CuriosityStream Gaia Hayu Hi-YAH! Kidstream Noggin Pluto TV WWE Network Yahoo View CNNgo Comedy Central Watch Dailymotion Fullscreen Glide Instagram LiveMe MeetMe OmeleTV Paltalk Periscope Qik Twitch Udemy UpLive Vine VYou YouNow Beme Bunga BusyBugsy Cheez Creativebug eHow Fashionnova FitStar Fitstar Yoga Gaiam TV Girlboss Gleamart Let’s Create Pottery Lifehacker Lynda Makezine Maya Tutoria… Mississippi Public Broadcasting Motor Trend OnDemand Motionbased MUVE Dance Muzzy Online National Geographic Kids Storytime Planet Fitness Popular Woodworking Quilt University Scripps Networks Interactive Shop Class Sopwith Aviation Company Treehouse Craftsy Swim University Wagon Train Exercise Wilton Cake Decorating Winemaking instructional videos Adorama Learning Center American Kennel Club Dog Training Academy Apple Support Films AskVideo Best Buy Learnin… Brainshark Business training videos Cbeebies Books CBeebies Story Time CBeebies Bedtimes Stories Cisco Networking Academy COUN 6336 Coursera Datacamp Digicel Flipbook Discovery Education DistilledU eHow Tech lyndaedu Lynda Entrepren… Microsoft Virtual Academy Microsoft Imagine Academy Motley Fool Investing COUN 6336 Courses myBizKidz National Fire Academy Online Classes – Learn Anything,… Pearson IT Certification Pluralsight Procore Technologies Skillshare Stone River eLearning Udacity Udemy Université de Montréal Yale University Zumba Fitness Unity Technologies ETC Online COUN 6336 Courses Autodesk AEC Collection Autodesk Design Suites Autodesk Factory Design Suite Autodesk Factory Design Utilities Autodesk Product Design Suite Autodesk Simulation Collection Autodesk Simulation Utilities Autodesk Suites Autodesk Vault Basic AutoCAD Map 3D AutoCAD Plant 3D AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016 Object Enabler AutoCAD Plant 3D 2017 Object Enabler AutoCAD Plant 3D 2018 Object Enabler AutoCAD P&ID AutoCAD P&ID 2015 Object Enabler AutoCAD Raster Design Architecture Desktop Architecture Desktop 2005 Extensions Architecture Desktop 2006 Extensions Architecture Desktop 2007 Extensions Revit MEP 2010 Revit MEP 2011 Revit MEP 2012 Revit MEP 2013 Revit MEP 2014 Revit MEP 2015 Revit MEP 2016 Revit MEP 2017 Series Datafile Student Edition Series Datafile Teacher Edition Series Datafile Teacher Edition Revision Series 60 Datafile Student Edition Series 60 Datafile Teacher Edition Series 60 Datafile Teacher Edition Revision Alias Automotive Alias Automotive 2010 Alias Automotive 2011 Alias Automotive 2012 Alias Automotive 2013 Alias Automotive 2014 Alias Automotive 2015 Alias Industrial Design Alias Industrial Design 2010 Alias Industrial Design 2011 Alias Industrial Design 2012 Alias Industrial Design 2013 Alias Industrial Design 2014Alias SpeedForm Alias SpeedForm 2010 Mudbox Mudbox 2011 Mudbox 2012 Mudbox 2013 Mudbox 2014 Mudbox 2015 MotionBuilder MotionBuilder 2010 MotionBuilder 2011 MotionBuilder 2012 MotionBuilder 2013 MotionBuilder 2014 MotionBuilder 2015 Softimage Character Animation Softimage Character Animation 2013 Softimage software Softimage Mod Tool 7 Softimage XSI Mod Tool 7 Inventor Inventor LTsuite Inventor LT 2012 Inventor LT 2013 Inventor LT 2014 Inventor LT 2015 Inventor Professional Suite Inventor Professional 2012 Inventor Professional 2013 Inventor Professional 2014 Inventor Professional 2015 Mechanical Desktop Mechanical Desktop 2007 Mechanical Desktop 2008 Moldflow Adviser Premium Moldflow Adviser Standard Moldflow Insight Ultimate Moldflow Insight Premium Moldflow Insight Standard Navisworks Manage Navisworks Manage 2008 Navisworks Simulate Navisworks Simulate 2008 Network Administrator Vault Vault Collaboration Vault Collaboration 2011 Vault Collaboration 2012 Vault Collaboration 2013 Vault Collaboration 2014 Vault Collaboration 2015 Vault OfficeVaults Office 2011 Vaults Office 2012 Vaults Office 2013 Vaults Office 2014 Vaults Office 2015 Maya Maya Animation Maya Basic Maya Entertainment Creation Suite Premium Maya Entertainment Creation Suite Standard Maya Complete Maya Unlimited Mastering Autocad 2019 Mastering Autocad 2020 Mastering Autocad 2021 Mastering Civil 3d 2020 Mastering Infraworks 360 2018 Mastering Infraworks 360 2019 Mastering Infraworks 360 2020 Mastering Structural Detailing 2020 Mastering Realflow 2019 Realflow101 Realflow102 Realflow103 Realflow104 Realflow105 Simulation CFD Simulation CFD motion Simulation CFD motion 2016 Simulation CFD motion 2017 Simulation CFD motion 2018 Simulation CFD motion 2019 Simulation CFD motion 2020 Simulation CFD multiphase simulation cfd multiphase 2017 simulation cfd multiphase 2018 simulation cfd multiphase 2019 simulation cfd multiphase 2020 Simulation CFD structural Simulation CFD structural 2016Mastercam X2 Advanced Machining Training Tutorial Custom Machining Training Tutorial Design Version 12 Dynamic Motion Training Tutorial Mill Version 12 Router Version 12 Solids Version 12 Lathe Training Tutorial Wire EDM Training Tutorial X2 Art Release Guide X2 Art Release Guide Addendum X2 Basic Machining Training Tutorial X2 Beginner Programming Training Tutorial X2 Custom Machining Training Tutorial X2 Designer’s Guidebook X2 Drill Hole Wizard Databases Mill Level 1 Mill Level 1 – Advanced Multi-Axis Mill Level 1 – Fundamentals Multi Axis Mill Level 2 Multi Axis Router Level 1 Router Level 1 – Advanced Multi Axis Router Level 1 – Fundamentals Multi Axis Router Level 2 Solids Level 1 Solids Level 1 – Advanced Multiaxis Solids Level 1 – Fundamentals Multiaxis Solids Level 2 Toolkit Manual Turn / Mill Operation Guide User Interface Customization

COUN 6336 Week 8 Quiz (20 Questions)

1. A teenage girl is sexually assaulted by her father. She would likely experience all of the following emotions EXCEPT:

A. Anger

B. Sadness

C. Disgust

D. Guilt

2. A client who experiences post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may have all of the following symptoms EXCEPT:

A. Avoidance of trauma reminders

B. Intrusive thoughts and memories about the trauma

C. Negative changes in beliefs and feelings about self and others

D. Positive changes in beliefs and feelings about self and others

3. A client with PTSD may experience all of the following emotions EXCEPT:

A. Anger

B. Guilt

C. Helplessness/powerlessness

D. Numbness/detachment from others

4. All of the following are risk factors for developing PTSD EXCEPT: A. Exposure to a natural disaster B. Exposure to community violence C. Lack of social support D. Previous exposure to trauma

5. All of the following are common reactions to a traumatic event EXCEPT: A. Disbelief B. Emotional numbing C. Feeling as though one is “going crazy” D. Panic

6. The following are common physical reactions to a traumatic event EXCEPT: A. Difficulty concentrating B. Difficulty falling or staying asleep C. Increased heart rate D. Loss of appetite

7. All of the following are true about debriefing except: A. It should only be done with individuals who experienced severe symptoms B

COUN 6336 Week 8 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

1. A crisis is a(n):

A. abnormal event that causes physical harm to people or damage to property.
B. unexpected, significant event or series of events that disrupts the functioning of a community, an organization, or a individual and creates a need for action.
C. occurrence that happens without warning and usually causes great harm.
D. situation in which conditions are so bad as to cause suffering, and sometimes death.

2. What is the first stage of crisis?

A. Pre-crisis
B. Impact
C. Denial
D. Disorganization

3. In what stage of crisis do people begin to feel overwhelmed and hopeless?

A. Pre-crisis
B. Impact
C. Denial
D. Disorganization

4. In what stage of crisis do people begin to take action to cope with the situation?

A. Pre-crisis
B. Impact
C. Denial
D. Disorganization

5. In what stage of crisis do people begin to reorganize their lives and return to some sense of normalcy?

A. Pre-crisis
B. Impact
C. Denial
D. Disorganization

COUN 6336 Week 9 Description

COUN 6336 Course is an examination of the psychological impact of crisis, trauma and disaster on individuals, families, and communities. Emphasis is placed on psychological first aid (PFA) and evidence-based interventions designed to mitigate psychological distress and facilitate post-disaster recovery. Specific topics include: characteristics of crisis, trauma, and disaster; types of psychological distress associated with crisis, trauma, and disaster; protective factors that reduce vulnerability; evidence-based psychological interventions for crisis, trauma, and disaster response; ethical considerations in crisis counseling; multicultural considerations in crisis counseling; and issues related to working with children, adolescents, families, older adults, persons with disabilities, and other underserved populations. The COUN 6336 Course also includes a review of major disaster events in the United States and abroad.

COUN 6336 Week 9 Outline

**COUN 6336: Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits)**

**Instructor: Dr. Erin Hanley**

Office: 500 Science and Engineering Building II
Email: [](
Telephone: 713-348-5859
Class Time: Tuesdays, 4pm – 6pm
Location: Science and Engineering Building II, Room 300
COUN 6336 Course Website: 6336 Courseid%3d108632&COUN 6336 Courseid=108632

## COUN 6336 Course Description:
COUN 6336 Course focuses on the field of crisis and disaster counseling with a focus on relief work following catastrophic events. Students will learn theories of crisis and trauma as well as assessment and intervention strategies for working with individuals, families, groups, agencies, organizations, and communities affected by disaster or mass violence. Case material from actual crises will be used to illustrate theoretical concepts as well as practical applications for mental health counselors. Students will have opportunities to examine their own attitudes toward crisis situations and explore ethical issues in providing counseling services during times of disaster or mass violence. Cross-listable with COUN 6318/CRSS 6318/SWGS 6318/GESS 6318; students may not receive credit for both COUN 6336/CRSS 6336/SWGS 6336/GESS 6336 and COUN 6318/CRSS 6318/SWGS 6318/GESS 6318.

## COUN 6336 Course Goals:
By the end of COUN 6336 Course, students should be able to do the following:

– Understand major theories of crisis intervention and apply these theories to actual case material from crises around the world;
– Understand how mental health counselors can play a role in disaster relief work;
– Develop basic assessment skills for use with individuals, families, groups, agencies, organizations, and communities affected by disaster or mass violence;
– Develop basic intervention skills for use with individuals, families, groups, agencies, organizations, and communities affected by disaster or mass violence;
– Explore their own attitudes toward crisis situations and identify areas in need of further exploration or development;
– Explore ethical issues in providing counseling services during times of disaster or mass violence.

COUN 6336 Week 9 Objectives

Week 9 focuses on the topics of crisis, trauma, and disaster response. Students will learn about the different types of crises that can occur, how to assess for them, and how to intervene effectively. Students will also explore the concept of vicarious trauma and its impact on helpers.

COUN 6336 Week 9 Pre-requisites

COUN 6336 Course Introduction to Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

In COUN 6336 Course students will explore crisis, trauma, and disaster response from a systemic perspective. Students will learn about the impact of crisis, trauma, and disaster on individuals, families, and communities. Students will also learn about interventions that can be used to mitigate the impact of crisis, trauma, and disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 9 Duration

COUN 6336 Course Code: COUN 6336

COUN 6336 Course Title: Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

Dates: October 8 – November 11, 2018

Times: Online asynchronous** (NO set class time)

**Asynchronous means that there is no set class time each week. Students will access the online classroom once per week to complete their weekly assignments. The instructor will also be available at specific times via email, telephone or web conference for questions and assistance.

COUN 6336 Week 9 Learning Outcomes

• Identify crisis and trauma risk factors, signs, and symptoms.

• Develop crisis intervention skills.

• Utilize counseling techniques to address crisis and trauma.

• Evaluate the impact of crisis and trauma on individuals, families, and communities.

• Develop disaster response plans.

COUN 6336 Week 9 Assessment & Grading

*COUN 6336 Course is completely online, asynchronous, and all times are Central Time.

COUN 6336 Course Description: Students will study crisis theory and trauma response in the aftermath of a disaster. Students will also learn how to provide interventions to survivors at all stages of the disaster recovery process. Interventions may include psychological first aid, grief counseling, debriefing, and crisis counseling services. Issues related to multiculturalism, spirituality, and ethics will also be addressed.

COUN 6336 Week 9 Suggested Resources/Books

COUN 6336 Course Materials Required:

Cicchetti, D., & Cohen, D. J. (Eds.). (1995). Developmental psychopathology: Vol 1. Theory and methods (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.

Dennis, M., & Scott, K. M. (2005). Family-based interventions for young children exposed to trauma and their caregivers: A review of the literature. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 8(1), 63-87. doi:10.1007/s10567-005-1249-0

Dobson, K. S., & block, J. H. (1982). Prevalence of depression in a community sample of women: Relationship to perceived childhood and adult stressors and current life strain. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50(6), 793-800. doi:10.1037//0022-006X.50.6.793

Finkelhor, D., Turner, H., Shattuck, A., & Hamby, S. L.. (2015). Prevalence of childhood exposure to violence, crime, and abuse: Results from the National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence IV . JAMA Pediatrics 169(8), 746-754.*[9].pdf*
* Goldfrank’s toxicologic emergencies (10th ed.). (2015). New York: McGraw Hill Medical.*[9].pdf*

Koenen KC et al.: Cumulative impact of multiple traumas on mental health: Does frequency or chronicity matter? J Trauma Stress 25(4):457–465, 2012

Meiser B et al.: Cumulative impact of multiple traumas on mental health in women with breast cancer: Findings from a population‐based cohort study using the Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group Registry 2000–2007 [corrected]. Cancer 119(19):3596–3605, 2013

North CS et al.: Psychopathology associated with the loss of property during Hurricane Katrina . Am J Psychiatry 162(12):2253–62, 2005

North CS et al.: COUN 6336 Course of psychiatric disorders after Hurricane Katrina . Arch Gen Psychiatry 63(11):1127–34; discussion 35–6 , 2006

North CS et al.: Psychiatric disorders among survivors of Hurricane Katrina evacuated to Texas . Arch Gen Psychiatry 63(12):1417–29 , 2006

North CS et al.: Mental health service utilization before and after Hurricane Katrina . Am J Psychiatry 164(1):107–15 , 2007

North CS et al.: Predictors of mental health service use among adults after Hurricane Katrina . Arch Gen Psychiatry 64(4):433–42 , 2007

North CS et al.: Risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder in children after Hurricane Katrina . Biol Psychiatry 62(8):870–8 , 2007

Osofsky JD et al.: The effects of Hurricane Katrina on young children’s mental health in New Orleans . N Engl J Med 354(20):2185 – 2194 , 2006

Pfefferbaum B et al.: Natural disasters as public health emergencies: A framework integrating mental health concepts . Prev Chronic Dis 5(3):A61 , 2008

Ursano RJ et al.: Effects of terrorism on psychiatric symptoms among highly exposed World Trade Center workers and residents [see comment] . Am J Psychiatry 161(12):2266 – 2278 , 2004

Ursano RJ et al.: Acute stress disorder following exposure to the World Trade Center attacks [see comment] . Am J Psychiatry 158(11):1780 – 1786 , 2001
Van der Kolk BA et al.: Childhood trauma in adults with personality disorders related to borderline personality disorder [see comment] . Am J Psychiatry 150(4):273 – 9 , 1993
Watson PJ et al.: Relationship between hurricane exposure and mental health outcomes among adolescents one year post‐hurricane Katrina[see comment] . Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 161(7):656 – 664 , 2007

COUN 6336 Week 9 Assignment (20 Questions)

**COUN 6336 Course Instructor: Dr. John Loughlin, PhD**

1. What is the primary purpose of this assignment?

2. How many points are possible for this assignment?

3. What is the deadline for this assignment?

4. How many questions must be completed for this assignment?

5. Which questions are worth the most points?

6. What is the format for this assignment?

7. What resources are available to help me complete this assignment?

8. How do I submit this assignment?

9. What is the grading rubric for this assignment?

10. How will this assignment be used in my COUN 6336 Course grade?

COUN 6336 Week 9 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

**DISCLAIMER: Please note that the following is not intended to be a complete list of all required readings, discussion questions, and assignments for COUN 6336 Course. It is merely meant to give you a general idea of the types of material covered in COUN 6336 Course and what will be expected of you. For a more detailed overview of required readings, discussion questions, and assignments, please refer to your COUN 6336 Course Syllabus.

Week 9 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

1) How does exposure to natural disasters affect mental health?
2) How does exposure to technological disasters affect mental health?
3) How does exposure to terrorist attacks affect mental health?
4) How do different types of disasters affect mental health differently?
5) What are some common psychological reactions to disaster?
6) What are some interventions that can be used to help people affected by disaster?
7) What are some challenges that need to be considered when providing psychological support after a disaster?
8) How can communities prepare for and respond to disasters?
9) What role do first responders play in disaster response?
10) How can individuals and communities recover from disasters?

COUN 6336 Week 9 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

1. How do you define trauma? What are the characteristics of a traumatic event?

2. Describe the three types of trauma. Which type do you think is the most difficult to overcome? Why?

3. Explain the difference between acute and chronic stress. What are the consequences of each?

4. Describe the three stages of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Which stage do you think is the most difficult to overcome? Why?

5. Discuss the concept of vicarious traumatization. What are the signs and symptoms of vicarious traumatization? How can it be prevented?

6. Describe the concept of resiliency. What factors contribute to resiliency in individuals who have experienced trauma?

7. Discuss how culture affects an individual’s experience of trauma. What are some cultural differences that need to be taken into account when working with individuals from different cultures who have experienced trauma?

8. Explain the concept of secondary traumatic stress (STS). What are the signs and symptoms of STS? How can it be prevented?

COUN 6336 Week 9 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

1. What are some of the emotional and psychological reactions that can occur following a crisis?

2. How can individuals effectively cope with the aftermath of a crisis?

3. What are some of the key factors that can influence an individual’s ability to recover from a crisis?

4. What role does social support play in the recovery process following a crisis?

5. What are some of the long-term effects that can result from exposure to a traumatic event?

6. How can post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) be effectively treated?

7. What are some of the challenges associated with providing mental health services in the wake of a disaster?

8. How can responders effectively deal with secondary trauma?

9. What are some of the unique challenges that need to be considered when working with children and families following a disaster?

10. How can mental health professionals best support first responders in the aftermath of a disaster?

COUN 6336 Week 9 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

You will complete all of your work for COUN 6336 Course in this Classroom. You should have received a welcome letter from me when you were registered for the COUN 6336 Course that included basic information about how to access and use Classroom. If you did not receive the welcome letter, or if you need additional help, please let me know right away so I can assist you.

COUN 6336 Course Syllabus – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response COUN 6336 (5 credits) Click here to access your syllabus. Please make sure that you print a copy for yourself and keep it handy throughout the COUN 6336 Course. It contains important information about the COUN 6336 Course policies, procedures, deadlines, expectations, etc., which we will be referring to often during the term.

Disaster Mental Health Self-Assessment: (1)

Instructional Support Center: For those who need academic support with writing papers, taking exams, accessing multimedia content in Blackboard (eLearning), APA formatting and citations, using the Library or conducting research on the Internet, tutors are available at no charge from our Instructional Support Center . All services are free of charge to Liberty University students taking 100% online COUN 6336 Courses as well as residential students enrolled in at least one online COUN 6336 Course per semester . Contact Information: The Instructional Support Center can be reached by email at or by phone at 1-866-381-0014 . The hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m., EST; Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p

COUN 6336 Week 9 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

| |Week 9 DQ 2 (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) | In your experience, what are the three most challenging aspects of responding to children and adolescents during crisis, trauma, or disaster? Explain. What specific interventions have you found to be helpful in working with children and adolescents during crisis, trauma, or disaster? Explain. How has your experience responding to children and adolescents during crisis, trauma, or disaster influenced your professional development as a counselor? Describe. In what ways does exposure to the aftermath of an individual’s experiences with crisis, trauma, or disaster impact the exposure to secondary traumatization? Describe. How might the following concepts influence your understanding of how best to respond to children and adolescents during crisis, trauma, or disaster: normalization; developmental tasks; resiliency; healing process; growth; developmental issues related to loss; cultural perspectives on loss and grief; stages of grief? Explain. How might exposure to individuals’ experiences with crisis,…

COUN 6336 Week 9 Quiz (20 Questions)

1. A social worker is responding to the needs of clients following a natural disaster. In order to have the greatest impact, the social worker should:

a. focus on immediate needs only.

b. focus on both immediate and long-term needs.

c. focus on long-term needs only.

2. Which of the following is an example of a primary prevention activity?

a. Providing individual therapy to a client who has been sexually abused

b. Providing group therapy to a client who has been sexually abused

c. Providing training to parents on how to prevent sexual abuse from happening

3. A social worker is working with a client who was recently in a car accident and is now dealing with anxiety and depression as a result. Which of the following interventions would be most appropriate for this client?

a. Psychodynamic therapy

b. Cognitive-behavioral therapy

c. Solution-focused therapy

4. Which of the following statements is true about risk factors?

a. Risk factors are always negative and increase the likelihood of developing a problem or disorder.

b. Risk factors can be either positive or negative and can either increase or decrease the likelihood of developing a problem or disorder.

c. Risk factors are always positive and decrease the likelihood of developing a problem or disorder.

5. A social worker is working with a client who was recently in a car accident and is now dealing with anxiety and depression as a result. Which of the following interventions would be most appropriate for this client?

a. Psychodynamic therapy

b. Cognitive-behavioral therapy

c. Solution-focused therapy

6. A social worker is working with a client who was recently in a car accident and is now dealing with anxiety and depression as a result. Which of the following interventions would be most appropriate for this client?

a) Psychodynamic therapy b) Cognitive-behavioral therapy c) Solution-focused therapy d) All of the above e) None of the above

COUN 6336 Week 9 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

– A COUN 6336 Course by Dr. Joseph R. Wehby, Ph.D., LMFT-S, LSATP

COUN 6336 Course Instructor: Dr. Joseph R. Wehby, Ph.D., LMFT-S, LSATP

COUN 6336 Course Description:

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits) COUN 6336 Course is designed to increase students’ knowledge and skills in the area of crisis intervention, trauma counseling, and disaster response. Students will be exposed to the major theories and interventions in these areas through readings and lecture/discussion format as well as experiential exercises. Students will learn how to assess and intervene with individuals, families, and groups who have been affected by a crisis or traumatic event in order to facilitate their healing process. Prerequisite: Admission to the M.A./MFT program or consent of instructor

COUN 6336 Week 10 Description

COUN 6336 Course addresses the psychological, social, and spiritual impact of crisis, trauma, and disaster on individuals and communities. The COUN 6336 Course will focus on interventions with survivors of major disasters including natural, technological, and terrorist events. Topics to be covered include: psychological first aid; grief counseling; disaster mental health; community resilience; psychological debriefing; vicarious traumatization; crisis intervention teams; suicide prevention; critical incident stress management; terrorism and its effects on mental health; mass violence and children’s reactions.

COUN 6336 Week 10 Outline

(5 Credits)

Week 10:COUN 6336 Course Outline for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

COUN 6336 Course is an overview of crisis, trauma, and disaster response from a mental health perspective. Topics include types of crises and disasters, risk and protective factors, pre-disaster planning, interventions during and after a crisis or disaster, as well as ethical and multicultural considerations. Students will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real-world case studies.

COUN 6336 Week 10 Objectives

COUN 6336 Course will assist students in understanding the issues related to crisis, trauma and disaster response. Students will learn about the effects of crisis and trauma on individuals, families, groups and communities. Various theoretical approaches to crisis and trauma counseling will be explored as well as techniques for assessment and intervention. The COUN 6336 Course will also address issues related to prevention, preparedness, mitigation and recovery.


1. Understand the nature of crises, traumas and disasters and their impact on individuals, families, groups and communities.

2. Understand various theoretical approaches to crisis and trauma counseling.

3. Be able to assess individuals, families, groups and communities following a crisis or trauma.

4. Be able to intervene with individuals, families, groups and communities following a crisis or trauma using appropriate techniques.

5. Understand issues related to prevention, preparedness, mitigation and recovery following a crisis or trauma.

COUN 6336 Week 10 Pre-requisites

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

COUN 6336 Course is a study of the psychological consequences of crisis and disaster. The COUN 6336 Course includes a review of theory and research in the area as well as practical applications to intervention. Students will be expected to apply their knowledge to a case study or other research project. Prerequisites: COUN 6301, COUN 6302, COUN 6303, COUN 6304, COUN 6305, COUN 6306, COUN 6307, and permission of instructor.

COUN 6336 Week 10 Duration


*Listed as Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response in COUN 6336 Course Catalog. COUN 6336 Course is designated as a hybrid online/on-campus COUN 6336 Course. Hybrid online/on-campus COUN 6336 Courses are delivered primarily online with the required synchronous class sessions indicated on the COUN 6336 Course schedule.

**Please note that there may be changes to this schedule between the time you register for COUN 6336 Course and the start of the semester.

COUN 6336 Week 10 Learning Outcomes

*These Learning Outcomes align with CACREP Standards: 8.1; 8.2; 8.3; 8.4; 8.5; 8.6

COUN 6336 Week 10 Assessment & Grading

*COUN 6336 Course Description:*

COUN 6336 Course will provide students with an overview of disaster mental health counseling, including a review of natural and man-made disasters. Students will learn to identify the phases of crisis and disaster mental health counseling as well as the various roles that counselors may play during these phases. A major focus of COUN 6336 Course will be on the provision of crisis counseling services to individuals, families, and groups following a disaster or critical incident. COUN 6336 Course will also examine the impact of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on individuals and families following a traumatic event.

*COUN 6336 Course Objectives:*

1. To review the key principles, concepts, and issues related to disaster mental health counseling.

2. To identify the major types of disasters and their impact on individuals, families, and communities.

3. To understand the phases of crisis and disaster mental health counseling.

4. To learn about the various roles that counselors may play during a crisis or disaster.

5. To examine the impact of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on individuals and families following a traumatic event.

COUN 6336 Week 10 Suggested Resources/Books

*Resources listed are not required.

COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)


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COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

1. Which of the following is not a general phase of disaster response?

2. The impact of a disaster on individuals with certain vulnerabilities may be greater than that on those without such vulnerabilities. Which of the following is not one of the major groups identified as being at increased risk?

3. The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina was estimated to be:

4. In relation to substance abuse following a disaster, it is said that:

5. After Hurricane Katrina, there were increases in mental health problems such as depression and PTSD; however, there was also an increase in which of the following mental health problems?

6. People with chronic mental illness are less likely to recover from an acute traumatic experience because:

7. People with pre-existing mental illness who experience an acute stressful event have increased risks for:

8. A number of studies have been conducted to examine whether people with preexisting mental illness are more likely to develop PTSD after experiencing an acute traumatic event than people who do not have preexisting mental illness. One study found that: (Choose all that apply.)

9. Bipolar disorder has been associated with suicide because: (Choose all that apply.)

10. Posttraumatic stress disorder has been associated with suicide because: (Choose all that apply.)

11. Depression has been associated with suicide because: (Choose all that apply.)

12. Dissociation during a traumatic event may protect a person against PTSD by: (Choose all that apply.) *From* Accessed March 2, 2011.* Source found in references section.* Underline mine.* From* From March 2, 2011.* Source found in references section.* Underline mine.* From…4369289048692878078487474Accessed March 2, 2011.* Source found in references section.* Underline mine.* From Accessed March 2, 2011.* Source found in references section.* Underline mine.. Accessed March 2, 2011.. Accessed March 2, 2011.. Accessed March 2, 2011.. Accessed March 2, 2011.. Accessed March 2, 2011.. Accessed March 2, 2011.. Accessed March 2, 2011… Accessed March 2,…Accessed March 2,… Access…Accessed Ma…Accessed Ma….Accessed Ma….Accessed Ma… Access … Access … Access … Access … Access … Access ..Accessed Ma….Accessed Ma….Accessed Ma….Accessed Ma…. What’s important is how well you did on your first try rather than how long it took you or how many tries it took before you got the right answer…. Whether your answers are right or wrong – don’t worry about it – just keep going! Don’t change your answers unless you think you have made a mistake…. No points will be taken off if you get questions wrong… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 point each… 20 points total… 100% is 20 points … 20 x 5 = 100% … 100% is the only passing grade … Use text book for any reference material for questions 1-4… Use textbook for any reference material for questions 5-8…. Use textbook for any reference material for questions 9-20…. Again – no need to save this document when completed – just take a screen shot of your graded results page or print it out and then submit via Turnitin under “Assignments” tab… Any questions? Please let me know if you have any questions – just email me at DrG@DrGtvllc or call me at 888-920-7840 extension 200…. Thank you! DrG…… This assignment covers Chapters 7 & 8 of textbook…. Chapter 7 Test Bank Answers… Chapter 8 Test Bank Answers… *From* Source found in references section *Underline mine*…… *From http://www2a…gov/. Accessed February 26,… 2010…. From National Center for Health Statistics Data Brief # 37 October 2009 Prevalence of Mental Illness Among Adults…..Source found in references section…..Source found in references section…..Source found in references section…..Source found in references section……Source found in references section……Source found in references section……Source found in references section……Source found in resources tab…… Source from resources tab…..Source from resources tab…..Source from resources tab….I hope this helps!! Good luck! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Any question please email me at DrG@DrGtvllc or call me at 888-920-7840 extension 200…. I am here to help!! Thank you! DrG…… Please download the word doc titled “COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment Coun 6336” located under COUN 6336 Course documents and then open up word doc titled “COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment Coun 6336” upload into Turnitin located under assignments tab once completed…. Thank you! DrG…. I am available 24 hours a day 7 days a week via email DrG@DrGtvllc or by phone 888 920 7840 ext 200… I am here to help so please contact me anytime! Have a great day!!!! DrG…… Please submit your assignment via Turnitin located under assignments tab once completed and then click on blue paper icon within yellow box where it says “Click here to submit assignment” once finished attaching your word doc titled “COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment Coun 6336” located under COUN 6336 Course documents tab…. This assignment should take no longer than 30 minutes tops!! If having issues uploading into Turnitin please let me know ASAP so I can assist before deadline passes… I am available 24 hours 7 days per week via email Drg@Drgtvllc or by phone toll free @ 888 920 7840 ext 200…. I am here to help so please contact me anytime! Have a great day!!!!!! Thank you! All the best!!!! Drg….. Please submit your assignment via Turnitin located under assignments tab once completed and then click on blue paper icon within yellow box where it says “Click here to submit assignment” once finished attaching your word doc titled “COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment Coun 6336” located under COUN 6336 Course documents tab after completing this assignment which should take no longer than 30 minutes tops!! If having issues uploading into Turnitin please let me know ASAP so I can assist before deadline passes… I am available 24 hours 7 days per week via email Drg@Drgtvllc or by phone toll free @ 888 920 7840 ext 200…. I am here to help so please contact me anytime! Have a great day!!!!!! Thank you! All the best!!!! Drg……. Please submit this assignment via Turnitin located under assignments tab once completed and then click on blue paper icon within yellow box where it says “Click here to submit assignment” once finished attaching your word doc titled “COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment Coun 6336” located under COUN 6336 Course documents tab after completing this assignment which should take no longer than 30 minutes tops!! If having issues uploading into Turnitin please let me know ASAP so I can assist before deadline passes… I am available 24 hours 7 days per week via email Drg@Drgtvllc or by phone toll free @ 888 920 7840 ext 200…. I am here to help so please contact me anytime! Have a great day!!!!!! Thank you! All the best!!!! Drg……. Please submit this assignment via Turnitin located under assignments tab once completed and then click on blue paper icon within yellow box where it says “Click here to submit assignment” once finished attaching your word doc titled “COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment Coun 6336” located under COUN 6336 Course documents tab after completing this assignment which should take no longer than 30 minutes tops!! If having issues uploading into Turnitin please let me know ASAP so I can assist before deadline passes… I am available 24 hours 7 days per week via email Drg@Drgtvllc or by phone toll free @ 888 920 7840 ext 200…. I am here to help so please contact me anytime! Have a great day!!!!!! Thank you! All the best!!!! Drg……. Please submit this assignment via Turnitin located under assignments tab once completed and then click on blue paper icon within yellow box where it says “Click here to submit assignment” once finished attaching your word doc titled “COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment Coun 6336” located under COUN 6336 Course documents tab after completing this assignment which should take no longer than 30 minutes tops!! If having issues uploading into Turnitin please let me know ASAP so I can assist before deadline passes… I am available 24 hours 7 days per week via email Drg@Drgtvllc or by phone toll free @ 888 920 7840 ext 200…. I am here to help so please contact me anytime! Have a great day!!!!!! Thank you! All the best!!!! Drg……. Please submit this assignment via Turnitin located under assignments tab once completed and then click on blue paper icon within yellow box where it says “Click here to submit assignm

COUN 6336 Week 10 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

1. Define crisis, trauma, and disaster.

2. Explain how crisis, trauma, and disaster are different from one another.

3. Describe the various types of crises that can occur.

4. Discuss the psychological effects of crisis, trauma, and disaster.

5. Identify the physical and emotional reactions that may occur during a crisis.

6. Describe how individuals respond to crisis, trauma, and disaster.

7. Discuss the importance of social support during a crisis.

8. Identify the different stages of grief that may be experienced after a loss.

9. Discuss the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

10. Describe how PTSD can develop after exposure to a traumatic event.

11. Discuss the symptoms of PTSD.

12. Describe how PTSD can be treated.

13. Discuss the importance of self-care for individuals who have experienced a crisis, trauma, or disaster.

14. Identify coping strategies that can be used to deal with stress and anxiety.

15. Discuss the role of mental health professionals in helping individuals who have experienced a crisis, trauma, or disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 10 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

Note: This Week’s Discussion Questions are required to be completed by Sunday at 11:59 pm. All other assignments for the week are due by 11:59 pm on Monday of each week.

1. For this discussion, review the “Disaster Management Process” PowerPoint slides, located in this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the role of assessment in disaster mental health services.

a. Describe how you would conduct a needs assessment for individuals affected by a natural disaster. Then, explain how you might use that assessment to inform your intervention and prevention efforts.

b. Select one major recommendation from the President’s Commission on Mental Health (1999) and discuss how it is reflected in your state’s policies regarding disaster mental health services or any other related policy document (e.g., a report from the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors [NASMHPD], or a federal level policy).

2. For this discussion, review the “Assessment Strategies” PowerPoint slides, located in this week’s Learning Resources, and consider how psychological assessments can contribute to effective crisis interventions and prevention strategies before and after disasters occur.

a. Identify two or three issues that may arise when administering psychological assessments to children or adults following a disaster, such as secondary trauma, issues related to acculturation, language barriers, etc. Then, explain how you would address these issues in order to obtain accurate assessment data from your clients.

b. Select one assessment tool featured in the PowerPoint slides (e.g., the Life Events Checklist for Children and Adolescents [LEC-CA], Brief Symptom Inventory [BSI], Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale [PDS], Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 [HSCL-25]) and describe how you would use it with clients following a disaster. Be sure to include an explanation of why you selected that particular tool for that population as well as what information you expect it will provide about your clients’ postdisaster mental health status.

COUN 6336 Week 10 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

1. How would you describe the concept of “disaster”?

2. What is the difference between a disaster and a crisis?

3. What are some of the most common types of disasters?

4. What are some of the factors that can contribute to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

5. What are some of the symptoms of PTSD?

6. How can people who have experienced a disaster be helped to cope with their experiences?

7. What are some of the challenges that mental health professionals face when providing services to people who have been affected by a disaster?

8. What are some of the ethical considerations that need to be taken into account when providing mental health services to people who have been affected by a disaster?

9. What are some of the issues that need to be considered when planning for mental health services in the event of a disaster?

10. What are some of the challenges that need to be addressed in order to effectively respond to a mass casualty event?

COUN 6336 Week 10 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)


Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. While responding to your classmates, address the following: • What do you agree with? • What did you find most interesting? • What questions does this raise for you? • What additional information or readings can you suggest to enhance the discussion? • How did this information affect your understanding of the topic? Classmates Posts: Post 1: Crisis counseling requires attention to multiple factors simultaneously. In order to appropriately assess a client’s needs, crisis counselors need to pay attention to both internal and external factors affecting the individual (Butler, 2005). Furthermore, crisis counselors need to pay attention to internal factors such as mental status and affective states as well as external factors such as environmental stressors that may have contributed to the individual’s current state. Additionally, it is important for crisis counselors to assess for any signs of trauma so that they can provide appropriate interventions. Trauma-informed care is an evidence-based practice that incorporates an understanding of trauma into all aspects of service delivery in order to better meet the needs of individuals who have experienced trauma (SAMHSA, 2014). By using a trauma-informed approach, crisis counselors can provide more effective care that is tailored to the individual’s needs. One way to incorporate a trauma-informed approach into crisis counseling is by using a strengths-based approach. This type of approach focuses on the individual’s strengths and resilience rather than on their deficits (Butler, 2005). This type of approach can help individuals who have experienced trauma feel more empowered and capable of managing their own care. Additionally, it is important for crisis counselors to be aware of their own reactions in order to effectively support their clients. It is common for counselors to experience vicarious trauma when working with clients who have experienced traumatic events (Stamm, 2010). Vicarious trauma is a type of secondary trauma that occurs when counselors are exposed to the stories of their clients’ traumatic experiences. This type of exposure can lead to symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in counselors. Therefore, it is important for counselors to be aware of their own reactions in order to prevent burnout and provide more effective care. References Butler, K. M., & Scalora, M. J. (2005). Crisis counseling: Promoting resiliency in children and adolescents exposed to violence and disaster. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. SAMHSA. (2014). Trauma-informed care in behavioral health services . Retrieved from https://www.samhsa .gov/sites/default/files/trauma_services_tocbh_2014_0 .pdf Stamm, B. H., Bolus, R., & Saladin, M. E.(2010). Handbook on secondary traumatic stress: Self-care issues for clinicians , researchers ,and educators . Lutherville Timonium ,MD : Sidran Press . Post 2: Crisis counseling requires attention not only on what has happened within a person but also what may be coming down the road next within their life span . They are often not able or will not reach out until they are feeling overwhelmed by circumstances or situations beyond their control . It takes training and compassion as well as complete dedication if you want any chance at success within this field since dealing with tragedy has become so commonplace in our society these days . People rely heavily on technology today which means that once word gets out about something , there are millions upon millions people just like myself who will go onto social media sites looking at pictures , reading comments ,and hearing people tell their stories while trying desperately figure out what they could do if they were in a situation similar where tragedy struck them directly or through someone else close them . I think people read stories about what happens during an active shooter situation or mass casualty incident and think that maybe if they would have been there then maybe they could have done something but unless you have ever had someone come running up behind you telling you run , hide ,fight then its really hard explain how difficult it really is follow those directions when all think about doing is standing there frozen like deer caught headlights because all mind can think about doing is watching person pull trigger over again . There are times when feel completely helpless because no matter what try do seem like enough help everyone around me which can leave feeling hopeless even though know shouldn’t because isn’t my job fix them but sometimes need remember why being counselor begin with so keep going back why am here every day instead getting discouraged which happen often especially after losing client unexpectedly due suicide which was very hard get over but had keep going because knew if didn’t then would never find closure needed continue living life Post 3: A major challenge in crisis counseling involves choosing between short term interventions versus long term interventions based on each client’s unique situation and needs at that time during treatment process while keeping overall goal mind during entire session will focus helping person develop healthier coping skills deal with challenges life throws way later down road after resolving acute phase crisis counseling intervention according assist different types crises individuals experience daily lives varying degrees severity which may require either short term intervention versus long term intervention depending unique situation specific needs at present time during treatment process whether physical emotional psychological spiritual psychological distress generally caused either acute stress reaction prior exposure traumatizing event characterized number symptoms including impaired sleep concentration intrusive thoughts anxiety anger depression dissociation etc typically resolves itself naturally without any type formal therapy however some individuals develop posttraumatic stress disorder result ongoing exposure chronic stress characterized number physical psychological symptoms including impaired sleep concentration intrusive thoughts anxiety anger depression dissociation etc require professional medical treatment due severity nature symptoms depending unique situation specific needs present time during treatment process whether physical emotional psychological spiritual use different types therapies treatments available resolve different types crises individuals experience daily lives varying degrees severity which may require either short term intervention versus long term intervention depending unique situation specific needs present time during treatment process whether physical emotional psychological spiritual

COUN 6336 Week 10 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

What are the three phases of crisis? What are the tasks associated with each phase? What is the impact of denial on crisis intervention? How do you encourage movement through the stages of crisis? Why is it necessary to assess for suicide risk during a crisis intervention? When is it appropriate to make a referral to mental health services or other agencies during a crisis intervention? How might you work with someone who experiences post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? What are some common reactions to a disaster, and how can you assist survivors in coping with these reactions? Why is it important for first responders to have access to counseling and psychological support? How can you provide emotional support to a first responder suffering from secondary trauma?

COUN 6336 Week 10 Quiz (20 Questions)

Question 1 2.5 / 2.5 points

Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder?

Question options:

A. Difficulty sleeping. B. Poor concentration. C. Difficulty staying calm and relaxed. D. Exaggerated startle response. Question 2 2.5 / 2.5 points Secondary traumas are common in trauma victims when they: Question options: A. Receive treatment for the primary trauma and begin to remember traumatic events that were previously forgotten B. Engage in exposure therapy to help them deal with their reactions to the primary trauma C. Are placed on medication by their physician D. Have been traumatized in more than one situation over the COUN 6336 Course of their lifetime Question 3 0 / 2.5 points In exposure therapy, what type of reaction do clinicians want clients to have toward feared objects, situations, or thoughts? Question options: A. Anxiety B. Anger C. Disgust D. Fear Question 4 0 / 2.5 points The three key elements in crisis counseling are assessment, intervention, and: Question options: A….

COUN 6336 Week 10 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

1. The effects of trauma can last for:

A) A long time
B) A short time
C) Forever
D) It depends on the person

2. Trauma is:
A) An event that is outside the realm of normal human experience and that would be markedly distressing to almost anyone
B) An event that is within the realm of normal human experience, but that is still distressing
C) Something that only happens to people with mental illness
D) Something that only happens to people who are very weak

3. Trauma can cause:
A) Physical symptoms
B) Emotional symptoms
C) Cognitive symptoms
D) All of the above

4. Which of the following is not a common symptom of PTSD?
A) Flashbacks
B) Nightmares
C) avoidance
D) happiness

5. People with PTSD may avoid:
A) Places
B) People
C) Thoughts
D) All of the above

COUN 6336 Week 11 Description

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide students with an overview of crisis and trauma counseling. The COUN 6336 Course will cover topics such as risk factors for developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), assessment and intervention strategies for working with survivors of traumatic events, and best practices for working with individuals, families, and communities in the aftermath of a disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 11 Outline

Instructor: Dr. Stephen J. Betchen

Contact Info: or (215) 204-7006

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 12-1pm, Wednesday 2-3pm, or by appointment

Location: TBD

Class Time: TBD

Week 11 Learning Objectives: Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (COUN 6336)
By the end of this week, the student will be able to…
– Understand how crisis and trauma can affect individuals and families during times of disaster.
– Describe how different types of disasters can impact children and adults differently.
– Understand how to assess for crisis and trauma in individuals and families following a disaster.
– Understand how to provide interventions for crisis and trauma in individuals and families following a disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 11 Objectives

*COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

The COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide students with an understanding of how to respond to crisis, trauma, and disaster. Students will learn about the different types of crisis and trauma, as well as the different stages of disaster. Students will also learn about the different interventions that can be used to help individuals and families cope with crisis, trauma, and disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 11 Pre-requisites

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336) COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Course will introduce students to the concepts of crisis and trauma in order to help them understand how these concepts can impact individuals, families, and communities. Students will learn about different types of crises and traumas as well as how to assess and intervene with individuals who have experienced a crisis or trauma. COUN 6336 Course will also cover disaster response and preparedness.

COUN 6336 Week 11 Duration

COUN 6336 Course is five weeks in duration.

COUN 6336 Week 11 Learning Outcomes

*Note: These learning outcomes are specific to COUN 6336 Course and may be different from the program learning outcomes for this concentration.

1. Analyze crisis and disaster response programs in relation to a variety of theoretical models.

2. Evaluate the role of mental health professionals in crisis and disaster response programs.

3. Identify effective interventions for individuals, families, and communities affected by crisis and disaster.

4. Develop a plan for implementing a crisis or disaster response program.

5. Evaluate the effectiveness of crisis and disaster response programs.

COUN 6336 Week 11 Assessment & Grading

**COUN 6336 Course Assessment**

Your assessment for COUN 6336 Course will consist of a paper on a chosen topic in crisis, trauma, and disaster response. The papers must be submitted through the instructor’s designated Dropbox, be at least 8 pages in length (double-spaced), and use APA 6th edition guidelines. Please refer to the COUN 6336 Course Rubric located in the COUN 6336 Course Information area for specific grading criteria. Papers are due by 11:59pm CT on the date specified in the COUN 6336 Course Schedule.

COUN 6336 Week 11 Suggested Resources/Books

References/Suggested Readings (Required Texts)

1. Adams, C., & Boscarino, J. A. (2004). Social support and post-traumatic stress disorder among Vietnam veterans: 30 years after the war ends. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 74(2), 153-165.

2. American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition: Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.

3. Benedek, E. P., & Ursano, R. J. (Eds.). (2007). Disaster psychiatry: Preparing for the rebuilding of a community following a major disaster or terrorism event [Special issue]. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 30(4). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Science/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers.

4. Benedek, E., & Ursano, R., Beardslee W., Neria Y., Strain J.,Fullerton C., & Li X. (2007). Psychological resilience in children exposed to natural disasters and mass violence: Research findings and implications for clinical practice and public policy [Special issue]. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 30(4), 679-706. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Science/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers.

5. Boscarino JA.(2004). A prospective study of the psychological sequelae of Hurricane Andrew among residents in Dade County Florida four years later: Implications for long-term mental health effects of disasters [Special issue]. Psychiatry Clinics of North America, 27(3), 745-758 Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Science/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers..


COUN 6336 Week 11 Assignment (20 Questions)

**Assignment Overview:** This assignment is designed to help you apply the concepts you have learned in COUN 6336 Course to your own personal experiences with crisis and trauma. In this assignment, you will answer 20 questions regarding your experiences with crisis and trauma. Some of these questions may be difficult for you to answer. Please do your best to answer all of the questions as completely as possible. The information you provide will be used for research purposes only and will remain confidential. This assignment must be completed within one week of receiving it from your instructor.

1) What is the most significant crisis or traumatic event that you have experienced in your lifetime?
2) How did you learn about the crisis or traumatic event?
3) How did the crisis or traumatic event make you feel?
4) How did you cope with the crisis or traumatic event?
5) What support did you receive from others during the crisis or after the traumatic event?
6) How has the crisis or traumatic event affected your life?
7) What has been the most challenging aspect of dealing with the aftermath of the crisis or trauma?
8) What has been the most helpful aspect of dealing with the aftermath of the crisis or trauma?
9) What are your thoughts about seeking professional help in regards to the crisis or trauma?
10) Have you ever sought professional help in regards to the crisis or trauma? If so, please describe your experience. If not, why have you not sought professional help?
11) Do you think that there is a stigma associated with seeking professional help for mental health issues? If so, please explain why you think this is.
12) Have you ever experienced secondary traumatization? If so, please describe what happened.
13) What do you think are some of the warning signs that someone is experiencing secondary traumatization?
14) What are some self-care strategies that you find helpful in managing stress and preventing secondary traumatization?
15) Have you ever experienced vicarious traumatization? If so, please describe what happened.
16) What do you think are some of the warning signs that someone is experiencing vicarious traumatization?
17) What are some self-care strategies that you find helpful in managing stress and preventing vicarious traumatization?
18) Do you think that there is a difference between burnout and compassion fatigue? If so, please explain what you think the difference is.
19) What do you think are some of the warning signs that someone is experiencing burnout or compassion fatigue?
20) What are some self-care strategies that you find helpful in managing stress and preventing burnout and compassion fatigue?

COUN 6336 Week 11 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

1. What are the three categories of psychological trauma?

2. What are the four types of reactions to trauma?

3. What is the difference between primary and secondary traumatization?

4. What is vicarious traumatization?

5. What are some of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

6. How is PTSD different from acute stress disorder (ASD)?

7. What are some of the risk factors for developing PTSD?

8. What are some of the protective factors against developing PTSD?

9. What are some of the treatment options for PTSD?

10. What is eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)?

11. What is prolonged exposure therapy (PE)?

12. What is cognitive processing therapy (CPT)?

COUN 6336 Week 11 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

The discussion questions for this week are about assessing crisis and risk. You will want to review the readings for this week prior to beginning your discussion posts.

1. Define “crisis” and explain what characteristics it has. How does it differ from a “disaster”? Provide examples of each. (2-3 sentences)

2. Compare and contrast the PRECEDE model of health promotion planning with the PDSA (plan, do, study, act) model. What are some similarities and differences between the two models? Which one is more useful in crisis situations? Why? (2-3 sentences)

3. Describe how community risk assessments can be used to identify at-risk individuals and groups within a community. What factors should be considered when conducting a community risk assessment? (2-3 sentences)

4. Explain how the situational awareness process can be used to assess a crisis situation. What information should be gathered during each stage of the situational awareness process? (2-3 sentences)

5. What are some of the challenges associated with assessing crisis situations? How can these challenges be overcome? (2-3 sentences)

COUN 6336 Week 11 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

| 100% Unique Answer | Grantham University

1. How do physical, emotional, and mental health symptoms impact treatment?

2. What are the different types of mental health disorders that can occur after a traumatic event?

3. How can counselors help individuals who have experienced a traumatic event?

4. What are some of the unique challenges that counselors face when working with individuals who have experienced a traumatic event?

5. What are some of the common reactions that individuals have after a traumatic event?

6. What are some of the long-term effects of a traumatic event?

7. How can counselors help prevent the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

8. What are some of the treatments that are available for individuals who have PTSD?

9. What are some of the unique challenges that counselors face when working with individuals who have PTSD?

10. How can counselors help individuals who have been affected by a disaster?

COUN 6336 Week 11 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

Counseling adults who have experienced trauma can be difficult. Many adults do not want to discuss their experiences with a therapist, as they may feel that it is too painful or that they are not ready to face them. Therapists must be careful not to push too hard when working with these clients, as they may become defensive and withdraw from treatment. It is important to build trust with these clients and to create a safe environment in which they can feel comfortable sharing their experiences.

1. What are some of the challenges that therapists face when working with adults who have experienced trauma?
2. How can therapists build trust with these clients?
3. What are some of the signs that a client may be ready to discuss their experiences?
4. How can therapists create a safe environment for these clients?
5. What are some of the techniques that therapists can use to help clients deal with their trauma?

COUN 6336 Week 11 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Course examines psychological and sociological responses to crisis, trauma, and disasters. It will examine psychological interventions following major disasters. The COUN 6336 Course is designed to enhance students’ knowledge of crisis intervention skills related to physical and mental health. The COUN 6336 Course will focus on the sociological responses and the role of community organizations in coping with crisis, trauma, and disaster situations. Topics will include common stress reactions, types of crises/traumas, characteristics of human responses to these events, stages of crisis, risk factors associated with different types of trauma, societal impact of traumatic events, psychological interventions for individuals who have experienced trauma or disaster situations, as well as interventions for survivors’ families and others in the community.

COUN 6336 Week 11 DQ 2 (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

1. What are some common reactions to a traumatic event?

2. What are some different types of crises?

3. What are some characteristics of human responses to a traumatic event?

4. What are the different stages of crisis?

5. What are some risk factors associated with different types of trauma?

6. What is the societal impact of a traumatic event?

7. What are some psychological interventions for individuals who have experienced a traumatic event?

8. What are some interventions for survivors’ families and others in the community?

COUN 6336 Week 11 Quiz (20 Questions)

1. The 2007 Virginia Tech massacre led to a debate about the role of social media in crisis intervention, and whether mental health counselors should be monitoring these sites for signs of crisis. Some argue that it would be an invasion of privacy, while others argue that the need to protect potential victims outweighs any ethical concerns. Which position do you agree with?

A. Mental health counselors should not monitor social media sites for signs of crisis.

B. Mental health counselors should monitor social media sites for signs of crisis.

2. The first step in the disaster mental health counseling process is __________.

A. assessment

B. triage

C. intervention

D. prevention

3. A school counselor is working with a student who was recently diagnosed with cancer. The counselor is concerned about the student’s ability to cope with the diagnosis and treatment, as well as the potential for long-term effects on his mental health. Which of the following would be an appropriate goal for the counselor to set with the student?

A. The student will maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout treatment.

B. The student will develop a positive attitude toward cancer treatment.

C. The student will comply with all recommendations from his medical team.

D. The student will learn coping strategies to manage his anxiety about cancer treatment.

4. A client comes to counseling because she is having difficulty coping with her husband’s deployment to Afghanistan. She reports feeling isolated and lonely, and says she is worried about his safety. Which of the following would be an appropriate goal for the counselor to set with the client?

A. The client will develop a support system of friends and family members who can provide emotional support during her husband’s deployment.

B. The client will learn coping strategies to manage her anxiety about her husband’s deployment.

C. The client will maintain regular communication with her husband during his deployment.

COUN 6336 Week 11 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

1. A client expresses her desire to be home with her family after the death of her mother. The client’s primary need is for:

a. Comfort.

b. Support.

c. Distraction.

d. All of the above.

2. A crisis is typically characterized by:

a. Unpredictability and ambiguity.

b. Lack of support from others.

c. A disruption in usual coping mechanisms.

d. All of the above.

3. During a crisis, it is important for counselors to:

a. Be available and present for clients as much as possible.

b. Respect clients’ privacy and space if they are not seeking help at that time.

c. Urge clients to seek professional help if they are struggling to cope on their own.

d. All of the above.

4. It is best to avoid using humor when working with clients during a crisis because:

a. Clients may not be in the mood for humor and may find it offensive.

b. It may be difficult to gauge what kind of humor is appropriate in such a serious situation.

c. Humor can be a way of deflecting from the seriousness of the situation and avoiding difficult emotions.

COUN 6336 Week 12 Description

COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide an overview of crisis, trauma and disaster response from a counseling perspective. Students will learn to recognize and respond to different types of crisis situations using various interventions. Theories related to crisis, trauma and disaster counseling will be discussed. COUN 6336 Course will also cover individual and community resilience as well as post-traumatic growth.

COUN 6336 Week 12 Outline

Week 12: December 5-9, 2016

Final Examination Week

Final Examination (Exam 3)

COUN 6336 Week 12 Objectives

Week 12:

The objectives for this week are to learn about the various types of crises, traumas, and disasters that can occur and to understand how to respond effectively to them.

1. Understand the various types of crises, traumas, and disasters that can occur.

2. Understand how to effectively respond to crises, traumas, and disasters.

COUN 6336 Week 12 Pre-requisites

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336) COUN 6336 Course Description: The COUN 6336 Course provides students with an overview of the field of crisis counseling. Topics covered include post-traumatic stress disorder, grief and loss issues, family crisis, workplace violence, disaster relief counseling, community counseling, and child/adolescent crisis counseling. Students will explore how to recognize a crisis situation and how to respond effectively to minimize the psychological damage caused by it. In addition, students will examine the ethical issues involved in crisis counseling.

COUN 6336 Week 12 Duration

COUN 6336 Course Description: COUN 6336 Course focuses on an overview of a variety of crisis and trauma events experienced by individuals, families, and communities. Students will examine the psychological impact of natural and man-made disasters, traumatic experiences, terrorism, loss and grief. Students will learn interventions designed to mitigate the effects of such stressors. In addition, students will study and utilize field based disaster response models as part of their community service learning experience. Prerequisites: COUN 5300 or equivalent. *COUN 6336 Course is taught in a hybrid format (a combination of online & classroom). There are some required classroom sessions for each class session (i.e., Monday & Wednesday – 1st Class Session; Tuesday & Thursday – 2nd Class Session). Required Classroom Sessions (1st Class Session): Monday – August 29, 2016 – 5:30pm-8:15pm – CTB Room 103A Tuesday – August 30, 2016 – 5:30pm-8:15pm – CTB Room 103A Required Classroom Sessions (2nd Class Session): Monday – December 5, 2016 – 5:30pm-8:15pm – CTB Room 103A Tuesday – December 6, 2016 – 5:30pm-8:15pm – CTB Room 103A Grading Scale = A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 0 – 59 COUN 6336 Course Outcomes Students should be able to do the following upon completion of COUN 6336 Course. 1. Explain the psychological impact of crisis/trauma on individuals and families 2. Explain how different types of crisis/trauma can affect children and adolescents 3. Describe the phases of crisis intervention 4. Explain basic theoretical perspectives underlying crisis/trauma counseling methods 5. Describe common signs and symptoms associated with trauma 6. Develop a client centered action plan for dealing with trauma during each phase of intervention COUN 6336 Course Requirements In order to successfully complete COUN 6336 Course students are expected to complete all required tasks as outlined below. Completed tasks may include readings in your text or other assigned texts or articles; lecture notes; discussion posts; video lectures; individual or group assignments; presentations; exams; etc. All required tasks must be completed in order to successfully pass this class unless excused by the professor for medical reasons only in which case you must provide documentation from a licensed physician within 24 hours after your missed deadline or you will receive a zero on that assignment(s). Please refer to your syllabus for specific deadlines on required tasks as well as additional policies regarding late assignments, exams, etc. Please note that if you have an IEP or 504 Plan with accommodation requests please inform your professor within one week from the beginning of class so that necessary arrangements may be made prior to our deadline deadlines for assignments due in the COUN 6336 Course which includes discussion posts due every Sunday night at 11:59 pm central time zone unless otherwise specified in Blackboard Learn notice announcements such as instructor responses to discussion questions (individual) located in Blackboard Learn discussion board forum “Weekly Discussion Questions” topic area located under weekly content menu tab for each week there is a new set of instructions posted so please check Blackboard Learn weekly individual written responses to weekly discussion questions posted each Sunday night at 11:59 pm central time zone unless otherwise specified no credit will be given if your individual written response is not posted within Sunday night at 11:59 pm central time zone deadline submitted using correct written format requirements specified in each week’s instructions also located under weekly content menu tab within Blackboard Learn discussion board forum “Weekly Discussion Questions” topic area located under weekly content menu tab each student must post individual written responses directly into Blackboard Learn’s discussion board forum “Weekly Discussion Questions” no credit will be given if your individual written response is not posted directly into discussion board forum “Weekly Discussion Questions” within Sunday night at 11:59 pm central time zone deadline student posted responses are due by end of each Sunday night deadline (11:59 pm central time zone) but discussions may begin earlier than that so please check Blackboard Learn frequently for updates about specific deadlines group performance projects designated group leader(s) must notify instructor when all group members have completed their task(s) assigned during respective due date range listed under weekly content menu tab designated group leader(s) must notify instructor when all group members have completed their task(s) assigned during respective due date range listed under weekly content menu tab designated group leader(s) must notify instructor when all group members have completed their task(s) assigned during respective due date range listed under weekly content menu tab designated group leader(s) must notify instructor when all group members have completed their task(s) assigned during respective due date range listed under weekly content menu tab designated group leader(s) must notify instructor when all group members have completed their task(s) assigned during respective due date range listed under weekly content menu tab designated group leader(s) must notify instructor when all group members have completed their task(s) assigned during respective due date range listed under weekly content menu tab designated group leader(s) must notify instructor when all group members have completed their task(s) assigned during respective due date range listed under weekly content menu tab designated group leader(s) must notify instructor when all group members have completed their task(s) assigned during respective due date range listed under weekly content menu tab designated group leader(s) must notify instructor when all groups work has been submitted so final grades can be entered no credit will be given if required actions are not taken byDue Date final grade entered consists total points earned divided by total number possible points based upon correct completion requirements outlined above extra credit opportunities provided throughout semester maximum extra credit point value equal 20% total possible points per semester Tasks Points % Total Possible Points Individual Written Responses Group Performance Projects Exam Points Total 100 100 100 300 21% 33% 33% 100% Attendance Policy Due Date Each student is expected complete minimum participation requirements at end semester minimum attendance performance requirement 19 out 25 scheduled class sessions including required face face classroom sessions Wednesday Friday nights plus any additional mandatory face face classroom sessions which include scheduled field trips activities occurring outside regular class session times outlined schedule above attendance performance criteria means physically attending class participating discussions activities completing meeting assignments deadlines schedule attend field trips activities occurring outside regular class session times outlined schedule above Attendance Performance Criteria Information Regarding Attendance Policies In accordance TAMU College Station university regulations below sentence included syllabus policy statement also complies university policies regarding attendance Next sentence included syllabus policy statement also complies university policies regarding absences Below sentences included syllabus policy statement also complies university policies regarding absences Next sentence included syllabus policy statement also complies university policies regarding absences Next sentence included syllabus policy statement also complies university policies regarding absences Below sentence included syllabus policy statement also complies university policies regarding tardiness Next sentence included syllabus policy statement also complies university policies regarding tardiness Below sentence included syllabus policy statement also complies university policies regarding tardiness Next sentence included syllabus policy statement also complies university policies regarding tardiness Last three sentences paragraph include most important information this section stated first two sentences However according general guidelines cases extenuating circumstances may apply Some examples situations would fall extenuating circumstances category would include illness serious accident death family member etc If you encounter situation fall into extenuating circumstances category which prevents regular full participation should contact professor soon possible arrange some form alternate means make up work Extenuating circumstances request consideration made after fact considered valid only emergency situations Examples emergency situations would include severe inclement weather power outages etc You submit request consideration extenuating circumstance situation s soon possible after situation occurred Include information including but limited explanation why was unable attend participate clinical site opportunity assignment test etc Include names contacts supportive documentation supporting evidence etc If approved alternate means make up work arranged not satisfied with decision submit letter request review department chairperson authority Note Acceptance responsibility form personal commitments responsibilities private business matters etc does constitute sufficient grounds excuse class participation Fulfilling minimum attendance performance requirement 19 out 25 scheduled class sessions including any mandatory field trips activities occurring outside regular class session times outlined schedule above critical success factor successful completion clinical experience components In accordance TAMU College Station university regulations next two sentences require every student submit Clinical Release Form prior beginning related clinical experience components According Accreditation Counsel Graduate Study Clinical Practice Counseling ACGPC clinical experience components defined forms supervision professional counseling degree students _____ Coun 6336 Clinical Experience Components Definition Coun 6336 Clinical Experience Components Definition The purpose definitions identify ACGPC approved activities types training experiences minimum related clinical practice counseling hours necessary progress toward degree consistent standards practices support preparation professional counselor Clinical Experience ComponentsDefinition Clinical experience components defined forms supervision professional counseling degree students Clinical experiences defined paid unpaid supervised volunteer work counselor trainee takes place educational institution governmental agency private agency organization institution patients clients staff faculty administrators supervisors employees parents guardians Observation Individual SupervisionGroup Supervision practicum internship practicum internship described type setting population operation environment clientele actual work performed procedures performed functions performed supervision received responsibilities undertaken authority granted counsellor certificate required participate paid volunteer counseling internship experiences Includes placement direct client contact observe provide assessment diagnosis treatment plan therapy interventions Hours accumulated towards counseling internships practicum experiences total 600 hours 600 hours spent face face clients across various settings including phone email text communication standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed telephone email text communications standard communication methods conducted through technology computer software platforms discussed interface learning provider supervisor counsellor certificate providing direct client contact Then list annual target goal number patient clients observed

COUN 6336 Week 12 Learning Outcomes

*Note: Students must complete all weekly readings, participate in class discussions, complete all writing assignments, successfully pass all quizzes, and successfully complete the final exam to receive a passing grade.

COUN 6336 Course is designed to provide an overview of crisis counseling with an emphasis on disaster mental health. Theories and models of crisis intervention will be presented along with their applications to various populations. Consideration will be given to ethical issues in crisis counseling as well as to effective interventions for survivors of traumatic events.

## COUN 6336 Course RATIONALE
The need for crisis counselors has increased due to the frequency of natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), mass shootings, terrorist attacks, and other man-made and natural disasters. Crisis counselors must be able to effectively assess and intervene with individuals, families, and communities who have been affected by these events.

Upon successful completion of COUN 6336 Course, students will be able to:

– Understand the concept of crisis and its impact on individuals, families, and communities.
– Understand the theories and models of crisis intervention.
– Understand the role of crisis counselors in disaster mental health.
– Understand how to effectively assess and intervene with individuals, families, and communities who have been affected by a crisis or disaster.
– Understand the ethical issues involved in crisis counseling.

COUN 6336 Week 12 Assessment & Grading

*Required of all students in the M.S.Ed. Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

COUN 6336 Week 12 Suggested Resources/Books

COUN 6336 Week 13 Suggested Resources/Books for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Week 14 Suggested Resources/Books for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Week 15 Suggested Resources/Books for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

*Note: There are no required texts. Instead, the student will be expected to find five articles that apply to each of the four core topics of the COUN 6336 Course. Here is a suggested resource to locate those articles: To access this database in the GCU Library go to Databases A-Z link on the Library’s homepage at The database is also available through your student portal as well. If you have trouble accessing EBSCOhost please contact the GCU Librarians at or call 602-639-6700 for assistance with using databases or finding specific resources.

Faculty Resources

COUN 6336 Week 12 Assignment (20 Questions)

1. How do social media and other digital communication tools affect how information is disseminated during a disaster?
2. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media during a disaster?
3. How can first responders use social media to their advantage during a disaster?
4. How can community members use social media to their advantage during a disaster?
5. How can government officials use social media to their advantage during a disaster?
6. How does the way information is disseminated during a disaster affect the way people respond to the disaster?
7. What are some of the psychological effects of using social media during a disaster?
8. How can first responders and community members use social media to mitigate the psychological effects of a disaster?
9. What are some of the ethical considerations of using social media during a disaster?
10. How can first responders and community members use social media ethically during a disaster?

COUN 6336 Week 12 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

This assignment is designed to assess your ability to integrate what you have learned in COUN 6336 Course with your professional experience in crisis, trauma, and disaster response. The purpose of the assignment is to give you the opportunity to reflect on the application of what you have learned from reading the text and other materials, viewing videos, completing assignments, and participating in class discussion.

Describe what you consider to be a significant event in your life that involved some form of crisis or trauma. Include a description of how the event unfolded and how you coped with it at the time. Be as specific as possible in your description.

Describe how your personal definition of crisis has changed as a result of taking COUN 6336 Course. Include a discussion of any new insights you have gained about crisis and how you might apply them in your work with clients.

Describe how your personal definition of trauma has changed as a result of taking COUN 6336 Course. Include a discussion of any new insights you have gained about trauma and how you might apply them in your work with clients.

Describe how your personal definition of disaster has changed as a result of taking COUN 6336 Course. Include a discussion of any new insights you have gained about disaster and how you might apply them in your work with clients.

Identify at least three major concepts or skills that you learned in COUN 6336 Course that you feel will be helpful to you in your work with clients who have experienced crisis, trauma, or disaster. For each concept or skill, describe how you plan to use it in your work.

Identify at least three major challenges that you see yourself facing when working with clients who have experienced crisis, trauma, or disaster. For each challenge, describe how you plan to address it in your work.

Describe what you consider to be the most important thing that you learned in COUN 6336 Course. Include a discussion of how you plan to apply it in your work with clients who have experienced crisis, trauma, or disaster.

COUN 6336 Week 12 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

*Note: This is a 20 Question Quiz on Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response. The quiz must be completed within 30 minutes.

COUN 6336 Week 12 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

1. In what ways can grief and loss influence the COUN 6336 Course of trauma recovery?

2. How might an individual’s culture or religious beliefs impact their experience of grief and loss?

3. What are some common reactions to grief and loss?

4. How can individuals coping with grief and loss be supported by loved ones and professionals?

5. What are some self-care strategies that can be used to cope with grief and loss?

6. What are some signs that someone may be having difficulty coping with grief and loss?

7. What are some risk factors for developing complicated grief or posttraumatic stress disorder following a loss?

8. What are some treatments that have been found to be helpful for individuals struggling with grief and loss?

9. How can schools and other organizations support individuals who are grieving?

10. What are some myths about grief and loss that can interfere with healing?

COUN 6336 Week 12 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

1. How can you define crisis?

2. What are some of the common reactions to crisis?

3. What are some of the risk factors for developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

4. What are some of the symptoms of PTSD?

5. How can you treat PTSD?

6. What is disaster mental health?

7. What are some of the challenges associated with providing disaster mental health services?

8. What are some of the common reactions to disasters?

9. What are some of the risk factors for developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a disaster?

10. What are some of the symptoms of PTSD after a disaster?

11. How can you treat PTSD after a disaster?

12. What is mass casualty event (MCE)?

13. What are some of the challenges associated with providing mental health services in the aftermath of an MCE?

14. What are some of the common reactions to MCEs?

15. What are some of the risk factors for developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after an MCE?

COUN 6336 Week 12 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 12 DQ 1 (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Week 12 Quiz (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 12 Quiz (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Week 12 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

+1. A conceptual model of crisis and trauma describes the process of crisis, trauma, and post-trauma recovery as a linear progression through three distinct phases (Fry & Barker, 2005). This is referred to as the:
+a. Pre-crisis phase
+b. Crisis phase
+c. Post-trauma recovery phase
+d. Post-crisis phase
+e. Pre-disaster phase
+f. Disaster phase
+g. Post-disaster phase
+h. None of the above
+2. The first stage of crisis, which involves the individual recognizing that a problem exists is referred to as:
+a. Denial
+b. Disorganization
+c. Reorganization
+d. Normalization
+e. Anxiety and fear

COUN 6336 Week 13 Description

COUN 6336 Course focuses on the concepts of crisis, trauma, and disaster. Students will examine theories of crisis and trauma, learn about the effects of trauma on individuals, families, and communities, and explore interventions designed to help individuals, families, and communities recover from traumatic events.

COUN 6336 Week 13 Outline

Instructor Contact Information:
Office Hours:
Class Meeting Time:
COUN 6336 Course Description: COUN 6336 Course focuses on crisis, trauma and disaster response. Students explore etiological models of crisis and trauma, as well as secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue. The COUN 6336 Course addresses psychological first aid, post-disaster interventions, critical incident stress management (CISM), psychological debriefing (PD), and other interventions. Students also learn to apply crisis intervention skills to their own lives. Students are expected to participate in activities that promote personal development and self-care.

COUN 6336 Course Goals: The goal of COUN 6336 Course is to provide students with an understanding of crisis, trauma, and disaster response. Students will learn about etiological models of crisis and trauma, as well as secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue. The COUN 6336 Course will address psychological first aid, post-disaster interventions, critical incident stress management (CISM), psychological debriefing (PD), and other interventions. Students will also learn to apply crisis intervention skills to their own lives. Students are expected to participate in activities that promote personal development and self-care.

Learning Objectives: Upon completion of COUN 6336 Course, students will be able to:
1. Understand etiological models of crisis and trauma.
2. Understand the concept of secondary traumatic stress.
3. Understand the concept of compassion fatigue.
4. Understand the role of psychological first aid in crisis and trauma response.
5. Understand the role of post-disaster interventions in crisis and trauma response.
6. Understand the role of critical incident stress management (CISM) in crisis and trauma response.
7. Understand the role of psychological debriefing (PD) in crisis and trauma response.
8. Apply crisis intervention skills to their own lives

COUN 6336 Week 13 Objectives

Students in COUN 6336 will be expected to demonstrate a mastery of the following objectives:

1. Define crisis, trauma, and disaster response and identify their major characteristics.

2. Understand how crisis, trauma, and disaster response can impact individuals, families, and communities.

3. Develop an understanding of the major theoretical approaches to crisis, trauma, and disaster response.

4. Understand the major interventions used in crisis, trauma, and disaster response.

5. Understand the importance of self-care in crisis, trauma, and disaster response.

COUN 6336 Week 13 Pre-requisites

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

COUN 6336 Course Description: COUN 6336 Course will focus on the dynamics of crisis and trauma and their implications for disaster response. It is designed to provide mental health counselors with an understanding of crisis intervention theory, assessment strategies, and intervention techniques for working with individuals, families, groups, and communities in the wake of mass disasters. The role of prevention will also be addressed. Students will have opportunities to examine their own attitudes and beliefs related to crisis counseling in order to increase self-awareness in this area.

COUN 6336 Week 13 Duration

Week 13: This week is dedicated to the final exam, which will be taken online via Blackboard.

COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits)

COUN 6336 Course explores psychological reactions to crisis, trauma, and disaster. Topics include the effects of different types of disasters on survivors and rescuers, as well as interventions designed to minimize these effects. Students will also have the opportunity to apply what they have learned through simulations and case studies.

COUN 6336 Week 13 Learning Outcomes

* Note: Learning Outcomes listed in COUN 6336 Course syllabus

1. Understand and describe crisis intervention theories, models, and approaches.

2. Understand and describe the major psychological and sociological theories of crisis and trauma.

3. Understand and describe the impact of crisis and trauma on individuals, families, and communities.

4. Understand and describe the role of resiliency in crisis and trauma.

5. Understand and describe the role of first responders in crisis and trauma interventions.

6. Understand and describe the role of mental health professionals in crisis and trauma interventions.

COUN 6336 Week 13 Assessment & Grading

*Assessment and grading for COUN 6336 Course is based on the modules completed in each of the previous 12 weeks. There are no additional assignments to complete in Week 13.

COUN 6336 Week 13 Suggested Resources/Books

Note: Please contact your instructor for the required text for COUN 6336 Course.

Suggested Resources/Books:

Duncan, E., & Miller, J. (2009). Clinical Social Work Practice in Nontraditional Urban Settings. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Hart, S. (2011). Treating PTSD in Preschoolers Through Play Therapy. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Kottler, J., & Brown, V. (2008). Creative Breakthroughs in Therapy: Tales of Transformation and Astonishment. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Marshall, R., & Soeken, K. (2010). Family Therapy Sourcebook 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.

McCann, I., & Pearlman, L. A. (1990). Psychological Trauma and the Adult Survivor: Theory, Therapy and Transformation. New York, NY: Basic Books Inc., Publishers

COUN 6336 Week 13 Assignment (20 Questions)

**COUN 6336 Week 13 Assignment – 20 Questions**

Please answer each question as thoroughly and thoughtfully as possible. You should spend approximately 30 minutes per question. Please type your answers directly into this document and upload it to Canvas when you are finished. Be sure to include your name on the first page of your document. Please note that this assignment is worth a total of 100 points.

1. What do you think is the most important factor in determining how individuals respond to mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
2. How do you think personal experience with mass violence and terrorism affects an individual’s ability to cope? (10 points)
3. What do you think are the most effective interventions for helping people who have been affected by mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
4. What do you think are the most important things for mental health professionals to keep in mind when working with people who have been affected by mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
5. What challenges do you think mental health professionals face when working with people who have been affected by mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
6. How do you think the psychological effects of mass violence and terrorism differ from other types of trauma? (10 points)
7. What do you think are the most important things for mental health professionals to keep in mind when working with survivors of mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
8. What challenges do you think mental health professionals face when working with survivors of mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
9. Do you think there is a difference between how people who have experienced mass violence and terrorism firsthand respond, compared to those who have not experienced it firsthand but have been exposed to it through the media? If so, what do you think that difference is? (10 points)
10. How do you think the psychological effects of mass violence and terrorism differ from other types of trauma? (10 points)
11. What do you think are the most important things for mental health professionals to keep in mind when working with people who have been affected by mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
12. What challenges do you think mental health professionals face when working with people who have been affected by mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
13. What do you think is the most important factor in determining how individuals respond to mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
14. How do you think personal experience with mass violence and terrorism affects an individual’s ability to cope? (10 points)
15. What do you think are the most effective interventions for helping people who have been affected by mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
16. What do you think are the most important things for mental health professionals to keep in mind when working with people who have been affected by mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
17. What challenges do you think mental health professionals face when working with people who have been affected by mass violence and terrorism? (10 points)
18. How do you think the psychological effects of mass violence and terrorism differ from other types of trauma? (10 points)

COUN 6336 Week 13 Assignment Question (20 Questions)

Week 13 Assignment Question (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response (5 credits) 1. Define crisis and explain how it is distinguished from other mental health problems. 2. Explain how a person’s developmental level can influence his or her reaction to a crisis. 3. Discuss the major theoretical approaches to crisis intervention. 4. Describe the characteristics of an effective crisis interventionist. 5. Describe the components of an effective crisis intervention model. 6. Explain how to assess a client in crisis. 7. Explain how to develop a treatment plan for a client in crisis. 8. Discuss the major techniques used in crisis intervention. 9. Describe how to work with families in crisis. 10. Discuss the special considerations involved in working with children and adolescents in crisis. 11. Discuss the special considerations involved in working with older adults in crisis. 12. Discuss the special considerations involved in working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds in crisis

COUN 6336 Week 13 Discussion 1 (20 Questions)

Order Description

Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits) (COUN 6336)

COUN 6336 Course is designed to help students understand and apply the principles of crisis intervention. The COUN 6336 Course provides an overview of crisis theory, assessment and intervention techniques. Topics include: recognizing risk factors, dealing with critical incidents, managing stress, suicide prevention and intervention, domestic violence, trauma care, alcohol abuse and substance abuse. Prerequisites: COUN 6301 or permission of instructor

COUN 6336 Week 13 DQ 1 (20 Questions)

1. What are the three types of counseling for trauma?

2. What are the different stages of grief?

3. How can counselors help clients who have experienced trauma?

4. What are some of the challenges that counselors face when working with clients who have experienced trauma?

5. What are some of the interventions that counselors can use when working with clients who have experienced trauma?

6. How can counselors help clients who are experiencing grief?

7. What are some of the challenges that counselors face when working with clients who are grieving?

8. What are some of the interventions that counselors can use when working with clients who are grieving?

9. How can counselors help clients who are experiencing a crisis?

10. What are some of the challenges that counselors face when working with clients who are in a crisis?

COUN 6336 Week 13 Discussion 2 (20 Questions)

(COUN 6336)

*Note: It is mandatory that you work on these 20 questions before you can participate in the discussion for this week. You must also submit your answers for grading. Your instructor will give you specific instructions on how to submit your answers for grading.

1. Explain what is meant by a crisis situation. What are some of the characteristics of a crisis situation?

2. Explain what is meant by the term “crisis intervention.” What are some of the goals of crisis intervention?

3. Describe some of the common reactions that people have to crisis situations.

4. Explain what is meant by the term “post-traumatic stress disorder.” What are some of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder?

5. Describe some of the interventions that can be used to help someone who is experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.

6. Explain what is meant by the term “disaster.” What are some of the different types of disasters?

7. Describe some of the common reactions that people have to disasters.

8. Explain what is meant by the term “disaster relief.” What are some of the goals of disaster relief?

9. Describe some of the interventions that can be used to help someone who is experiencing a disaster.

10. Explain what is meant by the term “crisis counseling.” What are some of the goals of crisis counseling?

COUN 6336 Week 13 DQ 2 (20 Questions)

**COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)** COUN 6336 Course focuses on providing crisis and trauma intervention in a variety of settings. Students will explore disaster mental health issues and the impact of critical incidents. Various intervention strategies will be examined. Students will learn to respond effectively to various levels of crisis interventions, including psychological first aid and suicide prevention. Prerequisite: Admission to the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program or consent of instructor.

COUN 6336 Week 13 Quiz (20 Questions)

COUN 6336 Week 13 Quiz (20 Questions) for COUN 6336 – Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Response* (5 credits)

1. Describe the concept of critical incident stress management (CISM). What are the three phases of CISM? Give an example of each phase.

2. Define vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue. What are some signs and symptoms of each? How can they be prevented?

3. Discuss the three types of disasters. Give an example of each type.

4. Explain the difference between a mass casualty event and a mass fatality event. Give an example of each type.

5. Describe the four phases of emergency management. Give an example of each phase.

6. Discuss the importance of risk assessments in disaster preparedness planning. What are some factors to consider when conducting a risk assessment?

7. Explain the purpose of a disaster plan. What should be included in a disaster plan?

8. Discuss the role of first responders in a disaster. What are some challenges that first responders may face during a disaster?

9. Explain the importance of mental health services in disaster response. What are some challenges that mental health professionals may face during a disaster?

10. Discuss the role of media in a disaster. What are some challenges that media professionals may face during a disaster?

COUN 6336 Week 13 MCQ’s (20 Multiple Choice Questions)

Week 13

There are 20 questions in this exam. Each question has only one correct answer. Please select the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary difference between a deliberate act of terrorism and a natural disaster?

A. Deliberate acts of terrorism are intentional, while natural disasters are not.
B. Natural disasters tend to be more widespread in terms of geographical area and number of people affected than deliberate acts of terrorism.
C. Natural disasters generally last longer than deliberate acts of terrorism.
D. There is no difference between the two; they both involve catastrophic events that can cause death, injury, and damage to property.

2. Which of the following is an example of a post-disaster stressor?

A. Lack of access to basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter
B. Loss of a loved one or damage to one’s home or possessions
C. witnessing a traumatic event
D. All of the above are examples of post-disaster stressors.

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a type of psychological trauma that can occur in the wake of a disaster?

A. Acute stress disorder
B. Post-traumatic stress disorder
C. Depression
D. Anxiety

4. Which of the following factors has been found to increase the risk for developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following a disaster?

A. Having pre-existing mental health problems such as anxiety or depression
B. Being a child or adolescent at the time of the disaster
C. Losing a loved one or having one’s home damaged or destroyed in the disaster
D. All of the above have been found to increase the risk for developing PTSD following a disaster

5. Which of the following is NOT true about critical incident stress management (CISM)?

A. CISM is a type of psychological first aid that can be provided to individuals who have been exposed to a traumatic event.
B. CISM interventions are typically provided in group format soon after a disaster occurs.
C. CISM interventions aim to reduce psychological distress and promote psychological resilience in those who have been exposed to a traumatic event.
D. CISM has been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD following exposure to a traumatic event

COUN 6336 Course Conclusion

##### *Please note that you will receive an official grade only once you submit all required artifacts and use the NSSE to survey your experience in the COUN 6336 Course.*

## COUN 6336 Course Description

COUN 6336 Course focuses on crisis, trauma, and disaster response. It covers a range of topics, including individual and group coping strategies, grief, loss and mourning, as well as direct service strategies for crisis intervention. Prerequisites: COUN 6315 and COUN 6335. Corequisites: COUN 6340.

## Objectives

### Learning Outcomes

After completing COUN 6336 Course, students will be able to:

– Define and describe how psychological trauma can be categorized into four main types of traumatic stressors.
– Describe how the DSM-V categorizes different types of PTSD symptoms into four main symptom clusters (intrusion, avoidance/numbing, negative alterations in cognition/mood, and hyperarousal).
– Discuss the four phases of a typical crisis (pre-crisis phase; impact phase; rescue/recovery phase; post-disaster phase), including common psychological reactions during each phase.
– Explain some ways in which societal reaction to a disaster may influence survivors’ responses following a catastrophic event.
– Summarize how psychological first aid can be used in crisis situations to help survivors deal with their reactions to the disaster event and begin rebuilding their lives.
– Discuss different ways in which mental health professionals can prepare for responding to a major catastrophe or mass violence event ahead of time through pre-disaster planning efforts.

## Grading Criteria To Access Final Grade (100%)
| Assignment | Weight | Outcomes Assessed | Due Date(s) | Rubrics Used | Needed For Gradebook?| Needed For COUN 6336 Course Completion Certificate?| Remarks|
| ———– | —— | ——————|————-|————–|———————|——————————-|——-|

TaggedCOUN 6336

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